Siebel CRM Integration to Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Implementation Guide > Customizing the Integration >

Editing the WSDL Files

The WSDL file that you generated for the inbound Web service in Deploying a Customized Workflow is combined with the original WSDL file provided for the Web service in the Oracle AIA Enterprise Object Library. This revised WSDL file is then used in the Integration. The editing process to combine sections of both WSDL files is described in this topic.

This task is a step in Process of Customizing the Integration.

To edit the WSDL file

  1. Navigate to the following directory, and copy the WSDL file for the entity used in the integration customization:



    • Entity is the name of the entity, for example, Loan Account, used in the customization
    • AIA_HOME is the Oracle AIA Foundation Pack installation directory
  2. Edit the WSDL file you have just copied by replacing the sections of the file that relate to the operation specified when you deployed the customized workflow (Step 1) with the corresponding sections of the WSDL file you generated in the Siebel application (Step 2).

    NOTE:  Do not change the names of the namespaces in the Oracle AIA WSDL file when copying information from the Siebel WSDL file. Continue to use the ebo and ebs prefixes.

    Copy the following sections:

    • <schema>
    • <message>
    • <ports>
    • <binding>
  3. Save the changes you made to the WSDL file, and place it in the same directory where it was originally located, that is, in:


    Use this WSDL file for future testing and publishing to consumer applications.

  4. In the Siebel application, navigate to the Administration - Web Services screen, then the Inbound Web Services view.
  5. Select the customized inbound Web service previously deployed in Deploying a Customized Workflow.
  6. In the Namespace field, change the name to the namespace name specified in the EBS WSDL located in:


    For example, for the LoanAccount Create workflow, the following values are specified:

    • Inbound Web service name: FINCORP BIB Loan Account Upsert FAF Workflow
    • Revised Namespace name:
    • Operation: CreateLoanAccount

NOTE:  The WSDLs for the Siebel CRM Web services used in the Integration are located in Siebel\8.2\Tools_1\REPPATCH\, where Siebel\8.2\Tools_1 is the Siebel Tools 8.2 installation directory. For additional information, see Accessing the Integration Files.

Example of an Edited WSDL File for the Loan Account Entity

The following is the WSDL file for the Loan Account entity after it has been edited. You can use this file as a reference when editing the WSDL file required for your customization.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>

** Oracle Corporation **
** This is an Entity EBS, BASED ON CRUD OPERATIONS **
** We always include the wsdl,xsd, soap, our documentation, and Core Common namespaces. Always the same prefixes. **
** Need to define namespaces for EBO and EBS, and always use these same prefixes - ebo and ebs. **
** Need to define the target namespace equal to the EBS namespace. Also define a name, in the form of - name+EBS. **

Copyright (c) 2007, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

WSDL File Name
Name: \\EnterpriseBusinessServiceLibrary\Industry\BankingAndWealthManagement\EBO\LoanAccount\V1\BankingAndWealthManagementLoanAccountEBSV1.wsdl

<definitions xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:svcdoc="" xmlns:corecom="" xmlns:ebo="" xmlns:ebs="" name="BankingAndWealthManagementLoanAccountEBSV1" targetNamespace="">


<xsd:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">

<xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="../../../../../../EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Industry/BankingAndWealthManagement/EBO/LoanAccount/V1/LoanAccountEBM.xsd" />

<xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="../../../../../../EnterpriseObjectLibrary/Industry/BankingAndWealthManagement/Common/V2/Meta.xsd" />


<xsd:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">

<xsd:element name="UpdateLoanAccount_Input">



<xsd:element ref="ebo:UpdateLoanAccountEBM" />




<xsd:element name="CreateLoanAccount_Input">



<xsd:element ref="ebo:CreateLoanAccountEBM"></xsd:element>






<message name="UpdateLoanAccount_Input">

<part name="UpdateLoanAccount_Input" element="ebo:UpdateLoanAccount_Input"></part>


<message name="CreateLoanAccount_Input">

<part name="CreateLoanAccount_Input" element="ebo:CreateLoanAccount_Input"></part>


<portType name="BankingAndWealthManagementLoanAccountEBS">

<operation name="UpdateLoanAccount">

<input message="ebs:UpdateLoanAccount_Input"></input>


<operation name="CreateLoanAccount">

<input message="ebs:CreateLoanAccount_Input"></input>



<binding name="BankingAndWealthManagementLoanAccountEBS" type="ebs:BankingAndWealthManagementLoanAccountEBS">

<soap:binding transport="" style="document" />

<operation name="UpdateLoanAccount">

<soap:operation soapAction="document/"></soap:operation>


<soap:body use="literal"></soap:body>


<!--output> <soap:body use="literal"></soap:body> </output-->


<operation name="CreateLoanAccount">

<soap:operation soapAction="document/"></soap:operation>


<soap:body use="literal"></soap:body>


<!--output> <soap:body use="literal"></soap:body> </output-->



<service name="BankingAndWealthManagementLoanAccountEBSV1">

<port binding="ebs:BankingAndWealthManagementLoanAccountEBS" name="BankingAndWealthManagementLoanAccountEBS">

<soap:address location="http://sdc78514svqe/eai_enu/start.swe?SWEExtSource=SecureWebService&amp;SWEExtCmd=Execute&amp;UserName=SADMIN&amp;Password=MSSQL" />




Siebel CRM Integration to Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking Implementation Guide Copyright © 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.