Siebel CRM Integration to Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Implementation Guide > About the Integration > Business Process Integration Points >

Customer Transactions

The Integration supports the synchronization of updates to customer data made in either Siebel CRM or Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking. The following information applies to this integration point:

  • Direction of Synchronization. Bidirectional.
  • Data Synchronized. Customer.
  • Integration Object Name. UpdateCustomerPartyEBM.

Customer and customer relationship data is synchronized between the applications as follows:

  • Customer data

    Updates to the following customer data can be made in either Siebel CRM or Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking; the following changes in one application are synchronized with the other application:

    • Changes to customer names
    • Changes to contact and account addresses
    • Status changes
    • Changes to other customer data that is common between Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking and Siebel CRM
    • Updates to Know Your Customer (KYC) data in Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking are synchronized with Siebel CRM
  • Relationship data:
    • Customer relationships created or updated in Siebel CRM are synchronized with Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking.
    • Changes to the relationship type values, for example, father or spouse, are made in Siebel CRM and are synchronized with Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking.
    • Changes to customer-to-customer relationships that exist in both applications are synchronized with the other application.

      NOTE:  Customer-to-customer relationships that involve prospects or non-Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking customers are not created, updated, or stored in Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking.

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