Oracle CRM On Demand JavaScript API Developer's Guide > JavaScript API Reference > Classes Exposed >

TitleBar Class

The TitleBar class represents the title bar on Oracle CRM On Demand pages and is a container for the buttons in Oracle CRM On Demand. Each TitleBar instance on a page has its own unique ID that is assigned by the Oracle CRM On Demand framework. You can identify the TitleBar's ID from examining the id attribute of the TitleBar's Document Object Model (DOM) element, or by following the procedure described in Identifying the IDs of Buttons and TitleBars.

You can get the existing TitleBar instance through the TitleBar's ID. With the TitleBar instance, you can then call custom JavaScript code to create custom buttons on the TitleBar. See Table 2 for information about the API method used to get a TitleBar instance.

You cannot create a new title bar or hide an existing title bar, using JavaScript code.

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