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Siebel CRM System Administration Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2017
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Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Server

This topic lists the configuration tasks applicable to the Siebel Enterprise Server. For more information about the Siebel Enterprise Server and the overall system architecture, see Chapter 2, "Siebel Enterprise Server Architecture." You initially configure the Siebel Enterprise Server modules using Siebel Management Console, as described in the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

This topic contains the following information:

About Assigned and Unassigned Component Groups

Component groups are assigned to Siebel Servers within a Siebel Enterprise Server. Both predefined and defined components groups are automatically assigned to each Siebel Server installed and configured within an existing Siebel Enterprise Server. Component groups must be assigned to Siebel Servers before tasks can be started for the components belonging to the component group. Only make changes to the component group assignment if you want to unassign or reassign component groups to different Siebel Servers.

Unassigning a component group on a Siebel Enterprise Server results in:

  • No allocation of space in the shared memory segment for component groups after startup.

  • The removal of the component group entries from the Siebel Gateway data.

  • A loss of any component group customization (for example, parameter overrides at the component level).

Changes to the component group assignment state take effect only when the Siebel Server system service and Siebel Gateway system service are restarted.

Generally, only unassign a component group if the component group is not planned for future deployment on a particular server. Alternatively, you can disable a component group temporarily.


Unassign or disable component groups that are not intended to operate on that Siebel Server to reduce unnecessary consumption of server resources. Also, do not initially enable any component groups that are not specifically intended for a given Siebel Server.

Related Topics

"Unassigning Component Groups on a Siebel Server"

"Assigning Component Groups on a Siebel Server"

"About Enabled and Disabled Component Groups"

"Disabling Component Groups on a Siebel Enterprise Server"

Unassigning Component Groups on a Siebel Server

This topic describes how to unassign component groups on a Siebel Server.


Unassigning a component group from a Siebel Server results in a loss of component group customization, for example, parameter settings.

To unassign a component group on a Siebel Server  

  1. Shut down the Siebel Server that contains the component group that you want to unassign.

  2. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  3. In the Component Groups list, select the component group of interest.

  4. In the Component Group Assignments list, select the Siebel Server of interest.

  5. Click Unassign.

    The Assigned? field for the specified component group on the specified Siebel Server no longer contains a check mark.

  6. Restart the Siebel Server that previously contained the unassigned component group.

  7. For the change to take effect, stop and restart the Siebel Server system service and Siebel Gateway system service.

Related Topics

"Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Server"

"About Assigned and Unassigned Component Groups"

"Administering the Siebel Gateway System Service"

"Administering the Siebel Server System Service"

"Starting a Siebel Server"

"Shutting Down a Siebel Server"

Assigning Component Groups on a Siebel Server

This topic describes how to assign component groups on a Siebel Server. You can assign component groups that are currently unassigned.

To assign a component group on a Siebel Server  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  2. In the Component Groups list, select the component group of interest.

  3. In the Component Group Assignments list, select the Siebel Server of interest.

  4. Click Assign.

    The Assigned? field for the specified component group on the specified Siebel Server now contains a check mark.

  5. For the change to take effect, stop and restart the Siebel Server system service and the Siebel Gateway system service.

Related Topics

"Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Server"

"About Assigned and Unassigned Component Groups"

"Administering the Siebel Gateway System Service"

"Administering the Siebel Server System Service"

About Enabled and Disabled Component Groups

An enabled component group, at the enterprise level and server level, is one of the necessary conditions for execution of server component tasks belonging to that component group. Component groups are enabled and disabled independently at the enterprise and server level.

To enable or disable a component group at the enterprise level, the component group must be assigned on one or more Siebel Servers. To enable or disable a component group at the Siebel Server level, the component group must be assigned on this Siebel Server.

When creating a new component group, first assign the component group to the appropriate Siebel Servers before enabling the component group at the enterprise and server levels.

  • Enabled. The component group is enabled at the enterprise level. You can then configure the component group run state so tasks can be started for components within the component group.

  • Disabled. The component group is disabled at the enterprise level. You cannot configure the component group run state, and tasks cannot be started for components within the component group.

