Alerts subscription is an option that users of an application or service have, to subscribe to certain event based notifications. Corporate users of the bank, can subscribe to alerts, and choose whether they want alerts delivered through Email, SMS or in their on screen mailbox.

This option allows the corporate administrator to subscribe / unsubscribe to alerts for transactions on behalf of the selected users.

The subscribed alert types are:




Features Supported In Application

You are here How to reach here:

Corporate Administrator Dashboard > Toggle menu > Others > Alert Subscription

Alerts Subscription - Search

Using this option, you can search and view the details of alerts subscribed. All the alerts subscribed for a party will be displayed in the respective categories viz. Current and Savings, Term Deposits, Loans etc. in a table.

To search subscribed alerts:

  1. The User Type list has the default option of a ‘Corporate’ field.
  2. In the User Name field, enter the user name.
  3. Click the More Search Options link to add more search parameters. The Alert Subscription screen with more search parameters appears.
  1. Click Search.
    The search result appears based on the search criteria.
    Click Clear to clear the search parameters.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  1. To view the details of the particular alert, click the User Name link. The Alerts Subscription - Update Subscription screen with tabs for all modules CASA/ Term Deposit/ Loans / Profile that the user has access to with the respective account numbers appears.
  2. To view the details categories viz of an alert, click on CASA/ Term Deposit/ Loans / Profile tabs.
  3. Click View Down against the particular account number to view alert type and delivery mode, for each CASA/ TD/ Loans account.
  4. Note: View the Alert Subscribed icon on the delivery mode against the alert, if the user has subscribed to any alerts for that.

Alert Subscription - Update Subscription

Using this option, corporate administrator can subscribe / unsubscribe to alerts, on behalf of the user.

To subscribe / unsubscribe alerts:

  1. The User Type list has the default option of a ‘Corporate’ field.
  2. In the User Name field, enter the user name.
  3. Click the More Search Options link to add more search parameters. The Alert Subscription screen with more search parameters appears.
  4. Click Search.
    The search result appears based on the search criteria.
  5. View the list of all alerts subscribed.
  6. Click View Down against the particular account number to view the alerts subscribed.
  1. Click against the particular account number to update the details.
  2. Click Email Alert to sent alert as an email.
    Click Secure mail box Alert to sent alert as a mail to secure mailbox.
    Click SMS Alert to sent alert as SMS on the user’s mobile number.
  3. Note: The active mode is the delivery mode that has a Alert Subscribed icon against it.

  4. Click Save to save the Alert Subscription.
  5. The Alert Subscription - Edit -Review screen appears post necessary validations. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
    Click Back to cancel the operation and to go back to the previous screen.
  6. The success message of Alert Subscription appears along with the transaction reference number. Click OK to complete the transaction and navigate back to ‘Dashboard’.


ClosedWhich alerts customer can subscribe or unsubscribe?

The alerts which are not mandatory can be subscribed or unsubscribed.

ClosedWhat if customers don’t want to opt for banking alert service?

If customer wishes to opt out of the alert service he/she can unsubscribe it at anytime. Note that the customer will continue to receive the mandatory alerts irrespective of his choice on the subscribed alerts.
