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Siebel CRM System Administration Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2017
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Administering Component Jobs

This topic lists the administration tasks applicable to component jobs.

This topic includes the following information:

About Component Jobs

A component job is a request for one or more Siebel Server tasks to run. A component job is initiated by either the user or the system, and the Siebel Server runs one or more tasks to fulfill the component job. Component jobs can:

  • Be scheduled

  • Be repeated

  • Use component job templates

Make sure that your Siebel Enterprise and Siebel Server configurations allow tasks to run for a server component.

If you are planning to regularly run component jobs with the same parameter values, then configure a component job template, which is a predefined component job.

Only batch-mode component tasks are started by running a component job. Background-mode components, such as Workflow Monitor Agent (alias WorkMon), are started by the Siebel Server when the component is started. The parameter Default Tasks (alias DfltTasks) defines the number of tasks started for the background-mode component. Background-mode component tasks can also be started by using the Server Manager command-line interface program.

This topic is part of "Administering Component Jobs".

Related Topics

"Checking Your Siebel Enterprise and Siebel Server Configurations"

"Configuring Component Job Templates"

Chapter 7, "Using the Siebel Server Manager Command-Line Interface"

"Troubleshooting Component Jobs"

Starting a Component Job

This topic describes how to create and start an individual component job. You can run a component job by using either server components or component job templates. An individual component job is scheduled to run once at a specific time.

This topic is part of "Administering Component Jobs".

To start a component job 

  1. Navigate to Administration - Server Management screen, then the Jobs view.

  2. In the Jobs list, click New.

    The component job status field changes to Creating.

  3. In the Component/Job field, click the drop-down list.


    If the Component/Job drop-down list contains no records, then synchronize the Siebel Server components.

  4. In the Component/Job drop-down list, select a server component or component job and click OK.

    If you want to use a component job template for your component job, then you must first define the component job template.

  5. In the Job Detail view, enter data in other appropriate fields as described in the following table. Click Menu, and then Save Record.

    Field Description
    Scheduled Start The scheduled start date and time of the component job.
    Expiration The date at which the component job is no longer valid.
    Requested Server Set if you want to target a server component on a specific Siebel Server.
    Request Key Set if you want to target a component or repeating component job to a specific instance of the server component identified by the request key. In all other situations, keep this field blank.
    Delete Interval Set with Delete Unit field, this field determines the length of time before the component job is deleted. If it is not updated, then this field defaults to 1.
    Delete Unit Set with Delete Interval field, this field determines the length of time before the component job is deleted. If it is not updated, then this field defaults to Weeks.
    Retry on Error Check this box to retry the component job in case of error.
    Sleep Time This field is available when the Retry on Error check box is True and determines the amount of time before the component job is retried.
    Number of Retries This field is available when the Retry on Error check box is True and determines the number of times the component job is retried.

  6. In the Job Parameters list, add or change any component job parameters for the component job:

    1. Click New.

    2. In the Name field, click the select button.

      The Job Parameters dialog box appears. The parameters that appear in the Job Parameters dialog box vary depending on the server component that you specified in Step 3.

    3. Select a parameter in the Component Parameters dialog box, and modify its value.

    4. Click Menu, and then Save Record.

  7. In the Jobs list, click Submit Job.

    The Status field changes from Creating to Queued.

Related Topics

"About Component Jobs"

"Configuring Component Job Templates"

"Starting a Repeating Component Job"

"Synchronizing Components on a Siebel Enterprise Server"

Starting a Repeating Component Job

This topic describes how to create and start a repeating component job. You can define repeating component jobs by using either components or component job templates, and you can schedule component jobs to run repeatedly at specific times over specific intervals. In order to run repeating component jobs, both the Server Request Broker (alias SRBroker) and Server Request Processor (alias SRProc) server components must be running. If you have to run repeating jobs at unspecified times or intervals, then run repeating component jobs by using a component job template.


It is not possible to start a business service directly as a repeating component job. To accomplish this task, you first must include the business service in a workflow process. You can then run the workflow process as a repeating component job for the Workflow Process Batch Manager component (alias WfProcBatchMgr).

This topic is part of "Administering Component Jobs".

To start a repeating component job 

  1. Create a component job as described in "Starting a Component Job", but do not start the component job.

  2. In the Job Detail view, enter data in the Repeating Info fields as described in the following table. Click Menu, and then Save Record.