Disabling a component group results in:

  • Components that are unavailable on Siebel Servers, therefore, tasks cannot be started (existing tasks run to completion)

  • No allocation of space in the shared memory segment for those components when the Siebel Server is restarted


    Unassigning or disabling component groups that you do not need will reduce the unnecessary consumption of server resources. If a component group is not planned for immediate deployment on a particular Siebel Server but might be deployed in the future, then you can disable the component group on that Siebel Server. (For a Siebel Server that has not yet been configured, do not enable the component group in the Siebel Management Console.) If a component group is not planned for deployment, then you can remove it from a Siebel Server by unassigning the component group.

For procedures for enabling and disabling component groups, see the following:

Related Topics

"About Assigned and Unassigned Component Groups"

"Checking Your Siebel Enterprise and Siebel Server Configurations"

Enabling Component Groups on a Siebel Enterprise Server

This topic describes how to enable component groups on a Siebel Enterprise Server.

To enable a component group on a Siebel Enterprise Server  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  2. In the Component Groups list, select the disabled component group of interest.

  3. Click Enable.

    The Enable State field of the component group record changes to Enabled.

  4. If the component group contains batch-mode components, then synchronize Siebel Server components.

  5. For the change to take effect, stop and restart the Siebel Server system service.

Related Topics

"Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Server"

"About Enabled and Disabled Component Groups"

"Synchronizing Components on a Siebel Enterprise Server"

"Enabling Component Groups on a Siebel Server"

Chapter 5, "Administering Server System Services"

Disabling Component Groups on a Siebel Enterprise Server

This topic describes how to disable component groups on a Siebel Enterprise Server.

To disable a component group on a Siebel Enterprise Server  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  2. In the Component Groups list, select the enabled component group of interest.

  3. Click Disable.

    The Enable State field of the component group record changes to Disabled.

  4. If the component group contains batch-mode components, then synchronize Siebel Server components.

  5. For the change to take effect, stop and restart the Siebel Server system service.

Related Topics

"Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Server"

"About Enabled and Disabled Component Groups"

"Synchronizing Components on a Siebel Enterprise Server"

"Disabling Component Groups on a Siebel Server"

Chapter 5, "Administering Server System Services"

Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystem Parameters

This topic describes how to configure Siebel Enterprise Server named subsystem parameters.

To configure named subsystem parameters on a Siebel Enterprise Server  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  2. Select the Profile Configuration view tab.

  3. In the Profile Configuration list, select the named subsystem (profile) of interest.

  4. In the Profile Parameters list, select the parameter of interest and configure its value.

Related Topics

"About Named Subsystem Parameters"

"Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Server"

"Creating Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystems"

Creating Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystems

This topic describes how to create Siebel Enterprise Server named subsystems.

The named subsystem parameters override the parameters that are set at the Enterprise Server, Siebel Server, and server component levels.

You can create and configure the named subsystems by using either the Siebel Server Manager GUI or the command-line interface.

To create named subsystems  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  2. Select the Profile Configuration view tab.

  3. In the Profile Configuration list, click New.

    1. In the Profile field, type the name of the named subsystem (profile). Do not exceed 30 characters when defining the name of the named subsystem.

    2. In the Alias field, type the alias of the named subsystem.

    3. In the Subsystem Type field, click the select button and then select the Subsystem Type from the dialog box and click OK.

      The subsystem type that you select must have a check mark in the Is Named Enabled field.

    4. In the Description field, type a description of the named subsystem.

    5. Click Menu, and then Save Record.

  4. In the Profile Parameters list, modify the parameters as appropriate.

    Parameters are added to the named subsystem, based on the specified subsystem type.

Related Topics

"About Siebel System Parameters"

"About Named Subsystem Parameters"

"Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Server"

"Configuring Siebel Enterprise Server Named Subsystem Parameters"

"Named Subsystem Management Commands"

Configuring Siebel Enterprise Parameters

This topic describes how to configure Siebel Enterprise parameters.

To configure Siebel Enterprise parameters  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  2. Select the Parameters view tab.

