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Updated: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

smf-1 (3rad)


smf-1 - API for Service Management Facility


#include <rad/client/1/smf.h>
cc [ flag... ] file... -lsmf1_client [ library... ]

interface Entity
const char * fmri ; (ro)
const char * scope ; (ro)
const char * service ; (ro)
smf_Dependency_t ** dependencies ; (ro)
smf_Manpage_t ** manpages ; (ro)
smf_Doclink_t ** doclinks ; (ro)
smf_PropertyGroup_t ** pgs ; (ro)
smf_Decoration_t ** decorations ; (ro)

rc_err_t smf_Entity_delete(rc_instance_t *inst,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_deleteCust(rc_instance_t *inst,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_createPG(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *pg_name,
const char *pg_type,
unsigned int pg_flags,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_deletePG(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *pg_name,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_readPGDecorations(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *pg_name,
smf_Decoration_t ***result,
int *result_cnt,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_deletePGCust(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *pg_name,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_readProperties(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char **pg_names,
int pg_names_count,
smf_Property_t ***result,
int *result_cnt,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_writeProperties(rc_instance_t *inst,
smf_PropChange_t **props,
int props_count,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_readProperty(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *prop_name,
smf_Property_t **result,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_writeProperty(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *prop_name,
smf_PropertyType_t prop_type,
const char **values,
int values_count,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_deleteProperty(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *prop_name,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_readPropertyDecorations(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *prop_name,
smf_Decoration_t ***result,
int *result_cnt,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_deletePropertyCust(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *prop_name,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_getCommonName(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *locale,
char **result,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_getDescription(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *locale,
char **result,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_getPGTemplates(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *locale,
smf_PGTemplate_t ***result,
int *result_cnt,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Entity_getPropTemplates(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *pg_name,
const char *pg_type,
const char *locale,
smf_PropTemplate_t ***result,
int *result_cnt,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

interface Service inherits interface Entity
const char ** instances ; (ro)

interface Instance inherits interface Entity
const char * instance ; (ro)
const char * restarter ; (ro)
boolean_t enabled ; (ro)
smf_SMFState_t state ; (ro)
smf_ExtendedState_t * ex_state ; (ro)
const char ** snapshots ; (ro)

rc_err_t smf_Instance_readSnapshotPGs(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *snap_name,
smf_PropertyGroup_t ***result,
int *result_cnt,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Instance_readSnapshotProperties(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char **pg_names,
int pg_names_count,
const char *snap_name,
smf_Property_t ***result,
int *result_cnt,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Instance_readSnapshotProperty(rc_instance_t *inst,
const char *prop_name,
const char *snap_name,
smf_Property_t **result,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Instance_clear(rc_instance_t *inst,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Instance_restart(rc_instance_t *inst,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Instance_refresh(rc_instance_t *inst,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Instance_maintain(rc_instance_t *inst,
boolean_t immediate,
boolean_t temporary,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Instance_enable(rc_instance_t *inst,
boolean_t temporary,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Instance_disable(rc_instance_t *inst,
boolean_t temporary,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

rc_err_t smf_Instance_getLogInfo(rc_instance_t *inst,
int max_size,
smf_LogInfo_t **result,
smf_SmfError_t **error);

interface Master
smf_StructService_t ** services ; (ro)
smf_StructInstance_t ** instances ; (ro)

typedef void (*smf_Master_statechange_cb_f)(rc_instance_t *inst,
smf_StateChange_t *payload,
struct timespec ts,
void *arg);

rc_err_t smf_Master_subscribe_statechange(rc_instance_t *inst,
smf_Master_statechange_cb_f cb,
void *arg);

rc_err_t smf_Master_unsubscribe_statechange(rc_instance_t *inst,
void **arg);

typedef void (*smf_Master_additions_cb_f)(rc_instance_t *inst,
smf_Addition_t *payload,
struct timespec ts,
void *arg);

rc_err_t smf_Master_subscribe_additions(rc_instance_t *inst,
smf_Master_additions_cb_f cb,
void *arg);

rc_err_t smf_Master_unsubscribe_additions(rc_instance_t *inst,
void **arg);

typedef void (*smf_Master_removals_cb_f)(rc_instance_t *inst,
smf_Removal_t *payload,
struct timespec ts,
void *arg);

rc_err_t smf_Master_subscribe_removals(rc_instance_t *inst,
smf_Master_removals_cb_f cb,
void *arg);

rc_err_t smf_Master_unsubscribe_removals(rc_instance_t *inst,
void **arg);

Enumerated Types
enum DepGrouping

typedef enum smf_DepGrouping {
} smf_DepGrouping_t;

enum DepRestart

typedef enum smf_DepRestart {
} smf_DepRestart_t;

enum PropertyType

typedef enum smf_PropertyType {
SPT_URI = 200,
SPT_FMRI = 201,
SPT_HOST = 300,
} smf_PropertyType_t;

enum PropertyVisibility

typedef enum smf_PropertyVisibility {
} smf_PropertyVisibility_t;

enum ErrorCode

typedef enum smf_ErrorCode {
} smf_ErrorCode_t;

enum ErrorTarget

typedef enum smf_ErrorTarget {
} smf_ErrorTarget_t;

enum SMFState

typedef enum smf_SMFState {
} smf_SMFState_t;

Structured Types
struct Dependency

typedef struct smf_Dependency smf_Dependency_t;

struct smf_Dependency {
char *sd_name;
char **sd_target;
int sd_target_count;
smf_DepGrouping_t sd_grouping;
smf_DepRestart_t sd_restartOn;

void smf_Dependency_free(smf_Dependency_t *in);

struct Property

typedef struct smf_Property smf_Property_t;

struct smf_Property {
char *sp_name;
smf_PropertyType_t sp_type;
char **sp_values;
int sp_values_count;

void smf_Property_free(smf_Property_t *in);

struct Manpage

typedef struct smf_Manpage smf_Manpage_t;

struct smf_Manpage {
char *sm_title;
char *sm_section;
char *sm_path;

void smf_Manpage_free(smf_Manpage_t *in);

struct Doclink

typedef struct smf_Doclink smf_Doclink_t;

struct smf_Doclink {
char *sd_name;
char *sd_uri;

void smf_Doclink_free(smf_Doclink_t *in);

struct PropertyGroup

typedef struct smf_PropertyGroup smf_PropertyGroup_t;

struct smf_PropertyGroup {
char *spg_name;
char *spg_type;
unsigned int spg_flags;

void smf_PropertyGroup_free(smf_PropertyGroup_t *in);

struct PGTemplate

typedef struct smf_PGTemplate smf_PGTemplate_t;

struct smf_PGTemplate {
char *spgt_pgname;
char *spgt_pgtype;
boolean_t spgt_required;
char *spgt_name;
char *spgt_description;

void smf_PGTemplate_free(smf_PGTemplate_t *in);

struct PropTemplate

typedef struct smf_PropTemplate smf_PropTemplate_t;

struct smf_PropTemplate {
char *spt_propname;
smf_PropertyType_t spt_proptype;
boolean_t spt_required;
char *spt_name;
char *spt_description;
char *spt_units;
smf_PropertyVisibility_t spt_visibility;
unsigned long long spt_cardinality_min;
unsigned long long spt_cardinality_max;
char **spt_separators;
int spt_separators_count;

void smf_PropTemplate_free(smf_PropTemplate_t *in);

struct PropChange

typedef struct smf_PropChange smf_PropChange_t;

struct smf_PropChange {
char *spc_name;
smf_PropertyType_t spc_type;
char **spc_values;
int spc_values_count;

void smf_PropChange_free(smf_PropChange_t *in);

struct Decoration

typedef struct smf_Decoration smf_Decoration_t;

struct smf_Decoration {
char *sd_layer;
char *sd_bundle;
struct timespec sd_modtime;
char *sd_type;
char **sd_values;
int sd_values_count;

void smf_Decoration_free(smf_Decoration_t *in);

struct SmfError

typedef struct smf_SmfError smf_SmfError_t;

struct smf_SmfError {
smf_ErrorCode_t sse_error;
smf_ErrorTarget_t sse_target;
char *sse_aux;
char *sse_message;

void smf_SmfError_free(smf_SmfError_t *in);

struct ExtendedState

typedef struct smf_ExtendedState smf_ExtendedState_t;

