Siebel Email Administration Guide > Configuring Communications Drivers and Profiles for Email > Process of Setting Up Response Groups >

Adding Input Arguments to Response Groups

Next, add input arguments to the response group. To add input arguments, you use the information that you gather during the planning process. For more information, see Setup Information for Siebel Email Response.

Table 4 shows the input arguments for response groups.

Table 4. Input Arguments for Response Groups
Input Argument



The name of the workflow process that processes Siebel Email Response inbound messages (for example, Email Response - Process Message). This input argument is required.

Change the value to Email Response - Process Service Request for keyword-based response groups.



The unique ID of this instance of the process.



The unique ID of the response group in the Siebel database.

Catalog Name


The name of a catalog to use.

Disable Send Acknowledgement

True or False

A value to indicate if an acknowledgement message is sent. The default value is False. If you change this input argument to True, then no acknowledgement message is sent.

Enable Assignment Manager

True or False

A value to indicate if Assignment Manager is disabled. The default value is False.

Enable Lookup Sender By Organization

True or False

A value to indicate if sender lookup by organization is enabled. The default value is False.

Enable Test Mode

True or False

A value to indicate of test mode is enabled. The default value is False.



The assumed language for email messages sent to mailboxes that the response group monitors.


True or False

The default value is True. This value enables processing of email messages in real time.

This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Response Groups.

To add input arguments to a response group

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Communications screen, then the All Response Groups view.
  2. In the Response Group list, select the response group for which you want to make changes.
  3. Click the Input Arguments view tab.
  4. In the Input Arguments list, click Generate Defaults.

    Default input arguments appear on the Input Arguments list.

    Default input arguments are based on the business service method. For information about the Siebel Email Response process properties that are used as input arguments, see About Modifying Process Properties for Siebel Email Response.

  5. Select the eMail Response - Process Message workflow, and add the Catalog Name input argument:
    1. In the Input Argument list, create a new record.
    2. In the Name field, enter Catalog Name.
    3. In the Value field, enter the catalog name.

      For information about creating this catalog and its categories, see Setting Up a Catalog for Siebel Email Response.

  6. Add other new input arguments:
    1. Create a new record.
    2. Enter the name and value of the input argument.

      You must enter the exact name of the input argument. For information about the names of the input arguments, see Business Service Methods for Siebel Email Response.

  7. To delete an input argument record, click Delete.
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