    Field Description
    Repeating? Select this check box to make the component job a repeating component job.
    Repeat Unit This field determines the length of time before the component job repeats when it is set with the Repeat Interval field.
    Repeat Interval Set with Repeat Unit field, this field determines the length of time before the component job repeats.
    Repeat From This field has three possible settings:
    • Scheduled Start. Starts the next iteration of the repeating component job after the interval period has elapsed. The interval period is calculated from the time indicated by the Scheduled Start field. For example, if the repeat interval is 5 minutes, the scheduled start time is 09:00, and the component job starts at 09:02, then the next component job is scheduled to start at 09:05. Using this setting might result in a backlog of component jobs that will be started if the actual start time is later than the scheduled start time.

    • Actual Start. Starts the next iteration of the repeating component job after the interval period has elapsed. The interval period is calculated from the time the component job starts rather than the time indicated by the Scheduled Start field. For example, if the repeat interval is 5 minutes, the scheduled start time is 09:00, and the component job starts at 09:02, then the next component job is scheduled to start at 09:07.

    • End. Starts the next iteration of the repeating component job after the previous component job ends and the repeat interval has elapsed. For example, if the repeat interval is 5 minutes, the scheduled start time is 09:00, the component job starts at 09:02, and the first component job ends at 09:04, then the next component job is scheduled to start at 09:09.

    Repetitions This field determines the number of times the component job repeats.

  3. In the Jobs list, click Submit Job.

    The Status field changes from Creating to Active.

Related Topics

"Configuring Component Job Templates"

"About Component Jobs"

"Starting a Component Job"

Deleting a Component Job or Repeating Component Job

This topic describes how to delete a component job. You can only delete component jobs that have a status of Creating. After the component job has been submitted, you can only cancel the component job.


You can also delete component jobs by setting the Delete Interval and Delete Units field while creating the component job. After the component job has been started, these fields are read-only.

This topic is part of "Administering Component Jobs".

To delete a component job or repeating component job during its creation 

  1. Navigate to Administration - Server Management screen, then the Jobs view.

  2. In the Jobs list, select the component job that has a Status field value of Creating.

  3. Click Delete.

Completed component jobs are deleted automatically after a configurable period of time. The fields Delete Interval and Delete Units determine this period and are set, by default, to one week.

Related Topics

"Starting a Component Job"

"Administering Component Jobs"

"Canceling a Component Job or Repeating Component Job"

Canceling a Component Job or Repeating Component Job

This topic describes how to cancel component jobs. You can only cancel component jobs that have a state of Queued or On-Hold.

This topic is part of "Administering Component Jobs".

To cancel a component job or repeating component job 

  1. Navigate to Administration - Server Management screen, then the Jobs view.

  2. In the Jobs list, select the component job that has a Status field value of Queued or On-Hold.

  3. Click Cancel Job.

Canceled component jobs are deleted automatically after a configurable period of time. The fields Delete Interval and Delete Units determine this period and are set, by default, to one week.

Related Topics

"Starting a Component Job"

Holding a Component Job or Repeating Component Job

This topic describes how to hold component jobs. You can only hold component jobs that have a state of Queued.

Holding a component job pauses the applicable task (if the task can be paused) or allows the current task to finish. No new tasks begin for the held component job.

This topic is part of "Administering Component Jobs".

To hold a component job or repeating component job 

  1. Navigate to Administration - Server Management screen, then the Jobs view.

  2. In the Jobs list, select the component job that has a Status field value of Queued.


    You cannot hold jobs with an Active value in the Status field.

  3. Click Hold Job.

Resuming a Component Job or Repeating Component Job

This topic describes how to resume component jobs put on hold. You can only resume component jobs that have a state of On Hold.

This topic is part of "Administering Component Jobs".

To resume a component job or repeating component job on hold 

  1. Navigate to Administration - Server Management screen, then the Jobs view.

  2. In the Jobs list, select the component job that has a Status field value of On Hold.

  3. Click Resume Job.

Related Topics

"Holding a Component Job or Repeating Component Job"

Troubleshooting Component Jobs

This topic provides guidelines for resolving problems with component jobs.

This topic is part of "Administering Component Jobs".

To resolve the problem, look for it in the list of symptoms or error messages in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1 Resolving Component Job Problems

Problem Cause Solution

The Component/Jobs drop-down list contains no records.

Batch-mode components are not synchronized.

Synchronize the batch-mode components.

Server component job is based on a new component definition that was added by using the component definition view.

Synchronize the batch-mode components.

Related Topics

"Synchronizing Components on a Siebel Enterprise Server"