struct smf_ExtendedState {
smf_SMFState_t ses_state;
smf_SMFState_t ses_nextState;
char *ses_auxstate;
struct timespec ses_stime;
int ses_contractid;
boolean_t ses_enabled_state;
boolean_t ses_enabled_temp;

void smf_ExtendedState_free(smf_ExtendedState_t *in);

struct LogInfo

typedef struct smf_LogInfo smf_LogInfo_t;

struct smf_LogInfo {
char *sli_name;
int sli_size;
struct timespec sli_MTime;
rc_opaque_t *sli_contents;

void smf_LogInfo_free(smf_LogInfo_t *in);

struct StructService

typedef struct smf_StructService smf_StructService_t;

struct smf_StructService {
char *sss_fmri;
adr_name_t *sss_objectName;
char **sss_instances;
int sss_instances_count;

void smf_StructService_free(smf_StructService_t *in);

struct StructInstance

typedef struct smf_StructInstance smf_StructInstance_t;

struct smf_StructInstance {
char *ssi_fmri;
adr_name_t *ssi_objectName;
struct timespec ssi_stime;
smf_SMFState_t ssi_state;

void smf_StructInstance_free(smf_StructInstance_t *in);

struct StateChange

typedef struct smf_StateChange smf_StateChange_t;

struct smf_StateChange {
adr_name_t *ssc_source;
smf_SMFState_t ssc_state;
smf_SMFState_t ssc_nextState;
char *ssc_auxState;
struct timespec ssc_stateTime;
char *ssc_reason;

void smf_StateChange_free(smf_StateChange_t *in);

struct Addition

typedef struct smf_Addition smf_Addition_t;

struct smf_Addition {
adr_name_t *sa_name;
char *sa_frmi;
smf_StructInstance_t *sa_instance;
smf_StructService_t *sa_service;

void smf_Addition_free(smf_Addition_t *in);

struct Removal

typedef struct smf_Removal smf_Removal_t;

struct smf_Removal {
char *sr_fmri;

void smf_Removal_free(smf_Removal_t *in);


SMF-1(3rad)                 RAD Module Definitions                 SMF-1(3rad)

       smf - API for Service Management Facility

       #include <rad/client/1/smf.h>
       cc [ flag... ] file... -lsmf1_client [ library... ]

   interface Entity
       const char * fmri ; (ro)
       const char * scope ; (ro)
       const char * service ; (ro)
       smf_Dependency_t ** dependencies ; (ro)
       smf_Manpage_t ** manpages ; (ro)
       smf_Doclink_t ** doclinks ; (ro)
       smf_PropertyGroup_t ** pgs ; (ro)
       smf_Decoration_t ** decorations ; (ro)

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_delete(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                  smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_deleteCust(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                      smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_createPG(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                    const char *pg_name,
                                    const char *pg_type,
                                    unsigned int pg_flags,
                                    smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_deletePG(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                    const char *pg_name,
                                    smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_readPGDecorations(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                             const char *pg_name,
                                             smf_Decoration_t ***result,
                                             int *result_cnt,
                                             smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_deletePGCust(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                        const char *pg_name,
                                        smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_readProperties(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                          const char **pg_names,
                                          int pg_names_count,
                                          smf_Property_t ***result,
                                          int *result_cnt,
                                          smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_writeProperties(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                           smf_PropChange_t **props,
                                           int props_count,
                                           smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_readProperty(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                        const char *prop_name,
                                        smf_Property_t **result,
                                        smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_writeProperty(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                         const char *prop_name,
                                         smf_PropertyType_t prop_type,
                                         const char **values,
                                         int values_count,
                                         smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_deleteProperty(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                          const char *prop_name,
                                          smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_readPropertyDecorations(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                   const char *prop_name,
                                                   smf_Decoration_t ***result,
                                                   int *result_cnt,
                                                   smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_deletePropertyCust(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                              const char *prop_name,
                                              smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_getCommonName(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                         const char *locale,
                                         char **result,
                                         smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_getDescription(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                          const char *locale,
                                          char **result,
                                          smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_getPGTemplates(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                          const char *locale,
                                          smf_PGTemplate_t ***result,
                                          int *result_cnt,
                                          smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Entity_getPropTemplates(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                            const char *pg_name,
                                            const char *pg_type,
                                            const char *locale,
                                            smf_PropTemplate_t ***result,
                                            int *result_cnt,
                                            smf_SmfError_t **error);

   interface Service inherits interface Entity
       const char ** instances ; (ro)

   interface Instance inherits interface Entity
       const char * instance ; (ro)
       const char * restarter ; (ro)
       boolean_t enabled ; (ro)
       smf_SMFState_t state ; (ro)
       smf_ExtendedState_t * ex_state ; (ro)
       const char ** snapshots ; (ro)

       rc_err_t smf_Instance_readSnapshotPGs(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                             const char *snap_name,
                                             smf_PropertyGroup_t ***result,
                                             int *result_cnt,
                                             smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Instance_readSnapshotProperties(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                    const char **pg_names,
                                                    int pg_names_count,
                                                    const char *snap_name,
                                                    smf_Property_t ***result,
                                                    int *result_cnt,
                                                    smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Instance_readSnapshotProperty(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                  const char *prop_name,
                                                  const char *snap_name,
                                                  smf_Property_t **result,
                                                  smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Instance_clear(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                   smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Instance_restart(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                     smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Instance_refresh(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                     smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Instance_maintain(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                      boolean_t immediate,
                                      boolean_t temporary,
                                      smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Instance_enable(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                    boolean_t temporary,
                                    smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Instance_disable(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                     boolean_t temporary,
                                     smf_SmfError_t **error);

       rc_err_t smf_Instance_getLogInfo(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                        int max_size,
                                        smf_LogInfo_t **result,
                                        smf_SmfError_t **error);

   interface Master
       smf_StructService_t ** services ; (ro)
       smf_StructInstance_t ** instances ; (ro)

       typedef void (*smf_Master_statechange_cb_f)(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                   smf_StateChange_t *payload,
                                                   struct timespec ts,
                                                   void *arg);

       rc_err_t smf_Master_subscribe_statechange(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                 smf_Master_statechange_cb_f cb,
                                                 void *arg);

       rc_err_t smf_Master_unsubscribe_statechange(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                   void **arg);

       typedef void (*smf_Master_additions_cb_f)(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                 smf_Addition_t *payload,
                                                 struct timespec ts,
                                                 void *arg);

       rc_err_t smf_Master_subscribe_additions(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                               smf_Master_additions_cb_f cb,
                                               void *arg);

       rc_err_t smf_Master_unsubscribe_additions(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                 void **arg);

       typedef void (*smf_Master_removals_cb_f)(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                smf_Removal_t *payload,
                                                struct timespec ts,
                                                void *arg);

       rc_err_t smf_Master_subscribe_removals(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                              smf_Master_removals_cb_f cb,
                                              void *arg);

       rc_err_t smf_Master_unsubscribe_removals(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                void **arg);

   Enumerated Types
       enum DepGrouping

           typedef enum smf_DepGrouping {
                SDG_REQUIRE_ALL = 0,
                SDG_REQUIRE_ANY = 1,
                SDG_EXCLUDE_ALL = 2,
                SDG_OPTIONAL_ALL = 3,
           } smf_DepGrouping_t;

       enum DepRestart

           typedef enum smf_DepRestart {
                SDR_ERROR = 0,
                SDR_RESTART = 1,
                SDR_REFRESH = 2,
                SDR_NONE = 3,
           } smf_DepRestart_t;

       enum PropertyType

           typedef enum smf_PropertyType {
                SPT_UNKNOWN = 0,
                SPT_BOOLEAN = 1,
                SPT_COUNT = 2,
                SPT_INTEGER = 3,
                SPT_TIME = 4,
                SPT_ASTRING = 5,
                SPT_OPAQUE = 6,
                SPT_USTRING = 100,
                SPT_URI = 200,
                SPT_FMRI = 201,
                SPT_HOST = 300,
                SPT_HOSTNAME = 301,
                SPT_NET_ADDRESS_V4 = 302,
                SPT_NET_ADDRESS_V6 = 303,
                SPT_NET_ADDRESS = 304,
           } smf_PropertyType_t;

       enum PropertyVisibility

           typedef enum smf_PropertyVisibility {
                SPV_HIDDEN = 0,
                SPV_READONLY = 1,
                SPV_READWRITE = 2,
           } smf_PropertyVisibility_t;

       enum ErrorCode

           typedef enum smf_ErrorCode {
                SEC_INTERNAL = 0,
                SEC_DENIED = 1,
                SEC_READONLY = 2,
                SEC_NOTFOUND = 3,
                SEC_EXISTS = 4,
                SEC_BADVALUE = 5,
                SEC_BADSTATE = 6,
                SEC_INVALID = 7,
           } smf_ErrorCode_t;

       enum ErrorTarget

           typedef enum smf_ErrorTarget {
                SET_NONE = 0,
                SET_SNAPSHOT = 1,
                SET_PROPERTYGROUP = 2,
                SET_PROPERTY = 3,
                SET_VALUE = 4,
           } smf_ErrorTarget_t;

       enum SMFState

           typedef enum smf_SMFState {
                SSMFS_NONE = 0,
                SSMFS_UNINIT = 1,
                SSMFS_MAINT = 2,
                SSMFS_OFFLINE = 3,
                SSMFS_DISABLED = 4,
                SSMFS_ONLINE = 5,
                SSMFS_DEGRADED = 6,
                SSMFS_LEGACY = 7,
           } smf_SMFState_t;

