Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Custom Web Tabs >

Elements and Sections in the Custom Web Tabs XML Output File

Table 11 describes the elements and sections in the custom Web tabs XML output file.

Table 11. Elements and Sections in the Custom Web Tabs XML File
Element or Section


<DisplayName> contains the name of the Web tab. This name is used in the user interface if no translated display names are provided.


<Description> contains the description for the custom Web tab.


<Type> defines the type of the custom Web tab, either URL or HTML.


<HTMLHeadAdditions> specifies the HTML code that is included in the source of a rendered Oracle CRM On Demand Web page in the <head> tags at the top of the page (for custom Web tabs of the HTML type only).


<WebTabHTML> specifies the HTML code that is rendered in a custom Web tab (for custom Web tabs of the HTML type only).


<URL> contains the URL information for the custom Web tab.

NOTE:  Although it is possible to update or insert a custom Web tab of the URL type that contains a URL for a report or dashboard, this functionality is not fully supported, and the URL might not work after an upgrade.


<FrameHeight> specifies the frame height of the custom Web tab.


<FrameWidth> specifies the frame width of the custom Web tab.


<IconName> contains the file name of the icon used for this custom Web tab. In this example, icon_custtab.gif is the graphic file that is used. For the list of available icon file names, see Classic and Modern Theme Icons.

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The <ListOfCustomWebTabTranslations> section contains the translation values for the custom Web tab.

    <data:DisplayName>My Custom Web Tab</data:DisplayName>
. . .

The <CustomWebTabTranslation> section contains the translation values for one language:

In this example, for English-American (ENU), the display name is My Custom Web Tab.

The precedence for determining the display name is as follows:

  1. The translation definition, if it is defined.
  2. The information contained in the <DisplayName> element, if it is defined and if the translation definition is not defined.
  3. The system name, if the translation definition and the <DisplayName> element are not defined.

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