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Diameter Signaling Router SS7/Sigtran
Release 8.2
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SCCP Options elements

Table 3-10 describes the information on the SS7/Sigtran > Configuration > SCCP Options page.

Table 3-10 SCCP Options Elements

Variable Description Data Input Notes
Subsystem Test Interval The number of seconds to delay after sending an SST (Subsystem Test) before sending the next SST.

Format: Numeric

Range: 1 - 600

Default: 30

ANSI Default GTT Point Code Default ANSI Global Title STP point code in format NNN-NNN-NNN. If the egress SCCP message request does not contain a destination point code and the CdPA routing indicator indicates global title translation is required, then this point code is used as the DPC of the egress message.

Format: List

Range: Point Code must comply with ANSI T1.111.8

ITUI Default GTT Point Code Default ITUI Global Title STP point code in format J-NNN-J. If the egress SCCP message request does not contain a destination point code and the CdPA routing indicator indicates global title translation is required, then this point code is used as the DPC of the egress message.

Format: List

Range: 0-7 (J), 0-255 (NNN)

ITUN Default GTT Point Code Default ITUN Global Title STP point code in format NNNNN. If the egress SCCP message request does not contain a destination point code and the CdPA routing indicator indicates global title translation is required, then this point code is used as the DPC of the egress message.

Format: List

Range: 0 - 16383 (NNNNN)

ITUN24 Default GTT Point Code


MD-IWF does not support ITUN24 - ITU National 24-bit point codes.
Reassembly Timeout(ITU) Time period after receiving the first segment, while waiting to receive all the remaining segments related to same ITU XUDT segmented message.

Format: Text box

Range: 10-20 seconds

Default: 10

Reassembly Timeout(ANSI) Time period after receiving the first segment, while waiting to receive all the remaining segments related to same ANSI XUDT segmented message.

Format: Text box

Range: 5-20 seconds

Default: 5

SCCP Address Length in Signaling Network Maximum SCCP Address Length in operator's network, considering any intermediate translations and network conversations.

Format: Text box

Range: 3-28 bytes

Default: 19

Route on GT Action Configuration option for enforcing the default translation handling in the SS7 application.

Format: List

Range: Error Procedure, Forward To Application

Default: Error Procedure