   Structured Types
       struct Dependency

           typedef struct smf_Dependency smf_Dependency_t;

           struct smf_Dependency {
                char *sd_name;
                char **sd_target;
                int sd_target_count;
                smf_DepGrouping_t sd_grouping;
                smf_DepRestart_t sd_restartOn;

           void smf_Dependency_free(smf_Dependency_t *in);

       struct Property

           typedef struct smf_Property smf_Property_t;

           struct smf_Property {
                char *sp_name;
                smf_PropertyType_t sp_type;
                char **sp_values;
                int sp_values_count;

           void smf_Property_free(smf_Property_t *in);

       struct Manpage

           typedef struct smf_Manpage smf_Manpage_t;

           struct smf_Manpage {
                char *sm_title;
                char *sm_section;
                char *sm_path;

           void smf_Manpage_free(smf_Manpage_t *in);

       struct Doclink

           typedef struct smf_Doclink smf_Doclink_t;

           struct smf_Doclink {
                char *sd_name;
                char *sd_uri;

           void smf_Doclink_free(smf_Doclink_t *in);

       struct PropertyGroup

           typedef struct smf_PropertyGroup smf_PropertyGroup_t;

           struct smf_PropertyGroup {
                char *spg_name;
                char *spg_type;
                unsigned int spg_flags;

           void smf_PropertyGroup_free(smf_PropertyGroup_t *in);

       struct PGTemplate

           typedef struct smf_PGTemplate smf_PGTemplate_t;

           struct smf_PGTemplate {
                char *spgt_pgname;
                char *spgt_pgtype;
                boolean_t spgt_required;
                char *spgt_name;
                char *spgt_description;

           void smf_PGTemplate_free(smf_PGTemplate_t *in);

       struct PropTemplate

           typedef struct smf_PropTemplate smf_PropTemplate_t;

           struct smf_PropTemplate {
                char *spt_propname;
                smf_PropertyType_t spt_proptype;
                boolean_t spt_required;
                char *spt_name;
                char *spt_description;
                char *spt_units;
                smf_PropertyVisibility_t spt_visibility;
                unsigned long long spt_cardinality_min;
                unsigned long long spt_cardinality_max;
                char **spt_separators;
                int spt_separators_count;

           void smf_PropTemplate_free(smf_PropTemplate_t *in);

       struct PropChange

           typedef struct smf_PropChange smf_PropChange_t;

           struct smf_PropChange {
                char *spc_name;
                smf_PropertyType_t spc_type;
                char **spc_values;
                int spc_values_count;

           void smf_PropChange_free(smf_PropChange_t *in);

       struct Decoration

           typedef struct smf_Decoration smf_Decoration_t;

           struct smf_Decoration {
                char *sd_layer;
                char *sd_bundle;
                struct timespec sd_modtime;
                char *sd_type;
                char **sd_values;
                int sd_values_count;

           void smf_Decoration_free(smf_Decoration_t *in);

       struct SmfError

           typedef struct smf_SmfError smf_SmfError_t;

           struct smf_SmfError {
                smf_ErrorCode_t sse_error;
                smf_ErrorTarget_t sse_target;
                char *sse_aux;
                char *sse_message;

           void smf_SmfError_free(smf_SmfError_t *in);

       struct ExtendedState

           typedef struct smf_ExtendedState smf_ExtendedState_t;

           struct smf_ExtendedState {
                smf_SMFState_t ses_state;
                smf_SMFState_t ses_nextState;
                char *ses_auxstate;
                struct timespec ses_stime;
                int ses_contractid;
                boolean_t ses_enabled_state;
                boolean_t ses_enabled_temp;

           void smf_ExtendedState_free(smf_ExtendedState_t *in);

       struct LogInfo

           typedef struct smf_LogInfo smf_LogInfo_t;

           struct smf_LogInfo {
                char *sli_name;
                int sli_size;
                struct timespec sli_MTime;
                rc_opaque_t *sli_contents;

           void smf_LogInfo_free(smf_LogInfo_t *in);

       struct StructService

           typedef struct smf_StructService smf_StructService_t;

           struct smf_StructService {
                char *sss_fmri;
                adr_name_t *sss_objectName;
                char **sss_instances;
                int sss_instances_count;

           void smf_StructService_free(smf_StructService_t *in);

       struct StructInstance

           typedef struct smf_StructInstance smf_StructInstance_t;

           struct smf_StructInstance {
                char *ssi_fmri;
                adr_name_t *ssi_objectName;
                struct timespec ssi_stime;
                smf_SMFState_t ssi_state;

           void smf_StructInstance_free(smf_StructInstance_t *in);

       struct StateChange

           typedef struct smf_StateChange smf_StateChange_t;

           struct smf_StateChange {
                adr_name_t *ssc_source;
                smf_SMFState_t ssc_state;
                smf_SMFState_t ssc_nextState;
                char *ssc_auxState;
                struct timespec ssc_stateTime;
                char *ssc_reason;

           void smf_StateChange_free(smf_StateChange_t *in);

       struct Addition

           typedef struct smf_Addition smf_Addition_t;

           struct smf_Addition {
                adr_name_t *sa_name;
                char *sa_frmi;
                smf_StructInstance_t *sa_instance;
                smf_StructService_t *sa_service;

           void smf_Addition_free(smf_Addition_t *in);

       struct Removal

           typedef struct smf_Removal smf_Removal_t;

           struct smf_Removal {
                char *sr_fmri;

           void smf_Removal_free(smf_Removal_t *in);

       API com.oracle.solaris.rad.smf [1]

       This API exposes common SMF configuration, actions, and state to rad(8)

       Three core interfaces are provided:

        1. Master - a top-level object providing access to all services and
           instances on the system

        2. Service - an object that represents an SMF service

        3. Instance - an object that represents an SMF instance

       The latter two interfaces, Service and Instance, are derived from a
       common Entity interface.

   interface Entity
       functionality common to services and instances

       Entity Properties
           const char * fmri (read-only) -- the service/instance's FMRI

               rc_err_t smf_Entity_get_fmri(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                            char **result);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

           const char * scope (read-only) -- the service/instance's scope

               rc_err_t smf_Entity_get_scope(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                             char **result);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

           const char * service (read-only) -- the service name of the

               rc_err_t smf_Entity_get_service(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                               char **result);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

           smf_Dependency_t ** dependencies (read-only) -- the
           service/instance's dependencies

               A list of dependency objects describing the full nature of each
               dependency. An empty list is returned if there are no

               rc_err_t smf_Entity_get_dependencies(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                    smf_Dependency_t ***result,
                                                    int *result_cnt,
                                                    smf_SmfError_t **error);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

                   result_cnt -- Number of items in result array

                   error -- An internal SMF error occurred.

               Read Error: smf_SmfError_t ** -- An internal SMF error

           smf_Manpage_t ** manpages (read-only) -- the service/instance's
           manual pages

               A list of manual page objects describing the name, section, and
               path of each relevant manual page. An empty list is returned if
               no manual pages are defined.

               rc_err_t smf_Entity_get_manpages(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                smf_Manpage_t ***result,
                                                int *result_cnt,
                                                smf_SmfError_t **error);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

                   result_cnt -- Number of items in result array

                   error -- An internal SMF error occurred.

