Using Siebel Tools > Archiving Objects > Importing Objects from an Archive >

Importing an Archive

This topic describes how to use Siebel Tools to import an archive.

To import an archive

  1. Log in to Siebel Tools.
  2. Prepare the Siebel Tools environment to import an archive.

    For more information, see Preparing the Siebel Tools Environment to Import Objects from an Archive.

  3. Click the Tools menu, and then click Import From Archive.
  4. In the Select Archive To Import dialog box, choose the archive file, and then click Open.

    Siebel Tools displays the Import Wizard - Preview dialog box. It lists the projects and other top-level objects that the archive file you opened contains.

  5. Specify the work that Siebel Tools does if it determines that the archive and the repository both contain the same top-level object. In the Conflict Resolution section, choose an option.

    For more information, see Options You Can Choose to Resolve a Conflict.

  6. Click Next.

    Siebel Tools does one of the following:

    • If the objects in the archive already exist in the repository, and if Siebel Tools finds no conflicts, then it makes no modifications. It displays a dialog box that describes that it found no conflicts and made no modifications to the repository. In this situation, click OK and exit this procedure.
    • If any object involved in this import is not locked, or if any project that this object references is not locked, then Siebel Tools displays a warning message. You must cancel the import, lock the objects and projects, and then restart the Import wizard.
    • If the objects in the archive already exist in the repository, and if Siebel Tools finds a conflict, or if the objects do not exist in the repository, then it displays the Import Wizard - Review Conflicts and Actions dialog box. This dialog box includes information about the differences. In this situation, go to next step.
  7. In the Import Wizard - Review Conflicts and Actions dialog box, in the Conflicting Objects section, choose an object.

    If you choose an object, then Siebel Tools displays differences in the Object Differences and Attribute Differences sections. Siebel CRM uses the terms attribute and property. These terms have the same meaning. For more information, see Using the Review Conflicts and Actions Dialog Box of the Import Wizard.

  8. To make an adjustment, right-click a difference, and then choose an action.
  9. Click Next.

    Siebel Tools displays the Summary dialog box and starts the import.

  10. When Siebel Tools finishes the import, you can click Finish.

    Siebel Tools creates a log file named importlog.txt in the following folder:


    It includes the list of messages that it displayed in the Summary dialog box. To maintain a record of this import, you can modify the importlog.txt file name to the current date.

Options You Can Choose to Resolve a Conflict

A conflict is a situation that occurs if an object that Siebel Tools attempts to import from an archive does not match the corresponding object in the repository. Siebel Tools examines these objects to determine if they include the same properties, property values, and child objects. If these items are not the same, then Siebel Tools recognizes this situation as a conflict.

Table 18 describes options you can choose to resolve a conflict that occurs during an import. It describes the work that Siebel Tools does if it determines that the archive and the repository both contain the same top-level object.

Table 18. Options You Can Choose to Resolve a Conflict

Overwrite the Object in the Repository

Siebel Tools deletes the object in the repository and the child objects of this object, and then copy the object and child objects from the archive to the repository.

Merge the Object Definitions From the Archive With the Definition in the Repository

Siebel Tools does the following:

  • Replaces the properties that are different in the repository with the properties that the archive contains.
  • If the archive includes child objects that the repository does not contain, then it copies these objects from the archive to the repository.
  • Does not modify child objects in the repository that are not also in the archive.

When Siebel Tools finishes this merge, the top-level objects in the repository include the same properties and child objects that the object in the archive includes. It also includes any child objects that already exist in the repository.

Siebel Tools merges objects, by default. This option is typically the safest option.

Do Not Import the Object Definition From the Archive

Siebel Tools does not modify the objects in the repository.

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