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Diameter Signaling Router SS7/Sigtran
Release 8.2
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Routes elements

Table 3-9 describes the information on the SS7/Sigtran > Configuration > Routes pages. Data Input Notes apply only to the Insert and Edit pages.

Table 3-9 Routes Elements

Element (* indicates required field) Description Data Input Notes
*Signaling Network Element Name Identifies the Signaling Network Element to which the route is being added. View-only
*SS7 Domain The SS7 domain of the selected Remote Signaling Point.

Format: List

Range: ANSI, ITUI - ITU International, ITUN - ITU National, ITU National 24-bit


MD-IWF does not support ITUN24 - ITU National 24-bit point codes
Remote Point Code The point code configured in the remote signaling point that identifies the destination of this route.

Format: List

Range: Configured Remote Signaling Points associated with the selected SS7 Domain

*Link Set The Link Set to be used by this route. The choice of Link Set implies the LSP of the Route.

Format: List

Range: Configured Link Sets from the selected Remote Point Code domain

Adjacent Point Code The point code configured in the Adjacent RSP being used by the selected Link Set. This field is view-only. The field is populated automatically when a Link Set is selected.
Relative Cost The relative cost assigned to this route. Lower cost routes are preferred over higher cost routes.

Format: Text box; numeric

Default: 20

Range: 0 - 99

Route Name An optional name that uniquely identifies the route. The name is case sensitive.

Format: Valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore. Must contain at least one alpha and must not start with a digit.

Range: A 32-character string