2 Operations

This chapter describes Object Transfer Utility operations and includes the following information:

Accessing OTU

The Object Transfer Utility is only available as an option when you are logged in to the DIVArchive Control GUI with Administrator privileges. If you are logged in as an Administrator, you will see the OTU icon on the ribbon bar, and the OTU menu item under the Tools menu in the far left panel of the Control GUI. Clicking one of these items displays the OTU screen.

The OTU screen consists of two panels side by side. Below them is a summary view of the Current Requests Status panel that is also displayed when the Oracle DIVArchive Manager is selected.

The left OTU panel displays the client's folder and file structure, or object list. This panel is the Source Destination panel.

The right OTU panel is a folder based view of the contents of the archive. This panel is the DIVA Objects panel.

See Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

Object Transfer Utility Cloud Operations

After a Cloud Destination is defined, you can use OTU to browse through the container directory tree for objects in an Oracle Object Storage Account. OTU loads the immediate children of the container folder, and additional files and folders are added to the tree dynamically.

Use the following procedure to modify the batch size for loading files and folders included in a container:

  1. Open the Control GUI and navigate to Tools, and then Preferences.

  2. Change the value of the Number of FilesAndFolders field in the Files And Folders for Object area at the bottom of the dialog box.

  3. Click OK to save your changes.

You can use OTU to restore content to a container and folder of an object in an Oracle Object Storage Account destination, or archive an object from an Oracle Object Storage Account source to DIVArchive.

The Object Transfer Utility can identify a manifest file and remove all file fragments included in the manifest file so that a single file is displayed.

Archive Operations

To initiate archiving of files, you first select the Source Destination View tab on the Source Destination panel. Immediately below the tabs there are several controls as follows:

  • Source Selection list

  • Disconnect button

  • Connect button

Use the following procedure to connect to a Source to initiate an Archive operation:

  1. Use the Source Selection list to select one of the predefined Source locations. Click the down arrow and select the desired source from the list. The selected Source Name will be displayed in the box.

    Source selections can only be changed if the current view is closed. If the Source Selection box is disabled (grayed out), the current view is connected and you cannot change the location in the Source Selection list. To enable changing the Source Selection again, you must first click Disconnect and then proceed as stated.

  2. Hovering over the selected Source Name in the list (after selecting it from the list) will yield a dialog box showing the selected Source server information including the Server Name, Server IP, Type of server, and any Options used to connect to the server (-login, and so on).

  3. Open the selected Source by clicking Connect to the right of the Source Selection list. The Source location's folder hierarchy is displayed, and you can expand each folder by clicking the icon to the left of the folder, or by double-clicking on the folder itself.

    You can update the view to refresh the list of files in the source location using the Refresh button at any time while the view is open.

The Source/Destination is now connected and you can continue operations as outlined in the following subsections.

Archiving Files

To archive files, highlight the file or files you want to archive. The highlighting works the same as in typical Windows folders. You can only select multiple files if they are in the same folder.

To display a view of categories and objects in the archive, there are several filters available on the top of the DIVA Objects panel as follows:

Category Filter

You can use this filter to limit the display. To see all categories use the global asterisk wildcard.

You can specify a single category by name, and then use a truncated name to view a subset. An example of a truncated name would be My*, which would only include categories that begin with My. Because you used the asterisk wildcard, the ending of the Category Name does not matter in this case. The wildcard indicates that anything after My will match the filter if the Category Name starts with My.

You can only user wildcards as a trailing asterisk for truncation.

Object Filter

This filter works the same as the Category Filter, and enables designation of all objects, or a subset of Object Names.

Date and Time Filter

You use this filter to specify a date and time range with both beginning and ending dates being specified as a year, month, and day, (YYYY MM DD) and the time specified as an hour and minute (HH MM).

You select the enable check box to turn this filter on and off. Select the enable check box to turn on the Date and Time filter, and deselect the check box to turn the filter off.

After making any changes to any of the filter fields, click Refresh to refresh the DIVA Objects panel view.

