Block / Cancel Card

Block Card

Loss of credit card or any fraudulent transaction suspected on a credit card is a nightmare for a customer. In such a critical situation, visiting a branch or calling up customer care to block the card is time consuming. The customer should be able to block his credit card instantly in such situations. The Block Card feature of the application enables the customer to raise a request to block a credit card immediately.

The customer can raise a request to block a credit card at any time and can even specify the reason for which the request is being raised. The customer can also request for a replacement card to be issued as part of the same request and can identify where the new card is to be delivered i.e. either to the customer’s residence, work place or a branch.

This feature is available for both primary and add-on cards.

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Toggle menu > Credit Cards > Block / Cancel Card
Dashboard > My Account Widget > Credit Cards > More Options > Block / Cancel Card

To block a credit card and raise the request for replacement card:

  1. Choose option Block to block the credit card.
  2. From the Specify Reason list, select the appropriate reason to block the card.
  3. This screen also displays the field through which the customer can specify where the card is to be delivered. If you opt Yes, for the replacement card in the Delivery Location field, select the appropriate delivery address.
  4. If you select the My Address option as delivery location:
    1. If you select the My Address option as delivery location:
    2. From the Select Address list, select the appropriate option.
      The complete address of user as maintained corresponding to the selected address appears.
    3. If you select the Branch Near Me option as delivery location:
    4. From the City list, select the desired city.
    5. From the Branch Near Me list, select the desired branch.
      The complete address of selected branch appears.
  5. Click Submit.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
    Click on the Back to Dashboard link to go back to Dashboard screen.
  6. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm .
    Click Back to go back to previous screen.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  7. The success message appears, along with the service request number.
  8. Click Go To Dashboard to go to Dashboard screen.
    Click Go To Account Details to go to view the details of specific account.

Cancel Card

A customer might want to cancel a credit card for any number of reasons. The OBDX application supports the credit card cancellation feature. By means of the Cancel Credit Card feature, the customer can cancel a credit card and can specify the reason for cancellation and also provide additional feedback as to why the card is being cancelled.

The application supports cancellation of both primary as well as add-on cards.

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Toggle menu > Credit Cards > Block / Cancel Card
Dashboard > My Account Widget > Credit Cards > More Options > Block / Cancel Card

To cancel a credit card:

  1. Choose option Cancel to to cancel the credit card.
  2. From the Reason list, select the appropriate reason to cancel the card.
  3. Click Submit
  4. The Review screen appears. Verify the details, and click Confirm.
    Click Back to go back to previous screen.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  5. The success message appears, along with the service request number.
  6. Click Go To Dashboard to go to Dashboard screen.
    Click Go To Account Details to go to view the details of specific account.


Closed If I suspect someone has stolen my credit card or used it to make a fraudulent purchase, what should I do?

You should block the card immediately from your online banking portal. If you do not have access to the online application you should call up at the bank's call centre and inform the bank to block the card immediately.

ClosedWhat happens to add-on cards linked to a primary card if the primary card is blocked?

The status of the add-on cards, linked to a primary card that is blocked, remains active. The card holders can continue to transaction using the add-on cards.

ClosedWill the bank cancel a credit card if the card holder requests bank to do so?

Yes. The bank cancels the credit card provided that the outstanding amount, if any, is settled/ paid.

Closed Where can I view details of all cancelled, blocked and deactivated credit cards?

You can view the details of all cards that have been cancelled, blocked or deactivate in the Inactive Cards page by selecting the View All option available in the Inactive Cards widget on the Credit Cards dashboard.