  3. In the Enterprise Parameters list, select the parameter of interest and configure its value.

Related Topics

"About Siebel System Parameters"

"Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Server"

Configuring Siebel Enterprise Component Definition Parameters

This topic describes how to configure Siebel Enterprise Server component definition parameters.

To configure Siebel Enterprise Server component definition parameters  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  2. Select the Component Definitions view tab.

  3. In the Component Definitions list, select the Siebel Server component definition of interest.

  4. In the Component Parameters list, make any changes to the component parameters.

  5. If the component definition is based on a batch-mode component, then synchronize the component.

  6. If a parameter value is effective at server restart, then restart the Siebel Server for changes to take effect.

The values of fixed parameters can be changed during component reconfiguration. Fixed parameters cannot be changed after the component has been activated or enabled.

Related Topics

"About Siebel System Parameters"

"Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Server"

"Synchronizing Components on a Siebel Enterprise Server"

"About Siebel Server Component Definitions"

"Reconfiguring Siebel Server Component Definitions"

About System Alert Notification

System alert notification is a feature that allows a running server component to alert the administrator, using preconfigured communication channels, to any problems that cannot be handled by the server component.

The system alert notification process starts when a server component that has been configured for component notification encounters a problem. This component sends a request to the Siebel Administrator Notification component (alias AdminNotify) with details on the encountered problem and with an appropriate message to send to the administrator. The AdminNotify component then alerts the administrator by using the preconfigured communication channels, for example, email.

AdminNotify is a batch-mode, multithreaded server component and is part of the Auxiliary System Management (alias SystemAux) component group. This server component is enabled by default.

Some tasks involve configuring Siebel Server components for notification by using the Server Manager command-line interface.

Note the following points about system alert notification:

  • A server component event or task event triggers a system alert notification.

  • Losing database connectivity does not trigger a system alert notification.

  • If a Siebel Server that hosts an AdminNotify server component is forced to shut down, then the AdminNotify server component also shuts down, resulting in the loss of the system alert notifications for server components or tasks on that Siebel Server.

  • A server component or task on a Siebel Server cannot trigger an alert on an AdminNotify server component that is hosted by another Siebel Server in the Siebel Enterprise Server.

  • A change in the state of a component (for example, from running to online) does not trigger a system alert notification.

  • An administrator shutting down a server component does not trigger an alert.

  • The server components required for the communications channel that delivers the system alert notification must be enabled.

Related Topics

"Configuring System Alert Notification"

"Troubleshooting System Alert Notification"

"System Alert Notification Commands"

Configuring System Alert Notification

This topic describes how to configure system alert notification. It includes the following information:

Creating a System Alert Profile

Use the following procedure for creating a system alert profile.

To create a system alert profile  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  2. Select the System Alerts view tab.

  3. In the System Alerts view, click New to create a system alert profile record.

  4. Enter values for system alert profile Name, Alias, and Description.

  5. Click the Media column drop-down list and select the system alert notification medium.

  6. Click Menu, and then Save Record.

  7. In the Alert Parameters list, enter values to define the communication parameters. For example, define the email addresses and email server if the notification medium is by email notification.

Configuring Server Components to Use System Alerts

Use the following procedure for configuring server components to use system alerts by setting applicable server component parameters.

To configure components to use system alerts  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  2. Select the Component Groups view tab.

  3. In the Component Groups list, select the Siebel Server component group of interest.

  4. In the Components list, select the server component of interest.

  5. In the Component Parameters list, query for and set the parameters described in the following table.

    Parameter Name Parameter Alias Description
    Notification Handler NotifyHandler The name of the system alert profile, which specifies the notification medium and settings for the component alerts. Set this value to the alias name of the system alert profile that you defined previously.
    Disable Notification DisableNotification A Boolean value that enables or disables server component notification. The default value is False.
    Time to Wait for doing Notification NotifyTimeOut Specifies the amount of time to wait in milliseconds for connecting to the named pipe, which is a system element used in notification communications. If the named pipe does not reply within the specified time, then the notification is terminated. The default value is 100 milliseconds.
    Notification Action on Task Exit NotifyOnTaskExit An integer value that determines if notifications are sent in case of error. A value of 0 disables error notifications. A value of 1 enables error notifications. The default value is 0.