               Read Error: smf_SmfError_t ** -- An internal SMF error

           smf_Doclink_t ** doclinks (read-only) -- documentation links

               A list of links to on-line documentation for the
               service/instance. An empty list is returned if no on-line
               documents are defined.

               rc_err_t smf_Entity_get_doclinks(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                smf_Doclink_t ***result,
                                                int *result_cnt,
                                                smf_SmfError_t **error);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

                   result_cnt -- Number of items in result array

                   error -- An internal SMF error occurred.

               Read Error: smf_SmfError_t ** -- An internal SMF error

           smf_PropertyGroup_t ** pgs (read-only) -- directly-attached
           property groups

               A list of all directly-attached property groups, including
               name, type and flags for each.

               rc_err_t smf_Entity_get_pgs(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                           smf_PropertyGroup_t ***result,
                                           int *result_cnt,
                                           smf_SmfError_t **error);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

                   result_cnt -- Number of items in result array

                   error -- An internal SMF error occurred.

               Read Error: smf_SmfError_t ** -- An internal SMF error

           smf_Decoration_t ** decorations (read-only) -- list of decorations

               A list of decorations associated with the service/instance.

               rc_err_t smf_Entity_get_decorations(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                   smf_Decoration_t ***result,
                                                   int *result_cnt,
                                                   smf_SmfError_t **error);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

                   result_cnt -- Number of items in result array

                   error -- An internal SMF error occurred.

               Read Error: smf_SmfError_t ** -- An internal SMF error

       Entity Methods
           rc_err_t smf_Entity_delete(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                      smf_SmfError_t **error);

               delete the service/instance

               Delete the service or instance.


               inst -- RAD instance


                   Failed to delete the service or instance. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

                   o   EXISTS - delete was called on a service and the service
                       still had instances

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_deleteCust(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                          smf_SmfError_t **error);

               delete administrative customizations

               Delete all administrative customizations applied to a
               service/instance and its children, if any exist.


               inst -- RAD instance


                   Failed to delete the administrative customizations applied
                   to a service or instance. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_createPG(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                        const char *pg_name,
                                        const char *pg_type,
                                        unsigned int pg_flags,
                                        smf_SmfError_t **error);

               create a property group

               Create a property group on the service/instance.


               inst -- RAD instance

               pg_name -- the name of the new property group

               pg_type -- the type of the new property group

               pg_flags -- the property group flags


                   Failed to create the property group. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

                   o   EXISTS - the propery group already exists

                   o   BADVALUE - an invalid property group name or type was

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_deletePG(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                        const char *pg_name,
                                        smf_SmfError_t **error);

               delete a property group

               Delete a directly-attached property group and all its
               properties from the service/instance.


               inst -- RAD instance

               pg_name -- the name of the property group


                   Failed to delete the property group. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

                   o   NOTFOUND - the property group doesn't exist

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_readPGDecorations(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                 const char *pg_name,
                                                 smf_Decoration_t ***result,
                                                 int *result_cnt,
                                                 smf_SmfError_t **error);

               obtain a list of decorations

               Obtain all the decorations associated with this property group.


               inst -- RAD instance

               pg_name -- the name of the property group

               result -- list of available decorations

               result_cnt -- Number of items in result array


                   Failed to read the property group decorations. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   NOTFOUND - the property group doesn't exist (see

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_deletePGCust(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                            const char *pg_name,
                                            smf_SmfError_t **error);

               delete administrative customizations

               Delete all administrative customizations applied to a property
               group and its children, if any exist.


               inst -- RAD instance

               pg_name -- the name of the property group


                   Failed to delete the administrative customizations applied
                   to a property group. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

                   o   NOTFOUND - the property group doesn't exist

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_readProperties(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                              const char **pg_names,
                                              int pg_names_count,
                                              smf_Property_t ***result,
                                              int *result_cnt,
                                              smf_SmfError_t **error);

               reads all properties in a set of directly-attached property

               Read all properties in the specified directly-attached property
               group. The name, type, and values of each property are


               inst -- RAD instance

               pg_names (nullable) -- The names of the property groups. If
               this value is Null, all property groups will be read.

               pg_names_count -- Number of items in pg_names array

               result -- a list of properties in the specified
               directly-attached property group

               result_cnt -- Number of items in result array


                   Failed to read properties from the property group. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   NOTFOUND - the property group doesn't exist

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_writeProperties(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                               smf_PropChange_t **props,
                                               int props_count,
                                               smf_SmfError_t **error);

               commit a list of property changes to a property group

               Commit a set of property changes to the specified property
               group. Each property change specifies a property, type, and
               optional set of values. If the property specified by a property
               change doesn't exist prior to the call, it will be created by
               the call. If the property specified by a property change exists
               prior to the call but has a different type, its type will be
               set to the type specified by the call.

               If the call succeeds, all the requested property changes were
               made. If the call fails, none of the requested changes were


               inst -- RAD instance

               props -- the set of changes to apply

               props_count -- Number of items in props array


                   Failed to make all the requested property changes. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

                   o   NOTFOUND - the property group doesn't exist (see

                   o   BADVALUE - a property had an invalid name, or a value
                       couldn't be converted to the requested type (see
                       target, aux)

                   o   INVALID - the same property was referenced by two

                   When an invidual property is the cause of the error, its
                   name will be returned in aux.

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_readProperty(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                            const char *prop_name,
                                            smf_Property_t **result,
                                            smf_SmfError_t **error);

               read a single directly-attached property's values

               Read a single property from the specified directly-attached
               property group. The result includes the name, type, and values
               of the property.


               inst -- RAD instance

               prop_name -- the name of the property

               result -- the specified property


                   Failed to read the specified property. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   NOTFOUND - the property or property group doesn't exist
                       (see target)

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_writeProperty(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                             const char *prop_name,
                                             smf_PropertyType_t prop_type,
                                             const char **values,
                                             int values_count,
                                             smf_SmfError_t **error);

               writes a list of values to a property

               Change the specified property. If the property doesn't exist
               prior to the call, it will be created by the call. If the
               property exists prior to the call but has a different type, its
               type will be set to the type specified by the call.


               inst -- RAD instance

               prop_name -- the name of the property

               prop_type -- the type of the property

               values -- the new values for the property

               values_count -- Number of items in values array


                   Failed to make the requested property change. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

                   o   NOTFOUND - the property group doesn't exist (see

                   o   BADVALUE - the property had an invalid name, or a value
                       couldn't be converted to the requested type (see

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_deleteProperty(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                              const char *prop_name,
                                              smf_SmfError_t **error);

               delete a property

               Delete a property from the service/instance.


               inst -- RAD instance

               prop_name -- the name of the property


                   Failed to delete the property. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

                   o   NOTFOUND - the property group doesn't exist, or the
                       property to be deleted doesn't exist (see target)

                   o   BADVALUE - the property had an invalid name or type
                       (see target)

                   o   INVALID - the property cannot be deleted while in use
                       (see target)

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_readPropertyDecorations(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                       const char *prop_name,
                                                       smf_Decoration_t ***result,
                                                       int *result_cnt,
                                                       smf_SmfError_t **error);

               obtain a list of decorations

               Obtain all the decorations associated with this property.


               inst -- RAD instance

               prop_name -- the name of the property

               result -- list of available decorations

               result_cnt -- Number of items in result array


                   Failed to read the property decorations. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   NOTFOUND - the property or property group doesn't exist
                       (see target)

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_deletePropertyCust(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                  const char *prop_name,
                                                  smf_SmfError_t **error);

               delete administrative customizations

               Delete all administrative customizations applied to this


               inst -- RAD instance

               prop_name -- the name of the property


                   Failed to delete the administrative customizations applied
                   to this property. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

                   o   NOTFOUND - the property group, or property doesn't
                       exist (see target)

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_getCommonName(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                             const char *locale,
                                             char **result,
                                             smf_SmfError_t **error);

               obtain the service/instance's localized common name

               Obtain the localized common name for the service/instance, if
               one exists. If a common name doesn't exist for the specified
               locale, attempts to return the common name for the "C" locale


               inst -- RAD instance

               locale -- the desired locale

               result -- the common name if available, or null

               error -- An internal error occurred.

