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Siebel CRM System Administration Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2017
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Advanced Configuration Tasks

This topic lists advanced configuration tasks and processes applicable to the Siebel Enterprise Server and Siebel Server. For more information about the Siebel Server and the overall system architecture, see Chapter 2, "Siebel Enterprise Server Architecture."

For common configuration tasks for the Siebel Enterprise Server and Siebel Server, see:

This topic contains the following:

Reconfiguring Siebel Server Component Definitions

Component reconfiguration is a process that allows existing component tasks to continue running until they finish, while starting new processes with reconfigured component parameter values. Each component can be reconfigured, but this task is primarily done for multithreaded components. This topic is part of "Advanced Configuration Tasks".

Component reconfiguration is particularly useful for scenarios such as site migration. In this scenario, component reconfiguration allows you to maintain the existing component configuration, which remains available until the migration is complete and a new component configuration becomes available.

When a component reconfiguration is committed, this action signifies to every Siebel Server in the Siebel Enterprise Server that a new component definition is available and that new tasks should not start for that component. Existing tasks, however, continue to run until completion. The connected Siebel Servers then start new multithreaded processes for the component, using the new parameter values that were read from the Siebel Gateway. On each Siebel Server, the number of new multithreaded processes is governed by the parameter Minimum MT Servers (alias MinMTServers).

Previous component tasks that are not affected by the component reconfiguration can continue to run for some time. Therefore, the multithreaded processes hosting the tasks continue to run and the tasks occupy slots in shared memory. Because old and new multithreaded processes for the component are both running, there might be an increase in the number of multithreaded processes running on the Siebel Server computers.

Therefore, it is recommended that you run component definition reconfiguration at times when the server component workload is low, that is, when the component's existing tasks or sessions are few in number. Doing so allows the existing tasks or sessions on the old multithreaded processes to end, so that the total numbers of multithreaded processes and tasks do not exceed configured limits or exhaust system resources. When all of its tasks have ended, a multithreaded process eventually ends.

For each Siebel Server, initial sizing would have been performed, as described in Siebel Performance Tuning Guide. The total number of multithreaded processes for the component cannot exceed what is specified using the parameter Maximum MT Servers (alias MaxMTServers) and the total number of tasks cannot exceed what is specified using the parameter Maximum Tasks (alias MaxTasks).


Parameters set at the individual component level are not affected by component definition reconfiguration unless the parameter override is deleted on that parameter.

Before reconfiguring Siebel Server components, make sure that:

  • All of the Siebel Servers running the server component designated for reconfiguration are running. This check makes sure that the server component instances receive the reconfigured parameter values.

  • Any external resources that are accessed by current tasks running on the existing component configuration remain available.

    Examples of external resources include the configuration files that are defined in the component configuration.

  • The Siebel runtime repository in effect reflects the application configuration you require.

  • Any external resources that are defined in the new component configuration are available.

  • Any previous component reconfiguration process has already completed. If it has not, then you might have to wait before you can reconfigure again.

    If existing multithreaded processes are still running along with reconfigured multithreaded processes, then the following error message might appear: Unable to complete reconfiguration due to insufficient process resources. Starting another reconfiguration process at this time would require more reconfigured multithreaded processes on all applicable Siebel Servers, which might exceed the limits that you configured during sizing and tuning.

To reconfigure Siebel Server components  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  2. Select the Component Definitions view tab.

  3. In the Component Definitions list, select the component definition that you want to reconfigure.

  4. Click Menu, and then Start Reconfiguration.

    The Definition State field changes to Reconfiguring.

  5. In the lower Component Definitions list, change the Value field of parameters that you want to reconfigure for the component.

    You can also change the values of fixed parameters, but you cannot change whether parameters are fixed.

  6. After parameter values have been reconfigured, commit the new configuration by clicking Menu, and then Commit Reconfiguration.

The new parameter values are merged at the enterprise level. To cancel the reconfiguration before it has been committed, click Menu, and then Cancel Reconfiguration.

Related Topics

"Reconfiguring Component Definition Commands"

Related Books

Siebel Performance Tuning Guide

Configuring Automatic Restart for Server Components

Automatic restart is a feature that allows a Siebel Server component to automatically attempt a restart if the component exits with an error. For a user-defined number of times after the error, the Siebel Server tries to restart the component. This feature greatly reduces the administration of Siebel Server components. By default, this feature is disabled for all components. This topic is part of "Advanced Configuration Tasks".


If a Siebel Server component is terminated, that is, it does not exit with an error, then the Siebel Server component is not restarted.

You can configure automatic restart by using the following parameters:

  • Auto Restart (alias AutoRestart)

  • Minimum Up Time (alias MinUpTime)

  • Number of Restarts (alias NumRestart)

The Minimum Up Time and Number of Restarts parameters combine to determine the number of restart attempts in a time interval allowed for a component (NumRestart multiplied by MinUpTime). If a component instance cannot be restarted after this time interval, then no new restart is attempted (therefore, the component instance will not run).

Typically, you set these parameters at the component level, but, depending on your system configuration, you might want to set these parameters at the Siebel Enterprise Server or Siebel Server levels.

