Siebel Territory Management Guide > Activating and Maintaining Territory Alignments >

Tasks for Working with Territory Hierarchies

The following tasks describe how to work with territory Hierarchies:

Viewing All Hierarchies for a Territory

One territory can be in several hierarchies, as described in About Territory Hierarchies and Divisions.

You can view all the hierarchies that a given territory is in.

To view all hierarchies that a territory is in

  1. Navigate to the Siebel Territory Management screen, then the Territories List view.
  2. In the Territories list, drill down on the Territory # field for the desired territory.
  3. Click the Hierarchies List view tab.
  4. A list of all hierarchies for this territory appears. You can display any of these hierarchies and its territory nodes by clicking the Name field in the Hierarchies list.

Copying Territory Hierarchies

When you copy a hierarchy, Siebel Territory Management does a deep copy, copying all active nodes within the hierarchy. You enter a new name for the copied hierarchy, and Siebel Territory Management includes all the active nodes from the original hierarchy under the new copy of the hierarchy.

If you are creating a new hierarchy that is similar to an existing hierarchy, you can copy the existing hierarchy and then modify the copy.

Copying All Nodes

By default, when you copy hierarchies, the copy includes only the active nodes of the original hierarchy. You can configure Siebel Territory Management so the copy includes all the nodes of the original hierarchy.

To copy all nodes

  • Change the user property Copy All Territory Nodes in the business component Territory Hierarchy.

    The default value is N.

Copying the Hierarchy

Use the following procedure to copy the hierarchy.

To copy a hierarchy

  1. Navigate to the Siebel Territory Management screen, then the Hierarchies List view.
  2. In the Hierarchies list, select the desired hierarchy.
  3. From the Hierarchies list menu, select Copy Hierarchy.

    TIP:   Instead of the menu selection, you can press Alt+C.

  4. Enter the name of the copy of the Hierarchy.

    When you step off the record, Siebel Territory Management creates a copy of the original hierarchy and its nodes with the new name that you entered.

Deleting Territory Hierarchies

When you delete a territory hierarchy, Siebel Territory Management performs a cascade delete, which deletes all the nodes in the hierarchy as well as deleting the hierarchy record.

Siebel Territory Management will not delete hierarchies with active nodes. Before you can delete a hierarchy, you must make sure that none of its nodes is active.

To delete a hierarchy

  1. Navigate to the Siebel Territory Management screen, then the Hierarchies List view.
  2. In the Hierarchies list, select the desired hierarchy.
  3. Click Delete.

Removing Territory Nodes from Hierarchies

Only active territory nodes are considered in territory alignments. Because of this, you need to exercise care in how you set nodes to expire; you need to make sure that the rules associated with expired nodes also expire as planned.

Consider the case where a territory, say T3, contains rules with effective end dates of December 31st and where you set the end date for the node to be September 30th. Because T3 is removed from the hierarchy on September 30th, the rules associated with the hierarchy are ignored after September 30th. This means that the rules are not dropped after December 31st and any assignments made by those rules persist after December 31st (no matter how many times the alignment for the hierarchy is activated, as long as T3 remains inactive).

To avoid this type of problem, before removing nodes from a hierarchy, explicitly expire the associated rules, as outlined in the following procedure.

To remove territory nodes from a hierarchy and expire the associated rules

  1. Identify the nodes that you want to remove from the hierarchy.
  2. Create, run, and activate a minor alignment for the hierarchy in order to drop rules from the territories that you no longer want:
    1. Copy the current alignment.
    2. For each node you want to remove, change the add rules to drop rules.
    3. Run the alignment.
    4. Activate the alignment.

      (Using the dates of the example, this alignment would be scheduled to run early in the day on September 30th.)

      This has the effect of expiring all rules in the territories that you want to remove.

  3. Edit the Effective End Date for the nodes that you want to remove from the hierarchy.
  4. Create, run, and activate a new alignment for the hierarchy.

    This alignment is the alignment you want, without reference to the territory nodes identified in Step 1.

    (Using the dates of the example, this alignment would be scheduled to run late in the day on September 30.)

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