Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Related Information Layouts >

Elements and Sections in the Related Information Layout XML Output File

Table 38 describes the elements and sections in the related information layout XML output file.

Table 38. Elements and Sections in the Related Information Layout XML File
Element or Section


<IncludeAll> specifies whether the preconfigured related information layouts are returned in addition to the customized layouts (true), or if only the customized layouts are returned. The default setting is false.


<CurrentUserOnly> specifies whether the output must contain only the related information layouts that are associated with the current user's role. If it is set to true, then only the layouts that are associated with the current user's role are included. If it is set to false or null, then the output is not restricted to the layouts that are associated with the current user's role. The default setting is false.


<ObjectName> contains the system name of the parent record type (object), which never changes.


<RelatedInformationName> contains the child applet ID of the related information section. For information about child applet IDs and their mappings to the names of the related information sections as they appear in the UI, see Child Applet IDs and Their Corresponding Names.


<Name> contains the name given to the related information layout.

<data:Description>Test Related   Opportunities

<Description> contains the description of the layout.

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For certain record types only, you can specify how the related records are sorted in the related information section when a user opens the parent record detail page, as follows:

  • <SortField> corresponds to the Sort By field in the Page Layout wizard. It displays the name of the field that is used to sort the related records in the related information section when the parent record detail page opens.
  • <SortDir> corresponds to the Sort Order field in the Page Layout wizard. It specifies the sort order for the records in the related information section.

The <SortField> and <SortDir> elements are applicable for the Opportunities related record type only, and only for the following parent record types:

  • Account
  • Campaign
  • Contact
  • Custom Object 01
  • Custom Object 02
  • Custom Object 03
  • Dealer
  • Objective
  • Opportunity (the Sub-Opportunities related record type)
  • Partner Program

The valid values for the <SortField> element are:

  • Primary Revenue Close Date. Corresponds to the Close Date field.
  • Created. Corresponds to the Created: Date field.
  • Name. Corresponds to the Opportunity Name field.
  • Updated. Corresponds to the Modified: Date field.

The valid values for the <SortDir> element are Ascending and Descending.

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The <ListOfSelectedField> section contains a <SelectedField> child section for each field that appears in the Selected Fields list in the related information layout.

    <data:FieldName>Contact Full       Name
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The <SelectedField> section contains the details of one field in the Selected Fields list in the related information layout:

  • <FieldName> contains the name of the field.
  • <Sequence> specifies the sequence of the field in the Selected Fields list. The valid values are the integers 0 through 19.

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