Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Homepage Layouts > Elements and Sections in the Homepage Layout XML Output File >

Example of Sequence Values in the Section: ListOfSelectedSection

Figure 1 represents the left and right side of the Accounts homepage UI. Exporting this homepage layout generates the <ListOfSelectedSection> section in the XML code displayed in Example of Generated XML Code for the Sequence Values. The sequence numbers for the left-side column and right-side column displayed in Example of Generated XML Code for the Sequence Values are highlighted in bold in the XML code.

Figure 1. Example XML Code for the Sequence Values in the <ListOfSelectedSection> Section
Example of Generated XML Code for the Sequence Values

The following example displays the generated XML code for sequence values:

    <data:SectionLayoutName>All Recently Modified Accounts</data:SectionLayoutName>
    <data:SectionLayoutName>Account Analysis Report</data:SectionLayoutName>
    <data:SectionLayoutName>All Recently Created Accounts</data:SectionLayoutName>

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