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Diameter Signaling Router Diameter Custom Applications
Release 8.2
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Main Menu Options

Table 2-2 describes all main menu user interface options.


The menu options can differ according to the permissions assigned to a user's login account. For example, the Administration menu options do not display on the screen of a user who does not have administrative privileges.


Some menu items are configurable only on the Network OAM and view-only on the System OAM; and some menu options are configurable only on the System OAM.


Some features do not display in the main menu until the features are activated.

Table 2-2 Main Menu Options

Menu Item Function
Administration The Administration menu allows the user to:
  • General Options. Configure options such as password history and expiration, login message, welcome message, and the number of failed login attempts before an account is disabled
  • Set up and manage user accounts
  • Configure group permissions
  • View session information
  • Manage sign-on certificates
  • Authorize IP addresses to access the user interface
  • Configure SFTP user information
  • View the software versions report
  • Upgrade management including backup and reporting
  • Authenticate LDAP servers
  • Configure SNMP trapping services
  • Configure an export server
  • Configure DNS elements
Configuration On the NOAM, allows the user to configure:
  • Network Elements
  • Network Devices
  • Network Routes
  • Services
  • Servers
  • Server Groups
  • Resource Domains
  • Places
  • Place Associations
  • Interface and Port DSCP
Alarms and Events Allows the user to view:
  • Active alarms and events
  • Alarm and event history
  • Trap log
Security Log Allows the user to view, export, and generate reports from security log history.
Status and Manage Allows the user to monitor the individual and collective status of Network Elements, Servers, HA functions, Databases, KPIs, system Processes, and Tasks. The user can perform actions required for server maintenance, database management, data, and ISO file management.
Measurements Allows the user to view and export measurement data.
Transport Manager (optional) On the SOAM, allows the user to configure adjacent nodes, configuration sets, or transports. A maintenance option allows the user to perform enable, disable, and block actions on the transport entries. This option only displays with the DSR application.
Communication Agent (optional) Allows the user to configure Remote Servers, Connection Groups, and Routed Services. The user can perform actions to enable, disable, and block connections. Also allows the user to monitor the status of Connections, Routed Services, and HA Services.
SS7/Sigtran (optional) On the SOAM, allows the user to configure various users, groups, remote signaling points, links, and other items associated with SS7/Sigtran; perform maintenance and troubleshooting activities; and provides a command line interface for bulk loading SS7 configuration data. This option only displays with the DSR application.
Diameter Common (optional) Allows the user to view or configure:
  • Dashboard, configure on the NOAM; view on both OAMs
  • Network Identifiers on the SOAM - MCC Ranges
  • Network Identifiers on the NOAM - MCCMNC and MCCMNC Mapping
  • MPs (on the SOAM) - editable Profile parameters and Profile Assignments

The DSR Bulk Import and Export functions are available on both OAMs for the data configured on that OAM.

Diameter (optional) Allows the user to configure, modify, and monitor Diameter routing:
  • On the NOAMP, Diameter Topology Hiding and Egress Throttle List configuration
  • On the SOAM, Diameter Configuration, Maintenance, Reports, Troubleshooting with IDIH, AVP Dictionary, and Diameter Mediation configuration
UDR (User Data Repository) (optional) Allows the user to add, edit, store, and manage subscriber and pool data. The user can also monitor the import, export, and subscribing client status. This option only displays with the UDR application.
RBAR (Range-Based Address Resolution) (optional) Allows the user to configure the following Range-Based Address Resolution (RBAR) settings:
  • Applications
  • Exceptions
  • Destinations
  • Address Tables
  • Addresses
  • Address Resolutions
  • System Options

This is accessible from the SOAM only. This option only displays with the DSR application.

FABR (Full Address Based Resolution) (optional) Allows the user to configure the following Full Address Based Resolution (FABR) settings:
  • Applications
  • Exceptions
  • Default Destinations
  • Address Resolutions
  • System Options

This is accessible from the SOAM only. This option is only available with the DSR application.

Gateway Location Application (optional)
On the SOAM, allows the user to perform configuration tasks, edit options, and view elements for:
  • Exceptions
  • Options

GLA can deploy with Policy DRA (in the same DA-MP or a separate DA-MP). This option only displays with the DSR application.

MAP-Diameter Interworking (optional)
On the SOAM, allows the user to perform configuration tasks, edit options, and view elements for the DM-IWF DSR Application:
  • DM-IWF Options
  • Diameter Exception
On the NOAMP, allows the user to perform configuration tasks, edit options, and view elements for the MD-IWF SS7 Application:
  • MD-IWF Options
  • Diameter Realm
  • Diameter Identity GTA
  • GTA Range to PC
  • MAP Exception
  • CCNDC Mapping
This option only displays with the DSR application.
RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) (optional)
Allows the user to perform configuration tasks, edit system options, and view elements for:
  • Network Options
  • Message Authenticator Configuration Sets
  • Shared Secret Configuration Sets
  • Ingress Status Server Configuration Sets
  • Message Conversion Configuration Sets
  • NAS Node
This option only displays with the DSR application.
SBR (Session Binding Repository) (optional)
Allows the user to perform configuration tasks, edit system options, and view elements for:
  • SBR Databases
  • SBR Database Resizing Plans
  • SBR Data Migration Plans
  • Database Options
Additionally, on the NOAMP, users are allowed to perform maintenance tasks, edit options, and view elements for:
  • Maintenance
    • SBR Database Status
    • SBR Status
    • SBR Database Reconfiguration Status
This option only displays with the DSR application.
Mediation Allows the user to make routable decisions to end the reply, drop the message, or set the destination realm.
Policy and Charging (optional) On the NOAMP, allows the user to perform configuration tasks, edit options, and view elements for:
  • General Options
  • Access Point Names
  • Policy DRA
    • PCRF Pools
    • PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rules
    • Network-Wide Options
  • Online Charging DRA
    • OCS Session State
    • Realms
    • Network-Wide Options
  • Alarm Settings
  • Congestion Options
Additionally on the NOAMP, users are allowed to perform maintenance tasks, edit options, and view elements for:
  • Maintenance
    • SBR Database Status
    • SBR Status
    • SBR Database Reconfiguration Status
    • Policy Database Query
On the SOAM, allows the user to perform configuration tasks, edit options, and view elements for:
  • General Options
  • Access Point Names
  • Policy DRA
    • PCRFs
    • Binding Key Priority
    • PCRF Pools
    • PCRF Pool to PRT Mapping
    • PCRF Sub-Pool Selection Rules
    • Policy Clients
    • Suspect Binding Removal Rules
    • Site Options
  • Online Charging DRA
    • OCSs
    • CTFs
    • OCS Session State
    • Realms
  • Error Codes
  • Alarm Settings
  • Congestion Options
This option only displays with the DSR application.
DCA Framework (optional)
Allows the user to perform configuration tasks, edit system options, and view elements for DCA applications:
  • Custom MEALs (Measurements, Events, Alarms, and Logs)
  • General Options
  • Trial MPs assignment
  • Application Control
  • System Options
IPFE (optional) Allows the user to configure IP Front End (IPFE) options and IP List TSAs.

This is accessible from the SOAM server only. This option only displays with the DSR application.

Help Launches the Help system for the user interface
Legal Notices Product Disclaimers and Notices
Logout Allows the user to log out of the user interface