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Diameter Signaling Router SS7/Sigtran
Release 8.2
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About resetting the Network Status of the routes

The Reset action allows the network operator to reset the MP Server's view of the Network Status for both Routes to Available. If the Link Set Status values for the two Routes do not prevent signaling, then both Routes (and the RSP) become available for signaling. The Link Set Status is not affected by the Reset action. Resetting the Network Status for the Routes may cause the RSP Status to change.

Reset should be used only in cases in which the network operator suspects that a DAVA/TFA management message may have been lost so that the MP has a stale view of the true network status. If Reset is used and the Network Status was correct (was Unavailable), then response method signaling sets the Network Status back to the correct value. Clicking Reset when the route Network Status is already Available has no effect.

Reset can also be used to reset the MP's view of the RSP's congestion status. In other words, Reset makes the MP Server think the RSP is no longer congested. Again, if the RSP really is congested, response method signaling may set it back to Congested.

Reset has no effect on an RSP for which both Routes are Up/Available and the RSP is not congested.