Siebel Email Administration Guide > Using Communications Operations > Creating Activities for Send Commands >

Activity Types for Send Commands

Table 27 shows the types for activity records that each Send command generates.

For Siebel Email Response, activity records for inbound email messages use the Email - Inbound activity type, and activity records for outbound email messages use the Email - Outbound activity type. For more information about activity records and attachments, see Administering Communications Inbound Receiver.

Table 27. Activity Records for Send Commands
Send Command
Activity Type

Send Email

Email - Outbound

Send Fax

Fax - Outbound

Send Wireless Message

Wireless Message

Send Page


Text from the Subject line of the message appears in the Description field of the activity record. (For wireless messages and pages, this text comes from the Subject field of the template.) Message body text appears in the Comments field of the activity record. This text can have a maximum possible size of 1,500 characters.

For the Send Email and Send Fax commands, message body text appears in the Email Body field. This text can have a size of at least 16,000 characters. (The actual length depends on your Siebel database.)

For the Send Email and Send Fax commands, message body content that is longer than the Email Body field allowance is saved as activity attachments. The attachment files are named SiebelLongEmailBody.txt (for plain-text messages) or SiebelLongEmailBody.htm (for HTML messages). If you use Microsoft Outlook as your email client, then RTF messages are saved in HTML format.

For the Send Email and Send Fax commands, attachments (such as files or literature items) to email or fax messages are saved as attachments to the activity record.

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