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_getDescription(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                              const char *locale,
                                              char **result,
                                              smf_SmfError_t **error);

               obtain the service/instance's localized description

               Obtain the localized description for the service/instance, if
               one exists. If a description doesn't exist for the specified
               locale, attempts to return the description for the "C" locale


               inst -- RAD instance

               locale -- the desired locale

               result -- the description if available, or null

               error -- An internal error occurred.

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_getPGTemplates(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                              const char *locale,
                                              smf_PGTemplate_t ***result,
                                              int *result_cnt,
                                              smf_SmfError_t **error);

               obtain all property group templates

               Obtain all property group templates for this service/instance.
               If templates aren't provided for the specified locale, attempts
               to return the templates for the "C" locale instead.


               inst -- RAD instance

               locale -- the desired locale

               result -- all available property group templates

               result_cnt -- Number of items in result array

               error -- An internal error occurred.

           rc_err_t smf_Entity_getPropTemplates(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                const char *pg_name,
                                                const char *pg_type,
                                                const char *locale,
                                                smf_PropTemplate_t ***result,
                                                int *result_cnt,
                                                smf_SmfError_t **error);

               obtain all property templates for a property group

               Obtain all property templates for the specified property group
               of this service/instance. If property templates aren't provided
               for the specified locale, attempts to return the templates for
               the "C" locale instead. If no templates exist for properties of
               the specified property group, an empty list is returned.


               inst -- RAD instance

               pg_name -- the name of the property group

               pg_type -- the type of the property group

               locale -- the desired locale

               result -- all available property templates

               result_cnt -- Number of items in result array

               error -- An internal error occurred.

       Entity Retrieve
           rc_err_t smf_Entity__rad_get_name(adr_name_t **result,
                                             int n,

               Obtain RAD name of a Entity object.


               result -- RAD name

               n -- Number of key-value pairs provided as variadic arguments

               ... -- Optional key-value pairs that compose the primary key

           rc_err_t smf_Entity__rad_lookup(rc_conn_t *c,
                                           boolean_t strict,
                                           rc_instance_t **result,
                                           int n,

               Lookup a Entity instance.

               Construct a RAD name for the interface based on the provided
               key-value pairs and perform a lookup. If successful, instance
               reference is returned in the result.


               c -- RAD connection handle

               strict -- Strict (B_TRUE) or relaxed (B_FALSE) versioning

               result -- RAD instance

               n -- Number of key-value pairs provided as variadic arguments

               ... -- Optional key-value pairs that compose the primary key

           rc_err_t smf_Entity__rad_list(rc_conn_t *c,
                                         boolean_t strict,
                                         adr_pattern_scheme_t scheme,
                                         adr_name_t ***result,
                                         int *result_count,
                                         int n,

               List RAD names of a available Entity instances.

               Returns an array and array size of matching object names.


               c -- RAD connection handle

               strict -- Strict (B_TRUE) or relaxed (B_FALSE) versioning

               scheme -- Apply glob (NS_GLOB) or regex (NS_REGEX) matching

               result -- Array of RAD names

               result_count -- Number of names in result array

               n -- Number of key-value pairs provided as variadic arguments

               ... -- Optional key-value pairs that compose the primary key

   interface Service
       an SMF service object

       Inheritance Hierarchy.

       .-> interface Entity
       interface Service

       The Service interface is an Entity that represents an SMF service.
       Handles to this type of object can be retrieved from the RAD server
       using an object name built with:

        1. the "com.oracle.solaris.rad.smf" domain name

        2. a key named "type" paired with a value of "Service"

        3. a key named "service" paired with the service portion of an SMF

       Object names for services can be pulled from the Services exposed by
       the Master.services property. Or, they can be built directly:

       Service Properties
           const char ** instances (read-only) -- the list of instances of
           this service

               The list of instances of this service. An empty list if the
               service has no instances.

               rc_err_t smf_Service_get_instances(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                  char ***result,
                                                  int *result_cnt,
                                                  smf_SmfError_t **error);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

                   result_cnt -- Number of items in result array

                   error -- An internal SMF error occurred.

               Read Error: smf_SmfError_t ** -- An internal SMF error

           Inherited Properties (Entity):

           fmri, scope, service, dependencies, manpages, doclinks, pgs,

       Service Methods
           Inherited Methods (Entity):

           delete, deleteCust, createPG, deletePG, readPGDecorations,
           deletePGCust, readProperties, writeProperties, readProperty,
           writeProperty, deleteProperty, readPropertyDecorations,
           deletePropertyCust, getCommonName, getDescription, getPGTemplates,

       Service Retrieve
           rc_err_t smf_Service__rad_get_name(adr_name_t **result,
                                              int n,

               Obtain RAD name of a Service object.


               result -- RAD name

               n -- Number of key-value pairs provided as variadic arguments

               ... -- Optional key-value pairs that compose the primary key

           rc_err_t smf_Service__rad_lookup(rc_conn_t *c,
                                            boolean_t strict,
                                            rc_instance_t **result,
                                            int n,

               Lookup a Service instance.

               Construct a RAD name for the interface based on the provided
               key-value pairs and perform a lookup. If successful, instance
               reference is returned in the result.


               c -- RAD connection handle

               strict -- Strict (B_TRUE) or relaxed (B_FALSE) versioning

               result -- RAD instance

               n -- Number of key-value pairs provided as variadic arguments

               ... -- Optional key-value pairs that compose the primary key

           rc_err_t smf_Service__rad_list(rc_conn_t *c,
                                          boolean_t strict,
                                          adr_pattern_scheme_t scheme,
                                          adr_name_t ***result,
                                          int *result_count,
                                          int n,

               List RAD names of a available Service instances.

               Returns an array and array size of matching object names.


               c -- RAD connection handle

               strict -- Strict (B_TRUE) or relaxed (B_FALSE) versioning

               scheme -- Apply glob (NS_GLOB) or regex (NS_REGEX) matching

               result -- Array of RAD names

               result_count -- Number of names in result array

               n -- Number of key-value pairs provided as variadic arguments

               ... -- Optional key-value pairs that compose the primary key

   interface Instance
       an SMF instance object

       Inheritance Hierarchy.

       .-> interface Entity
       interface Instance

       The Instance interface is an Entity that represents an SMF instance.
       Handles to this type of object can be retrieved from the RAD server
       using an object name built with:

        1. the "com.oracle.solaris.rad.smf" domain name

        2. a key named "type" paired with a value of "Instance"

        3. a key named "service" paired with the service portion of an SMF

        4. a key named "instance" paired with the instance portion of an SMF

       Object names for instances can be pulled from the Instances exposed by
       the Master.instances property. Or, they can be built directly:

       Instance Properties
           const char * instance (read-only) -- the name of the instance

               rc_err_t smf_Instance_get_instance(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                  char **result);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

           const char * restarter (read-only) -- the fmri of the instance's

               rc_err_t smf_Instance_get_restarter(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                   char **result,
                                                   smf_SmfError_t **error);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

                   error -- An internal SMF error occurred.

               Read Error: smf_SmfError_t ** -- An internal SMF error

           boolean_t enabled (read-only) -- is the instance effectively

               rc_err_t smf_Instance_get_enabled(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                 boolean_t *result,
                                                 smf_SmfError_t **error);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

                   error -- An internal SMF error occurred.

               Read Error: smf_SmfError_t ** -- An internal SMF error

           smf_SMFState_t state (read-only) -- the current state of the

               rc_err_t smf_Instance_get_state(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                               smf_SMFState_t *result,
                                               smf_SmfError_t **error);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

                   error -- An internal SMF error occurred.

               Read Error: smf_SmfError_t ** -- An internal SMF error

           smf_ExtendedState_t * ex_state (read-only) -- the extended state of
           the instance

               rc_err_t smf_Instance_get_ex_state(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                  smf_ExtendedState_t **result,
                                                  smf_SmfError_t **error);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

                   error -- An internal SMF error occurred.

               Read Error: smf_SmfError_t ** -- An internal SMF error

           const char ** snapshots (read-only) -- a list of the instance's

               rc_err_t smf_Instance_get_snapshots(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                   char ***result,
                                                   int *result_cnt,
                                                   smf_SmfError_t **error);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

                   result_cnt -- Number of items in result array

                   error -- An internal SMF error occurred.