Use the following procedure to start the archiving process:

  1. Drag-and-drop the selected file (or files) from the Source Destination panel on the left to the desired folder (representing a DIVArchive category) in the DIVA Objects panel on the right.


    If you select a directory in the Source Destination panel and you drag-and-drop the directory, the system assumes that you want to move all files in that directory. A global wildcard is inserted into the Files list in the Send Archive Request dialog box.

    This action causes the standard Send Archive Request dialog box to be displayed with the Source, Files path root, and Category fields filled in, and the name of the selected file, or list of files, entered in the Files area. Other fields will either be blank or set to their defaults.

    The only additional field you must fill in is the Media field. You can modify all other default fields and fill in blank fields, but it is not necessary for archiving of the selected files.

  2. Click Send to initiate the actual file transfer and archiving. You can cancel the Archive request at any time before clicking Send by clicking Cancel.

    You can also reset the form to a blank form by clicking Reset, and then filling in the fields manually.

  3. After you click Send, the results are displayed in the OTU Request Summary panel at the bottom of the OTU screen.

  4. To exit the OTU screen and return to other DIVArchive functionality, click any other tab or icon. You can also close the Control GUI now if you are finished.

Filtering Configuration

Archiving an object involves selecting a single object that will automatically include all of the associated source files. Use the following procedure to filter your views:

  1. After selecting and opening the source location from the Source Destination panel, click the Clips view tab at the top of the display window.

  2. After switching to the Clips view tab, select the desired video server using the Filter As list.

  3. Navigate through the source folder tree until the names of the objects are listed in the display box panel. Each level is navigated by clicking on the In list down arrow. All immediate child folders will be displayed in the list for you to select from. Repeat the procedure to traverse another level down.

    Click Up to return to a higher folder level, and click Refresh to refresh the display.

    Object names are displayed without any file extensions. Each object includes all of the files that are components of that object when you archive it. Objects are arranged differently based on the type of video server selected.

  4. Clicking the Filtering/Configuration tab enables filtering the view of the clips on the video server and configuration of the Maximum Files to Display.

    The Reset button will reset the forms to the defaults and not produce any filtering or display configuration.

  5. After you have identified your filtering and you configure the maximum number of files to display, click Save to save the filter and view the filtered list of clips.

  6. After you have selected one or more objects, you can dragged-and-dropped them to an archive folder in the DIVA Objects panel.

    From this point the process continues the same as when archiving files directly using the Control GUI.

  7. To exit the OTU screen and return to other DIVArchive functionality, click any other tab or icon. You can also close the Control GUI now if you are finished.

Restore Operations

You initiate restoring an object by dragging the object from the DIVA Objects panel on the right to the desired destination folder in the Source Destination panel on the left.

You cannot visually selecting individual archived files for restoration, because OTU only displays objects in the DIVA Objects panel. You perform a Restore operation by starting the same way as when archiving.

Use the following procedure to perform a restore operation:

  1. Select the Source Destination View on the Source Destination panel.

  2. Select a Destination location from the list on the left. This time the selection will be used as the Destination rather than the Source.

  3. Click Connect to display the folder structure for this destination.

  4. Expand the folder structure (click the + icon to the left of the folder) until the folder intended for the restored object is visible.

  5. Use the filters on the top of the panel (the same as when archiving) to filter your view, and then click Update to refresh the DIVA Object panel.

  6. Select the object to restore using the same process as when archiving files.

    Unlike archiving files, where just dragging-and-dropping from the panel with no files selected produces a global archiving request, restoring requires at least one object to be selected.

  7. Drag the object from the DIVA Objects panel to a folder in the Source Destination panel and release the mouse button.

  8. The standard Send Restore Request dialog box appears with the Object Name, Category, and Destination filled in. All other fields will be either blank or set to defaults.

  9. Click Send to restore the object, or modify one or more fields before clicking Send. The Reset button clears all of the fields and enables you to enter requests manually. Click Cancel to cancel a restore before files are actually transferred.

  10. To exit the OTU screen and return to other DIVArchive functionality, click any other tab or icon. You can also close the Control GUI now if you are finished.