Using Siebel Tools > Managing Repositories >

Process of Migrating Repositories >

Using the Repository Import and Export Utility

The Repository Import and Export Utility imports or exports a repository, or creates a file dump of a repository. It can also import an INTL table. INTL tables contain language-specific information and are a part of the repository. You use this utility only if your migration requires special parameters settings that a batch file cannot access, or if you must create a file dump. In all other situations, you use the Database Configuration Wizard. For information Using the Database Configuration Wizard to Migrate Repositories.

To use the Repository Import and Export Utility

  1. Open a Windows command line.
  2. To import a repository, enter the following command:

    repimexp /A I /G language_codes


    • A I specifies to import data from a file.
    • language_codes is a list of codes.
  3. To export a repository, enter the following command:

    repimexp /A E parameters


    • A E specifies to export data to a file.
    • parameters specify the parameters.
  4. To display a complete list of command-line usage options for this utility, enter the following command:


    You can save this output to a text file.

    For more information, see Parameters You Can Use with the Repository Import and Export Utility.

Parameters You Can Use with the Repository Import and Export Utility

Table 14 describes the parameters that you can use with the Repository Import and Export Utility.

Table 14. Parameters You Can Use with the Repository Import and Export Utility

You can use one of the following values:

  • /a e
  • /a i
  • /a x
  • /a o
  • /a s
  • /a p
  • /a t

Required. You can use one of the following parameters:

  • a e. Specifies to export all data from the Siebel Repository tables to a file.
  • a i. Specifies to import data from a file into the Siebel Repository tables.
  • a x. Specifies to import locale-specific repository data from a file into the INTL tables. If you use a x, then you must also use the /g option.
  • a o. Specifies to export Runtime Repository Tables and required base tables during initial, full, and incremental migration.
  • a s. Specifies to skip import of Runtime Repository tables only.
  • a p. Specifies to import Runtime Repository Tables and required base tables during initial, full, and incremental migration.
  • a t. Specifies to delete a given repository

/u user_name

Required. Specifies the Siebel administrator user name.

/p password

Required. Specifies the password for the Siebel administrator user name.

/c ODBC_data_source

Required. Specifies the ODBC data source. The value in the SIEBEL_DATA_SOURCE environment variable is the default value. If this value includes a space, then you must enclose the value in quotes.

/d table_owner

Required. Specifies the Siebel Database table owner. The value of the SIEBEL_TABLE_OWNER environment variable is the default value.

/g language_codes

For import only.

Required only if you use the /a x parameter to import to INTL tables.

Specifies to import a repository that contains locale-specific data for one or more languages (for example, FRA, DEU, ITA). You can specify ALL to import all the languages that the repository file contains.

To import locale objects, you must use the /g parameter, and you must specify at least one language code. If you do not do this, then the utility does not import any locale objects, and the Siebel client does not include any text after you compile the imported repository.

If you export repository data to a file, then this utility includes locale-specific data for all languages.

/r repository_name

Required. Specifies the name of the repository that you are importing or exporting. The default value is Siebel Repository. If this value includes a space, then you must enclose the value in quotes.

/f data_file

Required. Specifies the data file for the repository, including the path to this file. Specify the file to which you are exporting, or from which you are importing, repository data. The path must not include spaces.

/y <watermark string>

Specifies watermark information needed for migration.

You can use one of the following values:

  • /v y
  • /v n

Specifies to verify data:

  • The default value for export is n.
  • The default value for import is y.

You can use one of the following values:

  • /n 0
  • /n 1
  • /n 2

For export only.

Specifies to modify information about creating and updating records. You can use one of the following values:

  • n 0. Make no modifications.
  • n 1. Update the CREATED_BY, UPDATED_BY, and OWNER_BRANCH columns. The default value is 1.
  • n 2. Update the CREATED_BY, UPDATED_BY, and OWNER_BRANCH columns, and update the date columns.
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