1 Introduction

This chapter describes an overview of the Oracle DIVArchive OTU (Object Transfer Utility) and includes the following information:

Object Transfer Utility Overview

The Oracle DIVArchive OTU (Object Transfer Utility) is an alternate method of initiating Archive (FTP to DIVArchive) and Restore (DIVArchive to FTP) requests using the Control GUI. OTU provides a simple, visual means of selecting files or objects to archive or restore. This utility is only available when logged into the Control GUI as an Administrator.

OTU primarily consists of two panels:

  • One exhibits a tree representation of the folders, files, and objects in the your defined Source/Destination locations.

  • One exhibits a similar tree representation of objects sorted by Category Names and Object Names currently in the archive.

OTU filters enable creation of various views with selected subsets of objects. You are able to select one or more files, or objects, or both, and drag-and-drop them from one window to the other to initiate an Archive or Restore operation. This function does not actually transfer files or objects, but provides an easy, graphical way to select files and objects for transfer, and automatically fills in the Archive or Restore request dialog box.

The Oracle DIVArchive Object Transfer Utility supports the following Source/Destinations:

  • Oracle Object Storage Accounts

  • FTP_Standard

  • Leitch

  • MSS

  • Omneon

  • PDR

Object Transfer Utility for Cloud Sources and Destinations

After a Cloud Destination is defined, you can use OTU to browse through the container directory tree for objects in an Oracle Object Storage Account. OTU loads the immediate children of the container folder, and additional files and folders are added to the tree dynamically.

You can also use OTU to restore content to a container and folder of an object in an Oracle Object Storage Account destination, or archive an object from an Oracle Object Storage Account source to DIVArchive.

The Object Transfer Utility can also identify a manifest file and remove all file fragments included in the manifest file so that a single file is displayed.