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Preference Settings for Outbound Communications

This topic describes the preferences in the Outbound Communications view of the User Preferences screen. The preference settings are grouped by category. Each preference applies only to certain communications features.

Preferences for Send Email Category

This topic contains information about the outbound communications preferences in the Send Email category. These preferences apply to using some or all of the following Send commands: Send Email, Send Fax, Send Wireless Message, or Send Page. Also refer to the settings under the Advanced Features category.

The Send Email category includes the following preferences:

  • Upon Sending Messages Generate. Specifies activity generation for messages sent using the Send Email, Send Fax, Send Wireless Message, and Send Page commands. For more information, see Creating Activities for Send Commands.

    The drop-down list displays the following values:

    • Public activities. Sets the Internal flag to FALSE for activity records that sent outbound messages generate. The Internal flag restricts visibility of activity records.
    • Private activities. Sets the Internal flag to TRUE for activity records that sent outbound messages generate.
    • No activities. Specifies that sent outbound messages do not generate activity records.
  • Default Profile. Specifies the default communications profile for a user for the Send Email and Send Fax commands.

    The default profile information is copied to the From field in the Send Email and Send Fax windows. Alternatively, agents can specify the profile.

    The profile provides access to the communications driver (the Internet SMTP/IMAP Server or Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver) that serves as the interface from the Siebel Business Applications deployment to the email or fax server. For the Send Email and Send Fax commands, the profile handles outbound communications using the SMTP protocol.

    The visibility applicable to the user determines the profiles that are available for selection. A profile is available in the following scenarios:

    • The user created the profile for personal use in the My Profiles view of the Communications screen.
    • The user's responsibility is one of the responsibilities associated with the profile.

      In the Mobile screen, you associate profiles applicable to wireless messages with the recipient's mobile device. For more information, see Specifying Settings for Mobile Devices.

  • Default Recipient Class. Specifies the default choice for where recipient email or fax address information is populated for the Send Email and Send Fax commands. Choices are To, Cc, and Bcc.

    For example, an individual user might generally want to populate recipients to the To field. However, depending on the user's typical activities and on your company's business needs, it might be more appropriate to populate recipients to the Cc or Bcc field instead of the To field.

  • Email Client. Specifies whether to use a supported third-party email client application for the Send Email command. If you do not specify a third-party option, then you can use the native Siebel email client. (You do not need to specify any value if the administrator sets a global setting.)

    Available options follow:

    • Lotus Notes. Specifies that you use Lotus Notes for the Send Email command.
    • Microsoft Outlook. Specifies that you use Microsoft Outlook for the Send Email command.
    • Siebel Email Client. Specifies that you do not use a third-party email client. You use the email client option that Siebel Business Applications provide. This option is also referred to as the native Siebel email client.
    • External Email Client. Specifies that you use an external email client for the Send Email command.

      The administrator must perform additional configuration and integration steps for each option. For more information, see Managing Integrations with Email and Fax Servers and Configuring Client-Side Integration for Send Email Command.

      NOTE:  The Send Fax command does not support Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook.

  • Siebel Or Outlook Form. Specifies the Microsoft Outlook form you use if you specify Microsoft Outlook for the Email Client setting. The name you specify must match the name of the form the administrator installs and specifies. (You do not need to specify any value if the administrator sets a global setting.)
  • Siebel Or Lotus Form. Specifies the Lotus Notes form you use if you specify Lotus Notes for the Email Client setting. The name you specify must match the name of the form the administrator installs and specifies. (You do not need to specify any value if the administrator sets a global setting.)
  • Default Message Format. Specifies whether you can format and send email or fax messages composed in the Send Email or Send Fax windows using HTM or only plain text.

    Specify the HTML option to enable HTML editing controls for Send Email and Send Fax, or specify Plain Text to edit and send messages as only plain text.

    When the default message format is HTML, formatting is preserved for email and fax messages you send. Email messages are sent as HTML messages. Fax messages are, of course, sent as facsimiles.

    This preference also specifies the templates you can select for Send Email and Send Fax. These templates are based on the setting of the HTML Template check box for each applicable template. HTML templates are listed when the default message format is HTML, and plain-text templates are listed when the default message format is Plain Text.

Related Topics

Sending Email Messages Using Native Siebel Email Client

Sending Email Messages Using Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook

Sending Faxes

Editing and Formatting Controls for Send Email and Send Fax Commands

Configuring Communications Templates

Preferences for Email Response Category

This topic contains information about the outbound communications preferences in the Email Response category. These preferences apply only to using Siebel Email Response. Also refer to the settings under the Advanced Features category.

The Email Response category includes the following preferences:

  • Default Greeting Template. Specifies a communications template (for the email channel) to use as a greeting for an email reply sent using Siebel Email Response. The template content is automatically inserted into the message.
  • Default Closing Template. Specifies a communications template (for the email channel) to use as a closing for an email reply sent using Siebel Email Response. The template content is automatically inserted into the message.
  • Default Message Format. Specifies whether you can format and send email replies to inbound messages using HTML or only plain text.

    Specify the HTML option to enable HTML editing controls in the Outbound Message form, or specify Plain Text to edit and send messages as only plain text.

    When the default message format is HTML, formatting is preserved for email messages you send. Messages are sent as HTML messages.

    This preference also specifies the templates that appear in the Body drop-down list in the Outbound Message form. These templates are based on the setting of the HTML Template check box for each applicable template. HTML templates are listed when the default message format is HTML, and plain-text templates are listed when the default message format is Plain Text. For more information, see Configuring Communications Templates.

  • Include Original Message in Reply. Specifies if the content of the original inbound message is included in a reply to that message.
  • Remain on Same View After Send (Cancel). Specifies that, after clicking Send or Cancel in the Outbound Message form, the agent stays in the same view, and is not automatically navigated to the Communications list. If the agent clicks Send, then the next record in the current list of communications appears.

Preferences for Advanced Features Category

This topic contains information about the outbound communications preferences in the Advanced Features category. These settings apply to both the Send Email command and email replies you compose using Siebel Email Response.

The Advanced Features category includes the following preferences:

  • Language. Specifies the language that determines the templates that appear in the Body drop-down list for each of the Send commands or for the Outbound Message form for email replies. For more information about setting up languages, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide and Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

    Templates appear only if the language you specify matches the language for the template. Template filtering is based on both the language and locale as well as other factors. For more information, see Visibility and Access for Templates.

    If this field is blank, then template filtering applies to the language in effect for the Application Object Manager.

    You can override this setting at runtime in the window for the Send command or in the Outbound Message form to display other templates.

  • Locale. Specifies the locale that determines the templates that appear in the Body drop-down list for each of the Send commands or for the Outbound Message form for email replies. For more information about setting up locales, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide and Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

    Templates appear only if the locale you specify matches the locale for the template. Template filtering is based on both the language and locale as well as other factors. For more information, see Visibility and Access for Templates.

    If this field is blank, then template filtering applies to the locale in effect for the Application Object Manager.

    You can override this setting at runtime in the window for the Send command or in the Outbound Message form to display other templates.

Related Topics

Sending Email Messages Using Native Siebel Email Client

Sending Email Messages Using Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook

Configuring Communications Templates

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