               Read Error: smf_SmfError_t ** -- An internal SMF error

           Inherited Properties (Entity):

           fmri, scope, service, dependencies, manpages, doclinks, pgs,

       Instance Methods
           rc_err_t smf_Instance_readSnapshotPGs(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                 const char *snap_name,
                                                 smf_PropertyGroup_t ***result,
                                                 int *result_cnt,
                                                 smf_SmfError_t **error);

               read all property groups in the composed view of the specified


               inst -- RAD instance

               snap_name (nullable) -- the name of the snapshot, or null for
               the running snapshot


               result_cnt -- Number of items in result array


                   Failed to read the list of property groups. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   NOTFOUND - the snapshot doesn't exist

           rc_err_t smf_Instance_readSnapshotProperties(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                        const char **pg_names,
                                                        int pg_names_count,
                                                        const char *snap_name,
                                                        smf_Property_t ***result,
                                                        int *result_cnt,
                                                        smf_SmfError_t **error);

               reads all properties in the composed view of the specified
               snapshot of a property group


               inst -- RAD instance

               pg_names (nullable) -- the name of the property group

               pg_names_count -- Number of items in pg_names array

               snap_name (nullable) -- the name of the snapshot, or null for
               the running snapshot


               result_cnt -- Number of items in result array


                   Failed to read properties from the snapshot's composed view
                   of the specified property group. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   NOTFOUND - the property group or snapshot doesn't exist
                       (see target)

           rc_err_t smf_Instance_readSnapshotProperty(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                      const char *prop_name,
                                                      const char *snap_name,
                                                      smf_Property_t **result,
                                                      smf_SmfError_t **error);

               reads a property in the composed view of the specified snapshot

               Reads a single property from the composed view of the specified
               property group. The result includes the name, type, and values
               of the property.


               inst -- RAD instance

               prop_name -- the name of the property

               snap_name (nullable) -- the name of the snapshot, or null for
               the running snapshot



                   Failed to read the property. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   NOTFOUND - the snapshot, property group, or property
                       doesn't exist (see target)

           rc_err_t smf_Instance_clear(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                       smf_SmfError_t **error);

               clear the instance if degraded or in maintenance

               Attempt to clear the maintenance or degraded state from the
               instance. This operation occurs asynchronously, and will return
               success even though the attempt could fail.


               inst -- RAD instance


                   Was unable to attempt clearing the instance. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

                   o   BADSTATE - the instance wasn't in the maintenance or
                       degraded state

           rc_err_t smf_Instance_restart(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                         smf_SmfError_t **error);

               restarts the instance

               Attempt to restart the instance. This operation occurs
               asynchronously, and will return success even though the attempt
               could fail.


               inst -- RAD instance


                   Was unable to attempt restarting the instance. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

           rc_err_t smf_Instance_refresh(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                         smf_SmfError_t **error);

               refresh the instance

               Attempt to refresh the instance. This operation occurs
               asynchronously, and will return success even though the attempt
               could fail.


               inst -- RAD instance


                   Was unable to attempt restarting the instance. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

           rc_err_t smf_Instance_maintain(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                          boolean_t immediate,
                                          boolean_t temporary,
                                          smf_SmfError_t **error);

               place the instance in maintenance

               Attempt to place the instance in maintenance. This operation
               occurs asynchronously, and will return success even though the
               attempt could fail.


               inst -- RAD instance

               immediate -- skip attempting a clean shutdown

               temporary -- maintenance doesn't persist after reboot


                   Was unable to attempt to place the instance in maintenance.

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

           rc_err_t smf_Instance_enable(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                        boolean_t temporary,
                                        smf_SmfError_t **error);

               enable the instance

               Enable the instance. This operation is idempotent; enabling an
               enabled instance has no effect.


               inst -- RAD instance

               temporary -- enable doesn't persist after reboot


                   Was unable to enable the instance. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

           rc_err_t smf_Instance_disable(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                         boolean_t temporary,
                                         smf_SmfError_t **error);

               disable the instance

               Disable the instance. This operation is idempotent; disabling a
               disabled instance has no effect.


               inst -- RAD instance

               temporary -- disable doesn't persist after reboot


                   Was unable to disable the instance. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   READONLY - the repository is read-only

           rc_err_t smf_Instance_getLogInfo(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                            int max_size,
                                            smf_LogInfo_t **result,
                                            smf_SmfError_t **error);

               obtain instance log file data

               Obtain information from and about the instance's log file.
               Includes the name, size, modification time, and contents.


               inst -- RAD instance

               max_size -- bytes of log file content to return

               result -- the requested log file data


                   Was unable to obtain log data. Cause:

                   o   INTERNAL - an internal error occurred

                   o   DENIED - insufficient authorization

                   o   NOTFOUND - no log file found

           Inherited Methods (Entity):

           delete, deleteCust, createPG, deletePG, readPGDecorations,
           deletePGCust, readProperties, writeProperties, readProperty,
           writeProperty, deleteProperty, readPropertyDecorations,
           deletePropertyCust, getCommonName, getDescription, getPGTemplates,

       Instance Retrieve
           rc_err_t smf_Instance__rad_get_name(adr_name_t **result,
                                               int n,

               Obtain RAD name of a Instance object.


               result -- RAD name

               n -- Number of key-value pairs provided as variadic arguments

               ... -- Optional key-value pairs that compose the primary key

           rc_err_t smf_Instance__rad_lookup(rc_conn_t *c,
                                             boolean_t strict,
                                             rc_instance_t **result,
                                             int n,

               Lookup a Instance instance.

               Construct a RAD name for the interface based on the provided
               key-value pairs and perform a lookup. If successful, instance
               reference is returned in the result.


               c -- RAD connection handle

               strict -- Strict (B_TRUE) or relaxed (B_FALSE) versioning

               result -- RAD instance

               n -- Number of key-value pairs provided as variadic arguments

               ... -- Optional key-value pairs that compose the primary key

           rc_err_t smf_Instance__rad_list(rc_conn_t *c,
                                           boolean_t strict,
                                           adr_pattern_scheme_t scheme,
                                           adr_name_t ***result,
                                           int *result_count,
                                           int n,

               List RAD names of a available Instance instances.

               Returns an array and array size of matching object names.


               c -- RAD connection handle

               strict -- Strict (B_TRUE) or relaxed (B_FALSE) versioning

               scheme -- Apply glob (NS_GLOB) or regex (NS_REGEX) matching

               result -- Array of RAD names

               result_count -- Number of names in result array

               n -- Number of key-value pairs provided as variadic arguments

               ... -- Optional key-value pairs that compose the primary key

   interface Master
       a top-level object providing access to all services and instances on
       the system

       The Master interface provides an iterative entrypoint into the SMF
       subsystem. Handles to this type of object can be retrieved from the RAD
       server using an object name built with:

        1. the "com.oracle.solaris.rad.smf" domain name

        2. a key named "type" paired with a value of "Master"

       For example, to report the number of services in the ONLINE state:

       Master Properties
           smf_StructService_t ** services (read-only)

               rc_err_t smf_Master_get_services(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                smf_StructService_t ***result,
                                                int *result_cnt,
                                                smf_SmfError_t **error);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

                   result_cnt -- Number of items in result array


               Read Error: smf_SmfError_t **

           smf_StructInstance_t ** instances (read-only)

               rc_err_t smf_Master_get_instances(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                 smf_StructInstance_t ***result,
                                                 int *result_cnt,
                                                 smf_SmfError_t **error);

                   Get property value.


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   result -- Property value returned

                   result_cnt -- Number of items in result array


               Read Error: smf_SmfError_t **

       Master Retrieve
           rc_err_t smf_Master__rad_get_name(adr_name_t **result,
                                             int n,

               Obtain RAD name of a Master object.


               result -- RAD name

               n -- Number of key-value pairs provided as variadic arguments

               ... -- Optional key-value pairs that compose the primary key

           rc_err_t smf_Master__rad_lookup(rc_conn_t *c,
                                           boolean_t strict,
                                           rc_instance_t **result,
                                           int n,

               Lookup a Master instance.

               Construct a RAD name for the interface based on the provided
               key-value pairs and perform a lookup. If successful, instance
               reference is returned in the result.


               c -- RAD connection handle

               strict -- Strict (B_TRUE) or relaxed (B_FALSE) versioning

               result -- RAD instance

               n -- Number of key-value pairs provided as variadic arguments

               ... -- Optional key-value pairs that compose the primary key

           rc_err_t smf_Master__rad_list(rc_conn_t *c,
                                         boolean_t strict,
                                         adr_pattern_scheme_t scheme,
                                         adr_name_t ***result,
                                         int *result_count,
                                         int n,

               List RAD names of a available Master instances.

