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Siebel CRM System Administration Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2017
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Administering Siebel Server Tasks

This topic lists the administration tasks applicable to Siebel Server tasks. It contains the following information:

Starting a Siebel Server Task

To start a Siebel Server task, you must run a component job. For information about component jobs and administering component jobs, see the following topics:

This topic is part of "Administering Siebel Server Tasks".

Pausing a Siebel Server Task

This topic describes how to pause a Siebel Server task. You can pause Siebel Server tasks only for certain component types. Table 6-2 lists the component types and the predefined components that have this feature.

Table 6-2 Pausable Component Types

Component Types Predefined Component Predefined Component Alias


Email Manager



Marketing Server



Page Manager



Server Manager



Transaction Merger



Transaction Processor



Transaction Router



Workflow Action Agent



Workflow Monitor Agent


This topic is part of "Administering Siebel Server Tasks".

To pause a Siebel Server task 

  1. Navigate to Administration - Server Management screen, then the Tasks view.

  2. In the Tasks list, select the Siebel Server task of interest.

    Make sure that the Siebel Server task is on the Siebel Server of interest and is of a component type that can be paused. See Table 6-2 for a list of Siebel Server component types that can be paused.

  3. Click Pause.

Related Topics

"Administering Siebel Server Tasks"

"Resuming a Siebel Server Task"

Resuming a Siebel Server Task

This topic describes how to resume a paused Siebel Server task.

This topic is part of "Administering Siebel Server Tasks".

To resume a paused Siebel Server task 

  1. Navigate to Administration - Server Management screen, then the Tasks view.

  2. In the Tasks list, select the paused Siebel Server task of interest.

  3. Click Resume.

Related Topics

"Administering Siebel Server Tasks"

"Pausing a Siebel Server Task"

Stopping a Siebel Server Task

This topic describes how to stop a Siebel Server task. You can stop running or paused Siebel Server tasks.


It is preferable to stop the individual tasks for a given server component rather than shutting down the server component.

This topic is part of "Administering Siebel Server Tasks".

To stop a Siebel Server task 

  1. Navigate to Administration - Server Management screen, then the Tasks view.

  2. In the Tasks list, select the running Siebel Server task of interest.

  3. Click Stop.

Related Topics

"Administering Siebel Server Tasks"

Terminating a Siebel Server Task

This topic describes how to terminate a Siebel Server task. Terminating a Siebel Server task signals the Siebel Server to use the operating system control to terminate the task.

This topic is part of "Administering Siebel Server Tasks".

To terminate a Siebel Server task 

  1. Navigate to Administration - Server Management screen, then the Tasks view.

  2. In the Tasks list, select the running Siebel Server task of interest.

  3. Click Stop three times in succession.

Related Topics

"Administering Siebel Server Tasks"

Configuring Siebel Server Task Dynamic Parameters

This topic describes how to configure dynamic parameters of a Siebel Server task. Siebel Server task parameters consist of Siebel Enterprise Server, Siebel Server, and server component-level parameters, as well as task-specific parameters specified when starting a component job. After a task is running, only dynamic parameters can be changed.

This topic is part of "Administering Siebel Server Tasks".

To configure Siebel Server task dynamic parameters 

  1. Navigate to Administration - Server Management screen, then the Tasks view.

  2. In the Tasks list, select the running Siebel Server task of interest.

  3. Click the Parameters tab.

  4. In the Task Parameters list, change the values of the parameters that you want to modify. (Identify dynamic parameters by a check in the Effective Immediately column.)

    1. Select the parameter that you want to modify.

    2. In the Value field, type in the new value.

    3. Click Menu, and then Save Record.

Related Topics

"About Siebel System Parameters"

"About Task Parameters"

"Administering Siebel Server Tasks"

"Siebel Enterprise, Server, and Component Parameters"