12 Configuring Notifications - Email, SNMP, SCI, or ASR

The library can send notifications to external destinations when certain library events occur. The library supports four destination types: Outbound StorageTek Library Control Interface (SCI), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Email, and Automatic Service Requests (ASR). Each destination type uses a specific protocol and requires destination-type specific information, such as IP addresses, email addresses, and credentials.


Alerting Event Categories

Library events are grouped into categories. You select the alerting event category of interest when configuring each notification destination type. When an event occurs, the library sends a message to all destinations configured to receive that event category. In the table below, x denotes that the destination type supports the event category.

Event Category Events Included Email SNMP SCI ASR
Fault Fault detected. x x x x
Cartridge_movement Tape moved between storage cells, tape mounted, tape dismounted. x - x -
Media_validation Media validation partition modified, validation data notification (sent one minute after media validation starts and then every 10 minutes) x - x -
Device Device state changed, device removed, device failed, and device fault detected. x x x x
Door Door opened, door closed, and audit completed. x x x -
Cap CAP ownership overridden, CAP ready to open, CAP opened, CAP closed, and audit complete. x - x -
Partition Partition change. Generally, any partitioning changes involve at least two partitions, because the commands that change partitions move cells and drives from one partition to another. x - x -
Cleaning_required Drive needs cleaning by an application. The library does not send this call if library auto-cleaning is enabled. x - x -
Library Library or rail state changed, capacity changed, library audit completed, and lost cartridge found. x x x x
Heartbeat Heartbeat stopped. - - x x
Test Test notification sent by library (see "Create a Test Event Alert"). x x x x

View a List of Library Events

You can view a list of when and what events have occurred for the library.

  1. Click Activity in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the Events tab.

See Also

Configure Email Notifications

Configure the SMTP Server

  1. Click Notifications in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click Configure Configure icon under the Email tab.

  3. Enter the SMTP information:

    • Enabled - Globally enables or disables all email activity for the library (including password recovery emails)

    • SMTP Host Address - Enter the email server host address.

    • From Name and From Email Address - The information that will appear in the "from" fields of the email client. Set short but meaningful values. For example:

      • Name: STK_Alert_YourLibraryName

      • Email Address: STK_Alert@YourLibraryName


      If the recipient is using a spam filter, they should whitelist the library email address to prevent the filter from blocking the emails.
    • SMTP Protocol - TCP is open and unauthenticated. SSL and TLS are secure and require a username and password.

  4. After making any changes to the SMTP settings, you should add a recipient (see "Configure Email Notifications" below) and send a test email (see "Test an Email Notification").

Configure Email Recipients

  1. Click Notification in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the Email tab.

  3. Click Add Add email address icon, or select a recipient and then click Modify Edit email address icon or Delete Delete email address icon.

    • Locale - sets the language of the notification.

    • Alerting Event Types - the notification categories that the library should send (see "Alerting Event Categories"). You should include the "Test" event for the administrator's email. Then, when you trigger a "Test Notification" through the Notifications Test tab (see "Create a Test Event Alert"), the administrator will receive an email.

Test an Email Notification

You can run a test to validate that the email notifications are properly defined. The test sends a message using the configured SMTP server.

  1. Click the Email tab, select a recipient from the list.

  2. Click Test Test email address icon, and then confirm the test.

  3. If SMTP Server has been setup correctly, you will see "Message accepted for delivery".

    If the attempt times out or results in an error, there are other issues with the SMTP configuration, then resolve the issue and retry the test. Try pinging the email server to verify that the library can reach it.

Configure SNMP Notifications

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an application layer protocol that performs network management operations over Ethernet using the User Datagram Protocol/Internet Protocol (UDP/IP). With SNMP, clients can query the library for information (configuration, operation, statistical) and the library can inform clients of potential problems.

Configure SNMP Users

If your SNMP manager will perform GET requests against the library, you must define an SNMP user.

  1. Click Notification in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the SNMP Users tab.

  3. Click Add Add SNMP user icon, or select a user and then click Modify Edit SNMP user icon or Delete Delete SNMP user icon.

    • Authentication Protocol - Choose SHA for best security or MD5 for compatibility with systems that use MD5. Enter an authentication password.

    • Privacy Protocol - Choose NONE, AES, or DES. Select AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) for best security or DES (Data Encryption Standard) for compatibility with systems that use DES. Enter a privacy password for AES or DES.

Configure SNMP Trap Recipients

An SNMP trap recipient is a network management station that you designate to receive trap notifications sent by the SNMP agent on the library.

