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Delivering Workspaces

Delivering a workspace, or merging workspace changes, is applying the changes that are made in the workspace into its parent workspace such as the MAIN workspace or the root workspace. You must always perform the workspace delivery process to the immediate parent workspace. You cannot deliver workspace to any arbitrary workspace.

If you are the owner of the parent workspace or if you are a workspace administrator who is also the owner of the parent workspace, then you can use one of these options to run the workspace delivery process:

  • Running the Deliver command from the Command Prompt window.

    Only workspace administrators can optionally enter comments into the command line while running the Deliver command from the Command Prompt window.

  • Using the Deliver option under the Workspace menu.

    The workspace owner and/or administrator can enter comments while running the workspace delivery process using the Deliver option.

If you are a workspace administrator without being the owner of the parent workspace, you can run the workspace delivery process by running the Deliver command from the Command Prompt window.

A workspace can be delivered once. Workspace administrators have full permissions on the MAIN workspace, including delivering the workspace. However, end users and developers have read-only access on the MAIN workspace.

To run the workspace delivery process from the Command Prompt window

  1. On the Siebel Tools workspace dashboard, confirm that the status of the workspace is Submitted for Delivery.
  2. Open the Command Prompt window from your computer by clicking the Start button and then selecting the Run option.

    The Run window appears.

  3. Enter the value CMD in the Open field.

    The Command Prompt window appears.

  4. Change the directory in the Command Prompt window to the <TOOLS_HOME>/BIN folder using this command:


    The Command Prompt window displays a list of arguments and parameters.

  5. If you are the owner of the parent workspace, run this workspace delivery command:

    siebdev /c tools.cfg /u <User ID> /p <password> /d ServerDataSrc /DeliverWorkspace " <Workspace Name>"

    For example:

    C:\SIEBEL\TOOLS\BIN>siebdev /c tools.cfg /u SADMIN /p SADMIN /d ServerDabaSRC_ /DeliverWorkspace "<Workspace Name>"

    If you are a workspace administrator, you can optionally enter comments into the command line. For example:

    C:\SIEBEL\TOOLS\BIN>siebdev /c tools.cfg /u SADMIN /p SADMIN /d ServerDataSrc_ /Deliverworkspace "<Workspace Name>" "<Your Comment>"

    NOTE:  The comments in the command line will be displayed in the comment fields in the Workspace version pane of the parent workspace. If you do not provide comments in the command line, the system uses the description of the workspace for the comment fields. If the description of the workspace is not available, the system displays the value Enter Comments for these comment fields.

To deliver a workspace using Siebel Tools

  1. In Siebel Tools, select the Workspace menu and then select the Deliver option.

    The Enter Comment window appears.

  2. Enter comments in the Enter Comment field.

    NOTE:  Entering comments is a mandatory step while delivering a workspace using the Deliver option under the Workspace menu.

  3. Click the OK button.

    The Deliver Workspace window appears displaying the From Workspace, To Workspace, Merge Status fields and the Start Merge button.

  4. Click the Start Merge button to trigger the merging process.

    The In Progress status bar and the detailed information of the merging process are displayed in the Merge Status field.

  5. Click the Done button after the merging process is completed.

    Siebel Tools reappears displaying the status and detailed information of the merging process.

  6. In the View Mode pane, confirm that the parent workspace status is now Checkpointed.
  7. (Optional) View the detailed information in the Workspace Versions pane including the merge version information and the comments that you entered while delivering the workspace.

If the merging process encounters any non-trivial merge, then the system displays this error message: The deliver failed with error: Non-trivial merge found. Rebase needs to be done. The View Mode pane now displays the workspace status as Delivery Failed. If this error message appears, you must rebase the workspace, resolve the conflicts, and then run the workspace delivery process again. For more information on how to rebase a workspace, see Rebasing Workspaces.

The Checkpoint, Revert, Submit for Deliver, and Rebase options under the Workspace menu are disabled if the workspace deliver is completed successfully. The Rebase and Submit for Delivery options are enabled and the workspace title indicates the workspace is editable if the workspace delivery process fails.

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