               Returns an array and array size of matching object names.


               c -- RAD connection handle

               strict -- Strict (B_TRUE) or relaxed (B_FALSE) versioning

               scheme -- Apply glob (NS_GLOB) or regex (NS_REGEX) matching

               result -- Array of RAD names

               result_count -- Number of names in result array

               n -- Number of key-value pairs provided as variadic arguments

               ... -- Optional key-value pairs that compose the primary key

       Master Events

               typedef void (*smf_Master_statechange_cb_f)(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                           smf_StateChange_t *payload,
                                                           struct timespec ts,
                                                           void *arg);

                   Function invoked when event "statechange" occurs.


                   inst -- RAD instance that generated the event

                   payload -- Event payload

                   ts -- Time stamp

                   arg -- User data: custom parameter to invoke the function

               rc_err_t smf_Master_subscribe_statechange(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                         smf_Master_statechange_cb_f cb,
                                                         void *arg);

                   Subscribe to event "statechange".


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   cb -- Event callback function

                   arg -- User data: custom parameter to invoke the function

               rc_err_t smf_Master_unsubscribe_statechange(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                           void **arg);

                   Unsubscribe from event "statechange".


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   arg -- User data returned


               typedef void (*smf_Master_additions_cb_f)(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                         smf_Addition_t *payload,
                                                         struct timespec ts,
                                                         void *arg);

                   Function invoked when event "additions" occurs.


                   inst -- RAD instance that generated the event

                   payload -- Event payload

                   ts -- Time stamp

                   arg -- User data: custom parameter to invoke the function

               rc_err_t smf_Master_subscribe_additions(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                       smf_Master_additions_cb_f cb,
                                                       void *arg);

                   Subscribe to event "additions".


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   cb -- Event callback function

                   arg -- User data: custom parameter to invoke the function

               rc_err_t smf_Master_unsubscribe_additions(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                         void **arg);

                   Unsubscribe from event "additions".


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   arg -- User data returned


               typedef void (*smf_Master_removals_cb_f)(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                        smf_Removal_t *payload,
                                                        struct timespec ts,
                                                        void *arg);

                   Function invoked when event "removals" occurs.


                   inst -- RAD instance that generated the event

                   payload -- Event payload

                   ts -- Time stamp

                   arg -- User data: custom parameter to invoke the function

               rc_err_t smf_Master_subscribe_removals(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                      smf_Master_removals_cb_f cb,
                                                      void *arg);

                   Subscribe to event "removals".


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   cb -- Event callback function

                   arg -- User data: custom parameter to invoke the function

               rc_err_t smf_Master_unsubscribe_removals(rc_instance_t *inst,
                                                        void **arg);

                   Unsubscribe from event "removals".


                   inst -- RAD instance

                   arg -- User data returned

       enum DepGrouping -- indicates how dependencies are evaluated

           typedef enum smf_DepGrouping {
                SDG_REQUIRE_ALL = 0,
                SDG_REQUIRE_ANY = 1,
                SDG_EXCLUDE_ALL = 2,
                SDG_OPTIONAL_ALL = 3,
           } smf_DepGrouping_t;

           SDG_REQUIRE_ALL (0) -- all dependencies must be satisfied

           SDG_REQUIRE_ANY (1) -- only one dependency must be satisfied

           SDG_EXCLUDE_ALL (2) -- no dependency may be satisfied

           SDG_OPTIONAL_ALL (3) -- all satisfiable dependencies must be

       enum DepRestart -- describes when the dependent should be restarted

           typedef enum smf_DepRestart {
                SDR_ERROR = 0,
                SDR_RESTART = 1,
                SDR_REFRESH = 2,
                SDR_NONE = 3,
           } smf_DepRestart_t;

           SDR_ERROR (0) -- restart when a dependency encounters an error

           SDR_RESTART (1) -- restart any time a dependency restarts

           SDR_REFRESH (2) -- restart when a dependency is refreshed

           SDR_NONE (3) -- only process dependencies when starting instance

       enum PropertyType -- an SMF property type

           typedef enum smf_PropertyType {
                SPT_UNKNOWN = 0,
                SPT_BOOLEAN = 1,
                SPT_COUNT = 2,
                SPT_INTEGER = 3,
                SPT_TIME = 4,
                SPT_ASTRING = 5,
                SPT_OPAQUE = 6,
                SPT_USTRING = 100,
                SPT_URI = 200,
                SPT_FMRI = 201,
                SPT_HOST = 300,
                SPT_HOSTNAME = 301,
                SPT_NET_ADDRESS_V4 = 302,
                SPT_NET_ADDRESS_V6 = 303,
                SPT_NET_ADDRESS = 304,
           } smf_PropertyType_t;

           SPT_UNKNOWN (0)

           SPT_BOOLEAN (1)

           SPT_COUNT (2)

           SPT_INTEGER (3)

           SPT_TIME (4)

           SPT_ASTRING (5)

           SPT_OPAQUE (6)

           SPT_USTRING (100)

           SPT_URI (200)

           SPT_FMRI (201)

           SPT_HOST (300)

           SPT_HOSTNAME (301)

           SPT_NET_ADDRESS_V4 (302)

           SPT_NET_ADDRESS_V6 (303)

           SPT_NET_ADDRESS (304)

       enum PropertyVisibility -- the recommended visibility of a property

           typedef enum smf_PropertyVisibility {
                SPV_HIDDEN = 0,
                SPV_READONLY = 1,
                SPV_READWRITE = 2,
           } smf_PropertyVisibility_t;

           SPV_HIDDEN (0) -- the property shouldn't be displayed

           SPV_READONLY (1) -- the property isn't intended to be modified

           SPV_READWRITE (2) -- the property is modifiable

       enum ErrorCode -- the general cause for failure

           typedef enum smf_ErrorCode {
                SEC_INTERNAL = 0,
                SEC_DENIED = 1,
                SEC_READONLY = 2,
                SEC_NOTFOUND = 3,
                SEC_EXISTS = 4,
                SEC_BADVALUE = 5,
                SEC_BADSTATE = 6,
                SEC_INVALID = 7,
           } smf_ErrorCode_t;

           Indicates the general cause for failure. Specific meanings are
           defined by the individual APIs.

           SEC_INTERNAL (0) -- an internal error occurred

           SEC_DENIED (1) -- access denied

           SEC_READONLY (2) -- configuration database is read only

           SEC_NOTFOUND (3) -- named object wasn't found

           SEC_EXISTS (4) -- name is already in use

           SEC_BADVALUE (5) -- an illegal value was supplied

           SEC_BADSTATE (6) -- system was in an invalid state

           SEC_INVALID (7) -- API was called incorrectly

       enum ErrorTarget

           typedef enum smf_ErrorTarget {
                SET_NONE = 0,
                SET_SNAPSHOT = 1,
                SET_PROPERTYGROUP = 2,
                SET_PROPERTY = 3,
                SET_VALUE = 4,
           } smf_ErrorTarget_t;

           SET_NONE (0)

           SET_SNAPSHOT (1)

           SET_PROPERTYGROUP (2)

           SET_PROPERTY (3)

           SET_VALUE (4)

       enum SMFState -- the state of an SMF instance

           typedef enum smf_SMFState {
                SSMFS_NONE = 0,
                SSMFS_UNINIT = 1,
                SSMFS_MAINT = 2,
                SSMFS_OFFLINE = 3,
                SSMFS_DISABLED = 4,
                SSMFS_ONLINE = 5,
                SSMFS_DEGRADED = 6,
                SSMFS_LEGACY = 7,
           } smf_SMFState_t;

           SSMFS_NONE (0)

           SSMFS_UNINIT (1)

           SSMFS_MAINT (2)

           SSMFS_OFFLINE (3)

           SSMFS_DISABLED (4)

           SSMFS_ONLINE (5)

           SSMFS_DEGRADED (6)

           SSMFS_LEGACY (7)

       struct Dependency -- describes a dependency group

           typedef struct smf_Dependency smf_Dependency_t;

           struct smf_Dependency {
                char *sd_name;
                char **sd_target;
                int sd_target_count;
                smf_DepGrouping_t sd_grouping;
                smf_DepRestart_t sd_restartOn;

           void smf_Dependency_free(smf_Dependency_t *in);