  1. Click Notification in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the SNMP Trap Recipients tab.

  3. Click Add Add SNMP recipient icon, or select a recipient and then click Modify Edit SNMP recipient icon or Delete Delete SNMP recipient icon.

    • Host address - the IP address of the management host that will receive the trap.

    • Alerting Event Types - the notification categories that the library should send (see "Alerting Event Categories"). You should include the "Test" event for each recipient so that you can test the configuration. See "Test an SNMP Recipient".

    • Authentication Protocol - Choose SHA for best security or MD5 for compatibility with systems that use MD5. Enter an authentication password.

    • Privacy Protocol - Choose NONE, AES, or DES. Select AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) for best security or DES (Data Encryption Standard) for compatibility with systems that use DES. Enter a privacy password for AES or DES.

    • Engine ID - In most cases, accept the default value. If you must override this value, enter a hexadecimal value that starts with 0x and does not contain either all zeroes (0) or all sixteens (F).

Test an SNMP Recipient

You can run a test to validate that the SNMP recipients are properly defined. The test sends a test trap (level 13) to the recipient.

  1. Select a destination.

  2. Click Test Test SNMP trap recipient icon, and then confirm the test.

Download the MIB File

The management information base (MIB) is an ASCII text file containing the object identifiers (OIDs) that define the characteristics of a managed device (the library). When a manager requests information, or a managed device generates a trap, the MIB translates the numeric strings into readable text that identifies each data object within the message.

  1. Click Notification in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the SNMP Users tab.

  3. Click Download MIB File Download MIB File icon.

Configure Outbound SCI Notifications

Outbound StorageTek Library Control Interface (SCI) messages will be sent to clients registered as listeners. Sending an outbound SCI message is similar to sending an SNMP trap.

Configure the Library to Send Outbound SCI

  1. Click Notifications in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the SCI tab.

  3. Click Add Add YAPI destination icon, or select a destination and then click Modify Edit YAPI destination icon or Delete Delete YAPI destination icon.

    • Username and password - optional depending on the security policy of the client

    • IP address, port number, and URL - enter the client information

    • Retention Time Limit - the amount of time (in hours) the library will store outbound messages when a destination is unavailable. The library will periodically attempt to send pending messages to the destination. The library deletes any pending messages it cannot send within the retention time limit.

    • Alerting Event Types - the notification categories that the library should send (see "Alerting Event Categories"). You should include the "Test" event so that you can test the SCI destination configuration.

Configure the Destination to Receive SCI Notifications

At a minimum, you must configure the destination to use SSL/TSL for the library connection. If you added a username and password when configuring the destination on the library, it sends the credentials as a username/password token in the SOAP headers of the messages.

Implement the WSDL Interface

The library sends outbound SCI messages using a WSDL interface. An application developer must implement this interface at the destination so that the library can make successful outbound SCI calls.

You can find the WSDL at:


  • <hostname> is the hostname of the library in your DNS.

  • <port> is the port you have configured for the library. The default port number is 80.

The developer must implement the outbound SCI interface methods so that these calls return quickly by capturing the data sent on the call and then returning the call immediately. The application should wait to process data until after returning the call.

Test a SCI Destination

You can run a test to validate SCI destinations are properly defined. The test sends a "test" event message to the destination.

  1. Select a destination.

  2. Click Test Test YAPI destination icon, and then confirm the test.

Add an SDP2 Server to Receive ASR Notifications

If you are using a local Service Delivery Platform 2 (SDP2) server, the library can send Automatic Service Requests (ASRs) to Oracle. For more information, refer to the SDP documentation.

Add the ASR Destination

  1. Click Notifications in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the ASR tab.

  3. Click Configure Configure ASR Destination icon.

  4. Select Enabled. Enter the SDP2 server information. Select the network interface to use to communicate with SDP2, and then click Ok.

Register an ASR Destination

  1. Click Register and Test ASR Destination Test YAPI destination icon to begin the client registration. The library automatically fills in the client identifier.

  2. See the SDP2 documentation to complete the ASR registration.

View the History of ASR Notification Activity

You can view a list of when and what ASR notifications have been sent out by the library.

  1. Click Notifications in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the Notification History tab.

Create a Test Event Alert

You can create a test event to verify all configured notification destinations. Creating a test even only notifies destinations (email, SNMP, SCI, or ASR) that are configured to receive the "test" event type.

  1. Click Notifications in the left navigation area of the GUI.

  2. Click the Test tab.

  3. Click Test Notifications.