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man pages section 3: Networking Library Functions

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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022



DNSServiceCreateConnection, DNSServiceRegisterRecord, DNSServiceAddRecord, DNSServiceUpdateRecord, DNSServiceRemoveRecord - registering multiple records


cc [ flag ... ] file ... –ldns_sd [ library ... ]
#include <dns_sd.h>

DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceCreateConnection(DNSServiceRef *sdRef);
DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceRegisterRecord(DNSServiceRef sdRef,
     DNSRecordRef *RecordRef, DNSServiceFlags flags,
     uint32_t interfaceIndex, const char *fullname,
     uint16_t rrtype, uint16_t rrclass, uint16_t rdlen,
     const void *rdata, uint32_t ttl,
     DNSServiceServiceRegisterRecordReply callBack,
     void *context);
typedef void(*DNSServiceRegisterRecordReply)(DNSServiceRef sdRef, 
     DNSServiceRecordRef RecordRef, DNSServiceFlags flags,
     DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, void *context);
DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceAddRecord(DNSServiceRef sdRef,
     DNSRecordRef *RecordRef, DNSServiceFlags flags,
     uint16_t rrtype, uint16_t rdlen, const void *rdata,
     uint32_t ttl);
DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceUpdateRecord(DNSServiceRef sdRef,
     DNSRecordRef RecordRef, DNSServiceFlags flags,
     uint16_t rdlen, const void *rdata,
     uint32_t ttl);
DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceRemoveRecord(DNSServiceRef sdRef,
     DNSRecordRef RecordRef, DNSServiceFlags flags);


The DNSServiceCreateConnection() function allows the creation of a connection to the mDNS daemon in order to register multiple individual records.

The DNSServiceRegisterRecord() function uses the connection created by DNSServiceCreateConnection() to register a record. Name conflicts that occur from this function should be handled by the client in the callback.

The DNSServiceAddRecord() call adds a DNS record to a registered service. The name of the record is the same as registered service name. The RecordRef argument to DNSServiceAddRecord() points to an uninitialized DNSRecordRef. After successful completion of DNSServiceAddRecord(), the DNS record can be updated or deregistered by passing the DNSRecordRef initialized by DNSServiceAddRecord() to DNSServiceUpdateRecord() or to DNSServiceRemoveRecord().

The DNSServiceUpdateRecords() call updates the DNS record of the registered service. The DNS record must be the primary resource record registered using DNSServiceRegister() or a record added to a registered service using DNSServiceAddRecord() or an individual record added via DNSServiceRegisterRecord().

The DNSServiceRemoveRecord() call removes a record that was added using DNSServiceAddRecord() or DNSServiceRegisterRecord().

The sdRef argument points to DNSServiceRef initialized from a call to DNSServiceRegister(). If the sdRef argument is passed to DNSServiceRefDeallocate() and the service is deregistered DNS records added via DNSServiceAddRecord() are invalidated and cannot be further used. The flags argument is currently ignored and reserved for future use. The rrtype parameter value indicates the type of the DNS record. Suitable values for the rrtype parameter are defined in <dns_sd.h>: kDNSServiceType_TXT, for example. The rdata argument points to the raw rdata to be contained in the resource record. The ttl value indicates the time to live of the resource record in seconds. A ttl value of 0 should be passed to use a default value.

Return Values

The DNSServiceCreateConnection function returns kDNSServiceErr_NoError on success. Otherwise, an error code defined in <dns_sd.h> is returned to indicate the specific failure that occurred.


See attributes(7) for description of the following attributes:

Interface Stability

See Also

DNSServiceRefDeallocate(3DNS_SD), DNSServiceRegister(3DNS_SD), attributes(7)