A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - W


account and contact data, inquiry from Oracle FLEXCUBE   1

account class data mapping   1

account data

data integration   1

transactions   1

activity data

creating   1

data integration   1

integration point   1

Back to top


batch data integration

log files   1 ,  2

overview   1

performing   1

post data load tasks   1

process   1

running scenarios   1

staging tables   1

updating periodically   1

BCTB_CONTRACT_HANDOFF staging table   1

BIB_ODI_ERROR_LOG log table   1

branch data

data integration   1

mapping   1

business process integration points

about   1

description   1

Back to top


CASA and retail deposit data

mapping   1

staging table   1

CLTM_LOAN_RATE_HDF staging table   1

column length, constraint   1

context for integration, configuring   1

contract data, mapping   1

corporate deposit account data

mapping   1

staging table   1

synchronization   1

CreateCustomerInteractionEBM   1

CreateCustomerPartyEBM   1

CreateCustomerPartyResponseEBM   1

CreateDepositAccountEBM   1

CreateLoanAccountEBM   1

CreateSalesOpportunityEBM   1

CreateServiceRequestEBM   1

CSTM_PRD_HANDOFF staging table   1

customer address

constraint   1

updating   1

customer data

batch loading   1

CASA   1

inquiry from Siebel CRM   1

integration   1

origination   1

relationship details   1

transactions   1

customer information integration point   1

customer modification integration point   1

customer or prospect search   1

customer workflow policies   1


CreateCustomerPartyEBM   1

CreateCustomerPartyResponseEBM   1

Back to top


data integration

about   1

activity data   1

batch synchronization   1

branch data   1

customer data   1

financial account data   1

lead data   1

limit data   1

mandate data   1

offer data   1

product data   1

service request data   1

data mapping

account class   1

branch data   1

CASA and retail deposit data   1

contract (bills and collections)   1

contract (letters of credit)   1

corporate deposit account data   1

CreateCustomerPartyEBM   1

CreateCustomerPartyResponseEBM   1

CreateDepositAccountEBM   1

CreateLoanAccountEBM   1

limit data   1

mandate data   1

product data   1

product rate data   1

QueryCustomerPartyResponseEBM   1

QueryDepositAccountEBM   1

QueryDepositAccountResponseEBM   1

QueryFinancialTransactionListEBM   1

QueryFinancialTransactionListResponseEBM   1

QueryLoanAccountEBM   1

QueryLoanAccountResponseEBM   1

tables   1

used by Oracle Data Integrator   1

data transformations, verifying   1

database link, creating   1

demand deposit account, updates   1

Back to top


EAI JMS Transport business service, configuring   1

EIM data mapping   1

EIM log files   1

end-of-day process   1

Enterprise Business Messages

BankGuaranteeEBM   1

CustomerInteractionEBM   1

CustomerPartyEBM   1

DepositAccountEBM   1

DocumentaryCollectionEBM   1

DocumentaryCreditEBM   1

FinancialTransactionEBM   1

importing to Siebel Tools   1

LineOfCreditEBM   1

LoanAccountEBM   1

MarketingOfferEBM   1

SalesOpportunityEBM   1

ServiceRequestEBM   1

Enterprise Object Library

components   1

copying from Foundation Pack   1

error handling, Siebel CRM   1

Back to top



financial account data

batch loading   1

data integration   1

inquiry from Siebel CRM   1

origination   1

financial transactions, inquiry from Siebel CRM   1

FINCORP BIB Loan Account Upsert FAF Workflow.xml file   1

FINS BIB Loan Account Create Workflow.xml file   1

fire-and-forget inbound Web services   1

fire-and-forget outbound Web services   1

Back to top


GETM_LIMITS_HANDOFF staging table   1

Back to top


home loan account, customer assignment   1

Back to top


inbound Web services

fire-and-forget   1

synchronous   1


from Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking   1

from Siebel CRM   1 ,  2

offers   1

integration context, configuring   1

integration customization

data transformations   1

deploying workflows   1

editing WSDL files   1

importing EBMs to Siebel Tools   1

planning   1

process   1

Web services   1

Integration files

accessing   1

deploying in an Oracle Data Integrator environment   1

integration packages

generating scenarios   1

list of   1

integration points

account transactions   1

activities   1

creating leads   1

customer transactions   1

inquiries from Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking   1

inquiries from Siebel CRM   1

origination of customers and financial accounts   1

service requests   1

integration user, creating   1

integration variables

configuring in Oracle Data Integrator (development)   1

configuring in Oracle Data Integrator (production)   1

integration workflows, activating   1

Back to top


Java environment

configuring the EAI JMS Transport business service   1

