Credit Card Details

The customer can navigate to the credit card details page by selecting any credit card displayed in the summary section of the credit cards dashboard.

This page displays important details of a credit card such as billing details, cash and credit limits, validity and reward details. Additionally, the customer can initiate service requests from this page including PIN request, card block, auto pay, card cancellation, update of card limits, etc. If the customer is the primary holder of the card, the facility to apply for an add on card is also provided on this page. The option to pay the credit card bill is provided against the billing details.

Following are the categories displayed in details:

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > My Account Widget > Credit Cards > More Options > Credit Card Details
Dashboard > Toggle menu > Credit Cards > Credit Card Details

To view the credit card details:

  1. The Credit Card Details screen along with the Billing, Limits, and Rewards details appears.
  1. Click on the Back to Dashboard link to go back to Dashboard screen.
    To view and download the statement, clickView Statement .
    To pay the credit card bill, click Pay Bills available against the total due amount. 
    To block/Cancel credit card, click Block / Cancel Card.
    To change the Bill cycle, click editdisplayed against the bill date.
    To update Credit & Cash Limit, click Update available against the respective limit details.
    To reset for credit card pin, click Reset PIN .
    To apply for Add-On card, click Add-On Card.
    To redeem points, click Redeem Points
    To set auto pay for the credit card, click Auto Pay.

Note: AutoPay feature is available if customer has opted for auto payment facility.

Note: For Add on active credit card, View Details, Request PIN, Block/Cancel card/ Replace card, View-Update Limits, View – Update International transactions, View Card Status transactions will be available.

Update Limits

Customers can update the cash and/or credit limit of a credit card by selecting the ‘Update’ option displayed against each limit on the credit card details screen. On selecting the ‘Update’ option against either the cash or credit limit, the ‘Update Card Limit’ page is displayed for that specific limit. The customer can view the existing limit and has the option to specify the desired limit for the credit card selected.

The customer can also update the limits of an add-on card. In this case, in addition to the existing limit, the screen also displays the maximum limit amount that can be set for the card. This maximum limit amount is for Add On card, the limit assigned to the primary card.

To modify the limits of the credit card:

  1. Click Update to update the limits as required. An editable screen appears.
  1. Update the available cash & credit limits, if required.
  2. Click Save to save modified limits. The Update Limits popup appears.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
    Click on the Back to Dashboard link to go back to Dashboard screen.
  3. Click Proceed to continue the transaction.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  4. The success message of limits saved successfully appears, along with the service request number. Click Go To Dashboard to go to Dashboard screen.

Change Billing Cycle

Customers might want to change the billing cycle of a credit card to better suit their needs. The application enables customers to set a new billing cycle for any credit card of which they are primary card holders so as to enable the customers to better manage their funds. The customer can change ‘Billing Cycle’ by clicking the edit icon available against the billing details sub section in the credit card details page of a specific credit card.

To change billing cycle for credit card:

  1. The current billing day appears.
  1. Click edit.
    The screen prompting you to change the current billing day
  2. From the Billing Cycle list,select the appropriate available new billing day to assign for the selected credit card.
  3. Click editto update changes.
    Click on the Back to Dashboard link to go back to Dashboard screen.
  4. The Update Bill Cycle popup appears.
  5. Click Proceed to continue the transaction.
    Click Cancel to cancel the transaction.
  6. The application updates the new billing day. Click Go To Dashboard to go to Dashboard screen.


ClosedHow can I check my credit card account balance?

The credit card details page displays a summary of your current account status, including outstanding balance, available credit limit and information as to when your next payment is due.

ClosedWhat is a Credit Limit?

The 'Credit limit' is the maximum amount that a customer can spend/ borrow on a single credit card. This limit is defined by the bank/ financial institution based on the customer’s credit rating and history.

ClosedWhat is a Cash Limit?

The cash limit of a credit card is the maximum amount of money that can be withdrawn on the credit card.

ClosedCan I update the limits applicable on an add-on credit card?

Yes, you can update both the cash and credit limits of an add-on card. However, the limits of an add-on card cannot exceed the respective limits of the primary card to which it is linked.

Closed What is the impact on the billing cycle of an add-on card when the billing cycle of the primary card, to which it is linked, is changed?

When the billing cycle of a primary card is changed, the same billing cycle will be applicable on all linked add-on cards as well.

ClosedIs the bank required to manually accept a request for change in billing cycle or does it get automatically approved?

Depending on the bank’s configuration, manual acceptance by the bank might be required or it could be a straight through process where in the billing cycle gets changed automatically when a request to change is initiated by the customer.
