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Diameter Signaling Router SS7/Sigtran
Release 8.2
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Command Execution Results elements

Results from command script execution are written to a TXT file. Table 5-3 describes the elements of the Command Execution Results file.

Table 5-3 Command Execution Results

Element Description
Command Execution Results Displays the following information:
  • Time the report was generated
  • Server name
  • Report version number
  • User name
Command Execution Details Output in the details section of the results file displays:
  • UTC timestamp in millisecond format: MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss:uuu
  • Corresponding line number from the input file
  • Command statements from the input file
  • Successfully executed commands are preceded by: SUCCESS
  • Failed commands are preceded by: FAILED
  • Failed commands are followed by a line that begins with: ***ERROR*** [Error Code <number>] - <error code text>
  • Comments from the input file, if applicable
  • Comments are preceded by: Comment
Command Execution Summary Output in the summary section of the file displays:
  • Name of the input file
  • Number of commands executed
  • Number of commands succeeded
  • Number of commands failed
  • If a fatal error occurs, the script is terminated and the summary contains the message: ***SCRIPT ABORTED DUE TO ERROR***