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Tekelec Platform Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
Release 7.5
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Device Insert elements

Table 4-4 describes the elements of theDevices [Insert] form.


Some fields are dynamic and only display when specific values are selected. Dynamic fields are noted in the description.

Table 4-4 Devices General Options

Field Description Data Input Notes
Device Type The type of device.


A device type of Ethernet is system generated and not selectable from this form.

Format: Options

Range: Bonding, VLAN, Alias

Default: N/A

A value is required.

Start on Boot When selected, this checkbox enables the device to start on boot.

Format: Checkbox

Default: Enabled

Boot Protocol The boot protocol.

Format: List

Range: None, DHCP

Default: None

A value is required.

MTU Setting The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) setting for the device (bytes per packet)


Changing the MTU setting for an existing interface restarts the interface, which is service affecting.

Format: Numeric

Range: 1280-65570

Default: 1500

Monitoring Type The monitoring type to use with a bonding device.


This field is dynamic and only displays when bonding is selected as the device type.

Format: Options

Range: MII, ARP

Default: MI

A Value is required.

Primary The preferred primary interface.


This field is dynamic and only appears when bonding is selected as the device type and a monitoring type choice is selected.

Format: List

Range: None - all available devices

Default: None

A value is required.

Monitoring Interval MII monitoring interval in milliseconds.


A monitoring type is selected by default (MII).

Format: Numeric

Range: A positive integer

Default: 100ms

A value is required.

Upstream Delay MII monitoring upstream delay in milliseconds.


This field is dynamic and only appears when bonding is selected as the device type and MII is selected as the monitoring type.

Format: Numeric

Range: A positive integer

Default: 200ms

A value is required.

Downstream Delay MII monitoring downstream delay in milliseconds.


This field is dynamic and only appears when bonding is selected as the device type and MII is selected as the monitoring type.

Format: Numeric

Range: A positive integer

Default: 200ms

A value is required.

ARP Validation The method to validate the ARP probes and replies.


This field is dynamic and only appears when bonding is selected as the device type and ARP is selected as the monitoring type.

Format: List

Range: None, Active, Backup, All

Default: None

A value is required.

ARP Target IP(s) Comma-separated ARP target IP address list.


This field is dynamic and only appears when bonding is selected as the device type and ARP is selected as the monitoring type.

Format: Valid IP addresses

Range: Dotted quad decimal (IPv4) or colon hex (IPv6)

Default: None

Range: Dotted quad decimal (IPv4) or colon hex (IPv6)

Base Device(s) The base device(s) for bond, alias, and VLAN device types.


Alias and VLAN devices require one selection; bond devices require two selections. This cannot be changed after the device is created.

Format: Options

Range: Available base devices

Default: N/A

A Value is required.

IP Interfaces
Add IP Interface Presents a row with a single address box and network list.


For each row, only one IP Address and network can be specified. To specify additional rows, clickAdd IP Interface.

Format: Button

At least one entry is required.

Remove Removes the device interface IP Address on the selected row


This is not a delete button. IfApply has already been selected, clickingRemove does not delete the interface. Deleting an interface that has already been defined takes place from theDevices page.

Format: Button

Submit Buttons
OK Submits the information to the database, and, if successful, returns you to theDevices page.  
Apply Submits the information to the database, and, if successful, remains on theDevices [Insert] form so that you can enter additional data.  
Cancel Discards the information and returns you to theDevices page.