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Diameter Signaling Router SS7/Sigtran
Release 8.2
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Remote MTP3 Users Maintenance elements

Table 4-4 describes the information on the SS7/Sigtran > Maintenance > Remote MTP3 Users page.

Table 4-4 Remote MTP3 Users Maintenance Elements

Element Description
Remote Point Code The Remote Point Code associated with the RMU.
SS7 Domain The SS7 domain of the RMU.
Remote SSN The Remote Subsystem Number whose status is being tracked.
MP Server Hostname The hostname of the MP Server reporting the status.
Operational Status RMU status is an aggregation of the Remote PC and Remote SSN status that indicates the MP's ability to signal to the specified RMU. Possible values are:
  • Available - the RMU is available (none of the conditions for Unavailable is true). A congested point code can have a status of Available.
  • Unavailable - the SSN is prohibited or the point code is unavailable.
Operational SSN Reason Shows one of these values:
  • Normal - the MP Server thinks the RMU's subsystem is fully accessible for SCCP signaling.
  • Prohibited - an SSP was received for the point code and subsystem.
  • Unknown - DUPU/UPU was received for the point code indicating that SCCP is unavailable on that RSP.
  • Application Disabled - the application has been manually disabled via the Server Status page.
  • Forced Standby - the MP Server's HA state has been manually set to Forced Standby via the HA Status page. All signaling is inhibited for MP Servers that are in the Forced Standby state.
A value of ITU subsystem congestion (SSC) is not yet supported.
Operational Point Code Reason Shows one of these values:
  • Normal - the point code is normal (none of the other conditions listed in this section is true).
  • User Part Unavailable - an MTP-Status indicating user part unavailable or unknown is received from the signaling gateway.
  • Point Code Paused - SCCP received an MTP-Pause indicating that the point code is inaccessible for signaling.
  • Congested - an MTP-Status message is received indicating that the point code is congested.
  • Application Disabled - the application has been manually disabled via the Server Status page.
  • Forced Standby - the MP Server's HA state has been manually set to Forced Standby via the HA Status page. All signaling is inhibited for MP Servers that are in the Forced Standby state.
Available/Unavailable Since Indicates the last time when the operational status changed.
Pause updates Unchecked by default to refresh every 15 seconds. Checked stops the updates.