Siebel Email Administration Guide > Managing Email, Fax, and Other Communications Products > Modem-Based TAP Paging Driver >

Parameters for Modem-Based TAP Paging Driver

Table 22 lists the supported parameters for the Modem-Based TAP Paging communications driver. This driver supports the TAP (Telocator Alphanumeric Paging) protocol.

When using CommOutboundMgr with the Modem-Based TAP Paging communications driver, the following error message might appear:

  • Unable to connect to the paging host system. The phone line may be busy or the phone number may be invalid.

    Check the paging phone number the modem dials, including area code. If 9 is required, make sure that it is included in the number.

  • Unable to open the communication port.

    Verify the communications settings for your application.

  • Error communication profile profile_name for CommSrvr paging.

    An error occurred using a specific profile (profile_name) for the communications driver Modem-Based TAP Paging. Verify that driver and profile parameter values are defined appropriately for your application.

Table 22. Modem-Based TAP Paging Driver Parameters
Default Value

Dial Prefix



The prefix for outbound dialing.

Local Area Code


Not applicable

The area code of the phone line for sending pages.

There is no default value for this parameter, but a user must specify a value at the customer site to dial local numbers successfully.




The amount of detail in the log file. When the value is TRUE, data output in the log file is more detailed than when the value is FALSE.

Log files are created in the log subdirectory of the Siebel Server installation directory.

Long Distance Prefix



The long-distance prefix to add to long-distance calls.

Modem Dial String



The modem command for dialing a phone number.

Modem Hangup String



The modem command for hanging up.

Modem Init String



The modem command for initializing the modem.

You might need to change the default value to work with different modems. For example, some modems expect a numeric value such as AT&F1Q0V1 after the &F string. Consult your modem's manual for valid modem commands and values.

You might need to add other commands to initialize your modem properly. For example, you might need to disable any compression or speed-enhancing features on your modem. Consult your modem's manual for more information.

Modem Port



The computer's communications port to which the modem is attached.

The exact value for Modem Port depends on the platform and on the specific devices. For example, for Oracle Solaris, you can use the following value:


For AIX, you can use the following value:


Modem Reset String



The modem command for resetting the modem.

Modem Restore String



The modem command for restoring the default settings of the modem.

Siebel Server


Not applicable

The name of the Siebel Server that handles the delivery of the communications. For more information, see Specifying Siebel Server for Communications Outbound Manager.

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