    Set this parameter to 1 to configure system alerts.

    Note: This parameter is an advanced parameter, which might not be set for display in the GUI.

Related Topics

"About Siebel System Parameters"

"About Advanced and Hidden Parameters"

"Configuring Siebel Enterprise Parameters"

"About System Alert Notification"

"Creating a System Alert Profile"

"Troubleshooting System Alert Notification"

"Configuring Siebel Server Parameters"

Troubleshooting System Alert Notification

This topic provides guidelines for resolving problems with system alert notification. To resolve a problem, look for it in the list of symptoms or error messages in Table 4-3.

For troubleshooting information about system alert notification, see Table 4-3.

Table 4-3 Resolving System Alert Notification Problems

Problem Cause Solution

Not receiving system alerts

Incorrect enterprise, Siebel Server, or server component configurations

Review information in "Checking Your Siebel Enterprise and Siebel Server Configurations".

SMTP server defined in the system alert profile is not configured to accept requests from the Siebel Server

Review your SMTP server documentation to configure these requests.

Review log files

Review log files of server component AdminNotify for other error messages or conditions. For information about configuring and reading server component log files, see Siebel System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide.

Related Topics

"About System Alert Notification"

"Configuring System Alert Notification"

"Checking Your Siebel Enterprise and Siebel Server Configurations"

Configuring Component Job Templates

This topic describes how to configure a component job template, which you can use on Siebel Servers across an enterprise. A component job template is a predefined component job that uses parameter values that you have defined. Use component job templates instead of individual component jobs if you are planning to regularly run component jobs with the same parameter values.

To define a component job template  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Job Templates view.

  2. In the Job Templates list, click New.

  3. In the Name field, type in a descriptive name for the component job, such as Monthly EIM.

  4. In the Short Name field, type in an alias for the component job, such as MonthEIM.

  5. In the Component field, select the component for this component job, such as Enterprise Integration Manager.


    After a component job is created, do not change the value of the Component field. To change the component for an existing component job, create a new component job instead of modifying the existing one.

  6. In the Description field, type in a description of the component job.

  7. Click Menu, and then Save Record.

  8. In the Job Parameters list, click New.

  9. In the Name field, select the parameter that you want to define for this component job.

    1. In the Name field, click the select button.

      The Component Parameters dialog box appears. The parameters that appear in the Component Parameters dialog box vary depending on the component that you specified in Step 5.

    2. In the Component Parameters dialog box, click Query.

    3. In the Name field, type in the name of the parameter and click Go.

    4. If the query matches the parameter of interest, then click OK.

  10. In the Value field of the Job Parameters list, type in the value for the parameter.

    The default value is automatically displayed in this field.

  11. Check the appropriate flags for this parameter. To set the parameter type, use the following flags:

    • For a fixed parameter, check the Fixed field.

    • For a required parameter, check the Required field.

  12. Click Menu, and then Save Record.

  13. Continue to choose parameters by completing Step 8 through Step 12 until you have defined the parameters for the component job.

Related Topics

"Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Server"

"Administering Component Jobs"

Synchronizing Components on a Siebel Enterprise Server

This topic describes how to synchronize components on a Siebel Enterprise Server. You must synchronize batch-mode Siebel Server components between the Siebel Gateway and the database whenever you:

  • Create new component definitions

  • Modify existing batch mode component definitions

  • Delete Siebel Server components


    If synchronization does not take place, then make sure that the LOV (List of Value) type SRM_ACTION_TYPE is set to active. For more information about working with LOVs, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

To synchronize components on a Siebel Enterprise Server  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  2. Select the Synchronize view tab.

    A list of batch-mode server components appears.

  3. Click Synchronize.

    This operation might take up to a minute to execute.

  4. For the changes to take effect, stop and restart the Siebel Server system service.

Related Topics

"Configuring the Siebel Enterprise Server"

"Administering the Siebel Server System Service"