setting up   1

Back to top


LCTB_CONTRACT_HANDOFF staging table   1

LDTM_CDRATE_HANDOFF staging table   1

lead creation integration point   1

lead data

creating   1

data integration   1

limit data

integration   1

mapping   1

loan data

account information   1

mapping   1

log files

batch data integration   1 ,  2

EIM   1

online integration   1

Siebel CRM   1

LOVs, modifying   1

Back to top


mandate data

data integration   1

mapping   1

master repository, importing   1

Back to top


offer data

data integration   1

inquiries from Oracle FLEXCUBE   1

offers inquiry for existing customers   1

online data integration

about   1

error handling   1

log files   1

Oracle FLEXCUBE errors   1

overview   1

Oracle AIA concepts   1

Oracle AIA Foundation Pack

documentation   1

installing   1

Oracle Data Integrator

configuring (development environment)   1

configuring a context for the integration   1

configuring integration variables   1

connecting to Oracle FLEXCUBE and Siebel databases   1

data mappings used   1

entities synchronized   1

generating scenarios   1

implementing the integration (production environment)   1

installing   1

integration variables   1

packages   1

running scenarios   1

staging tables   1

Oracle FLEXCUBE database

connecting to   1 ,  2

creating the database link   1

Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking

configuring integration components   1

data mapping to EIM tables   1

end-of-day process   1

inquiries from   1

online integration errors   1

preparing for batch data loads   1

staging tables   1


activity data   1

customer data   1

financial account data   1

lead data   1

service requests   1

outbound Web services

configuring   1

configuring JMS   1

fire-and-forget   1

queue and connection factory details   1

synchronous   1

Back to top


PCTM_CLIENT_HANDOFF staging table   1

product data

mapping   1

synchronizing   1

product features in Siebel CRM   1

product rate data, mapping   1

production environment

implementing the integration   1

importing Oracle Data Integrator scenarios   1

modifying scenarios   1

transferring scenarios to   1

Back to top


QueryBankGuaranteeEBM   1

QueryCustomerPartyEBM   1

QueryCustomerPartyListEBM   1

QueryCustomerPartyResponseEBM   1

QueryDepositAccountResponseEBM   1

QueryDocumentaryCollectionEBM   1

QueryDocumentaryCreditEBM   1

QueryFinancialTransactionListEBM   1

QueryFinancialTransactionListResponseEBM   1

QueryLineOfCreditEBM   1

QueryLoanAccountEBM   1

QueryLoanAccountResponseEBM   1

QueryMarketingOfferEBM   1

QueryServiceRequestListEBM   1

queue and connection factory details, updating   1

Back to top


relationship data (customer)   1

Back to top



generating   1

importing   1

modifying variables   1

running   1

transferring between repositories   1

service request data

data integration   1

online integration   1

service request integration point   1

Siebel CRM

batch data log files   1

error handling   1

inquiries from   1

log files   1

Siebel CRM Integration to Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking

customizing   1

implementing in a production environment   1

installing and configuring   1

overview   1

software requirements   1

solution assumptions and constraints   1

troubleshooting   1

Siebel database

connecting to   1 ,  2

creating a database link   1

Siebel Financial Services application

configuring   1

integration user   1

integration workflows   1

modifying LOVs   1

post data load tasks   1

product features   1

software requirements for the Integration   1

solution assumptions and constraints   1

staging tables   1

STTM_ACCLASS_UDE_VALHF staging table   1

STTM_ACLASS_HANDOFF staging table   1

STTM_BRANCH_HANDOFF staging table   1

synchronous inbound Web services   1

synchronous outbound Web services   1

Back to top


term deposit account information   1


accounts   1

customer data   1

financial   1

Back to top


UpdateCustomerPartyEBM   1

UpdateDepositAccountEBM   1

UpdateLoanAccountEBM   1

updates to batch data   1

UpdateServiceRequestEBM   1

Back to top


Web services

configuring   1

customizing   1

fire-and-forget inbound   1

fire-and-forget outbound   1

setting queue and connection factory details   1

synchronous inbound   1

synchronous outbound   1

work repository, creating   1

Workflow Monitor Agent

configuring   1

creating   1

monitoring customer policies   1


activating   1

configuring the Workflow Process Manager   1

deploying   1

editing   1

sample files   1

WSDL files, editing   1

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Siebel CRM Integration to Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Implementation Guide Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.