           Fully describes a dependency group, including the FMRIs for the
           dependencies, the type of dependency, and when the dependency
           should be evaluated.


           sd_name -- the name of the dependency group

           sd_target -- the list of dependencies' FMRIs


           sd_grouping -- how the dependencies are evaluated

           sd_restartOn -- when the dependent should be restarted

       struct Property -- an SMF property and its values

           typedef struct smf_Property smf_Property_t;

           struct smf_Property {
                char *sp_name;
                smf_PropertyType_t sp_type;
                char **sp_values;
                int sp_values_count;

           void smf_Property_free(smf_Property_t *in);

           Describes a property, its type, and all its values.


           sp_name -- the name of the property

           sp_type -- the type of the property

           sp_values -- all the property's values

               A list of all the values held by the property. A single-valued
               property will have a list of length 1. A property with no
               values will have a list of length 0.


       struct Manpage -- a description of a man page

           typedef struct smf_Manpage smf_Manpage_t;

           struct smf_Manpage {
                char *sm_title;
                char *sm_section;
                char *sm_path;

           void smf_Manpage_free(smf_Manpage_t *in);

           Provides all the information needed to find a man page. The
           referenced man page can be displayed by running MANPATH=$path man
           -s $section $title.


           sm_title -- the man page name

           sm_section -- the section the man page is found in

           sm_path -- the path the man page is found in

               The colon-separated MANPATH the man page is found in. If this
               field has no value, the default MANPATH should to be used.

       struct Doclink -- an on-line documentation link

           typedef struct smf_Doclink smf_Doclink_t;

           struct smf_Doclink {
                char *sd_name;
                char *sd_uri;

           void smf_Doclink_free(smf_Doclink_t *in);


           sd_name -- an informative name for the document

           sd_uri -- the URI of the document

       struct PropertyGroup -- an SMF property group

           typedef struct smf_PropertyGroup smf_PropertyGroup_t;

           struct smf_PropertyGroup {
                char *spg_name;
                char *spg_type;
                unsigned int spg_flags;

           void smf_PropertyGroup_free(smf_PropertyGroup_t *in);


           spg_name -- the name of the property group

           spg_type -- the type of the property group

           spg_flags -- the property group flags

       struct PGTemplate -- template data for a property group

           typedef struct smf_PGTemplate smf_PGTemplate_t;

           struct smf_PGTemplate {
                char *spgt_pgname;
                char *spgt_pgtype;
                boolean_t spgt_required;
                char *spgt_name;
                char *spgt_description;

           void smf_PGTemplate_free(smf_PGTemplate_t *in);


           spgt_pgname -- the property group name

           spgt_pgtype -- the property group type

           spgt_required -- is the property group required?

           spgt_name -- a localized name

           spgt_description -- a localized description

       struct PropTemplate -- template data for a property

           typedef struct smf_PropTemplate smf_PropTemplate_t;

           struct smf_PropTemplate {
                char *spt_propname;
                smf_PropertyType_t spt_proptype;
                boolean_t spt_required;
                char *spt_name;
                char *spt_description;
                char *spt_units;
                smf_PropertyVisibility_t spt_visibility;
                unsigned long long spt_cardinality_min;
                unsigned long long spt_cardinality_max;
                char **spt_separators;
                int spt_separators_count;

           void smf_PropTemplate_free(smf_PropTemplate_t *in);


           spt_propname -- the name of the property

           spt_proptype -- the type of the property

           spt_required -- is the property required?

           spt_name -- a localized name

           spt_description -- a localized description

           spt_units -- a localized units label

           spt_visibility -- how the property should be presented

           spt_cardinality_min -- the minimum number of values

           spt_cardinality_max -- the maximum number of values

           spt_separators -- value separator characters

               Separator characters used to embed multiple values in a single
               property value.


       struct PropChange -- a change to make to a property

           typedef struct smf_PropChange smf_PropChange_t;

           struct smf_PropChange {
                char *spc_name;
                smf_PropertyType_t spc_type;
                char **spc_values;
                int spc_values_count;

           void smf_PropChange_free(smf_PropChange_t *in);


           spc_name -- the property to change

           spc_type -- the type of the property to write

           spc_values -- a list of values


       struct Decoration -- an SMF entity decoration

           typedef struct smf_Decoration smf_Decoration_t;

           struct smf_Decoration {
                char *sd_layer;
                char *sd_bundle;
                struct timespec sd_modtime;
                char *sd_type;
                char **sd_values;
                int sd_values_count;

           void smf_Decoration_free(smf_Decoration_t *in);


           sd_layer -- the layer associated with this decoration

           sd_bundle -- the bundle associated with this decoration

           sd_modtime -- the last modification time

           sd_type -- the decoration value type

           sd_values -- a list of decoration values. This is only valid for
           property decorations.


       struct SmfError

           typedef struct smf_SmfError smf_SmfError_t;

           struct smf_SmfError {
                smf_ErrorCode_t sse_error;
                smf_ErrorTarget_t sse_target;
                char *sse_aux;
                char *sse_message;

           void smf_SmfError_free(smf_SmfError_t *in);






       struct ExtendedState -- extended instance state information

           typedef struct smf_ExtendedState smf_ExtendedState_t;

           struct smf_ExtendedState {
                smf_SMFState_t ses_state;
                smf_SMFState_t ses_nextState;
                char *ses_auxstate;
                struct timespec ses_stime;
                int ses_contractid;
                boolean_t ses_enabled_state;
                boolean_t ses_enabled_temp;

           void smf_ExtendedState_free(smf_ExtendedState_t *in);


           ses_state -- the current state of the instance

           ses_nextState -- the next state of the instance

           ses_auxstate -- the auxiliary state of the instance

           ses_stime -- the time of last state change

           ses_contractid -- the contract ID, or -1 if none

           ses_enabled_state -- is the instance enabled or disabled?

           ses_enabled_temp -- is the instance enabled/disabled temporarily?

               Indicates if the instance's enabled/disabled state is

       struct LogInfo -- instance log data

           typedef struct smf_LogInfo smf_LogInfo_t;

           struct smf_LogInfo {
                char *sli_name;
                int sli_size;
                struct timespec sli_MTime;
                rc_opaque_t *sli_contents;

           void smf_LogInfo_free(smf_LogInfo_t *in);


           sli_name -- the log file's name

           sli_size -- the log file's size

           sli_MTime -- the log file's modification time

           sli_contents -- log file contents

       struct StructService

           typedef struct smf_StructService smf_StructService_t;

           struct smf_StructService {
                char *sss_fmri;
                adr_name_t *sss_objectName;
                char **sss_instances;
                int sss_instances_count;

           void smf_StructService_free(smf_StructService_t *in);






       struct StructInstance

           typedef struct smf_StructInstance smf_StructInstance_t;

           struct smf_StructInstance {
                char *ssi_fmri;
                adr_name_t *ssi_objectName;
                struct timespec ssi_stime;
                smf_SMFState_t ssi_state;

           void smf_StructInstance_free(smf_StructInstance_t *in);






       struct StateChange

           typedef struct smf_StateChange smf_StateChange_t;

           struct smf_StateChange {
                adr_name_t *ssc_source;
                smf_SMFState_t ssc_state;
                smf_SMFState_t ssc_nextState;
                char *ssc_auxState;
                struct timespec ssc_stateTime;
                char *ssc_reason;

           void smf_StateChange_free(smf_StateChange_t *in);








       struct Addition

           typedef struct smf_Addition smf_Addition_t;

           struct smf_Addition {
                adr_name_t *sa_name;
                char *sa_frmi;
                smf_StructInstance_t *sa_instance;
                smf_StructService_t *sa_service;

           void smf_Addition_free(smf_Addition_t *in);






       struct Removal

           typedef struct smf_Removal smf_Removal_t;

           struct smf_Removal {
                char *sr_fmri;

           void smf_Removal_free(smf_Removal_t *in);




       See attributes(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

       |  ATTRIBUTE TYPE    |           ATTRIBUTE VALUE            |
       |Availability        | system/management/rad/module/rad-smf |
       |Interface Stability | Private                              |


        1. Accessing Python documentation for this module:

           $ pydoc rad.bindings.com.oracle.solaris.rad.smf_1

Solaris 11.4                      2017-02-01                       SMF-1(3rad)