Related Topics

"About Siebel System Parameters"

"Siebel Enterprise, Server, and Component Parameters"

Configuring Database Reconnect for Server Components

Database reconnect is an optional feature that enables Siebel Server components to automatically attempt a database connection following a database or network failure. At regular intervals after the failure, Siebel Server components try to reconnect to the database and resume any tasks that were rolled back due to the failure. This feature greatly reduces the administration of Siebel Server components. This topic is part of "Advanced Configuration Tasks".

Without database reconnect, a database or network failure causes the Siebel Server component to shut down and all of the running tasks to crash. You must then manually restart all of the components that were shut down and rerun all of the tasks that crashed.

Database reconnect is enabled for all of the background-mode and batch-mode Siebel Server components, except for the Enterprise Integration Manager and Database Extract components. This feature is disabled for all of the interactive-mode Siebel Server components (such as Synchronization Manager and all of the Application Object Manager components).

You can configure database reconnect by using the following parameters:

  • Number of Retries (alias NumRetries)

  • Retry Interval (alias RetryInterval)

  • Retry Up Time (alias RetryUpTime)

Set these parameters at the same level as the automatic restart parameters (typically, at the component level).

Related Topics

"About Siebel System Parameters"

"Configuring Automatic Restart for Server Components"

"Siebel Enterprise, Server, and Component Parameters"

Configuring Memory-Based Server Component Recycling

If certain multithreaded server components within your Siebel application are experiencing excessive memory consumption, then you can configure certain parameters to configure a component process to restart automatically. This feature, called component recycling, allows continued operation of server components without affecting end users. This topic is part of "Advanced Configuration Tasks".

The memory-based component recycling feature operates as follows:

  • Identifies a process for recycling by monitoring virtual memory usage

  • Flags the process not to accept any new requests

  • Starts another process to take the place of the original process

  • Waits for all of the current tasks to complete

  • Shuts down the process, which releases memory resources back to the operating system

To configure memory-based recycling of server components, set the parameters Memory Usage Based Multithread Shell Recycling (alias MemoryBasedRecycle) and Process VM Usage Lower Limit (alias MemoryLimit) at the component level for the affected multithreaded server component. The parameter MemoryBasedRecycle allows the recycling feature to monitor the virtual memory of a process and begins the recycling procedure when a certain memory limit is reached. For example, on Windows, this virtual memory is the working set of a process. The parameter MemoryLimit sets the memory limit at which recycling occurs.

You can also set a value in percent for the parameter Process VM Usage Upper Limit (alias MemoryLimitPercent). The default value is 20. When memory usage exceeds the value of MemoryLimitPercent above MemoryLimit, a fast shutdown of the memory consuming process is triggered rather than a normal shutdown.

Set the parameters for memory-based server component recycling at the component level.

For a listing of preconfigured server components, see Table A-2. This table indicates whether the server component is multithreaded and, therefore, eligible to use the memory-based recycling feature.

Related Topics

"Siebel Enterprise, Server, and Component Parameters"

"Generic Parameters"

Deleting System Parameter Overrides

As previously described, lower-level system parameters inherit values from the same higher-level system parameters. However, modifying a lower-level parameter value sets an override at this level. That is, the lower-level parameter loses the ability to inherit values from higher-level parameters. To reinstate the default functionality, perform a delete parameter override operation on affected parameters. This topic is part of "Advanced Configuration Tasks".

The following procedures describe how to delete parameter overrides for Siebel Enterprise Server parameters, Siebel Server parameters, component definition parameters, and Siebel Server component parameters.

Deleting a Parameter Override for a Siebel Enterprise Parameter

This procedure describes how to delete a parameter override for a Siebel Enterprise parameter.

To delete a parameter override for a Siebel Enterprise parameter  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  2. Select the Parameters view tab.

  3. In the Enterprise Parameters list, select the parameter of interest.

  4. Click Menu, and then Delete Parameter Override.

Deleting a Parameter Override for a Siebel Server Parameter

This procedure describes how to delete a parameter override for a Siebel Server parameter.

To delete a parameter override for a Siebel Server parameter  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Servers view.

  2. Select the Parameters view tab.

  3. In the Server Parameters list, select the parameter of interest.

  4. Click Menu, and then Delete Parameter Override.

Deleting a Parameter Override for a Component Definition Parameter

This procedure describes how to delete a parameter override for a component definition parameter.

To delete a parameter override for a component definition parameter  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view.

  2. Select the Component Definitions view tab.

  3. In the Component Definitions list, select the component definition that you want to reconfigure.

  4. Select the Parameters view tab.

  5. In the Component Parameters list, select the parameter of interest.

  6. Click Menu, and then Delete Parameter Override.

Deleting a Parameter Override for a Siebel Server Component Parameter

This procedure describes how to delete a parameter override for a Siebel Server component parameter.

To delete a parameter override for a Siebel Server component parameter  

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Servers view.

  2. Select the Components view tab.

  3. Select the component of interest.

  4. Click the Parameters view tab below the Components view tab.

  5. In the Component Parameters list, select the parameter of interest.

  6. Click Menu, and then Delete Parameter Override.

Related Topics

"About Siebel Server Parameters"