Oracle CRM On Demand JavaScript API Developer's Guide > Getting Started with the JavaScript API >

Guidelines for Uploading Client-Side Extensions

The guidelines for uploading client-side extensions are as follows:

  • Keep all client-side extensions in as few files as possible. This guideline improves performance. Preferably, refer to only one JavaScript file from custom HTML head additions.
  • Allow your browser to cache your client-side extensions. If you allow your browser to cache the client-side extensions, then the content does not have to be downloaded from the Oracle CRM On Demand servers each time that a user loads the page. If the client-side extension changes, then you must clear your cache so that Oracle CRM On Demand loads the page containing the extension. By default, client-side extensions are cached for 30 days.
Oracle CRM On Demand JavaScript API Developer's Guide, Release 36 Copyright © 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Legal Notices.