Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Guide > Migrating Search Layouts >

Search Layouts

A search layout for a record type determines which fields users can search on when searching for records of that type, and also which fields are displayed in the search results page. Search layouts also determine some of the features in Lookup windows and whether smart associations are enabled. A default search layout is provided for each record type. For many record types, you can create multiple custom search layouts and assign them to user roles. For more information about search layouts, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

Table 48 describes the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands used with search layouts. These commands are case sensitive.

Table 48. Commands Used with Search Layouts in Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

Read SearchLayout SystemNameOfObject

This command extracts all of the custom search layouts for a specific record type (object), or a single custom layout (if the SearchLayoutName parameter is specified). The parameters are as follows:

  • SystemNameOfObject is the system name of a record type. The system names for the record types are listed in System Names for Record Types.
  • SearchLayoutName is the name of a search layout. This parameter is optional.

ReadAll SearchLayout

This command extracts all of the custom search layouts for all objects.

Upsert SearchLayout SearchLayoutXML

This command updates or inserts a custom search layout.

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