Library Requirements

Verify the tape libraries within your system meet minimum requirements for STA.

For the best functionality, upgrade to the recommended or latest available library firmware.

Firmware versions are subject to change. See Verify the Library Firmware Version to check the library firmware version. To upgrade your firmware, open a Service Request (SR) with your Oracle support representative.

Table 1-1 Library Firmware Requirements

Feature SL150 SL500 SL3000 SL8500

Recommended for full STA features in this release. Newer firmware may be available.


FRS 1501

FRS 4.55

FRS 8.70

Minimum for IBM LTO-8 drives, with or without encryption


Not Supported



Minimum for IBM LTO-7 drives, with or without encryption


Not Supported

FRS 4.40

FRS 8.51

Minimum for IBM LTO-6 drives, with or without encryption


Not Supported

FRS 4.31

FRS 8.36

Minimum for IBM LTO-5 drives, with or without encryption

Not Supported

FRS 1493

FRS 4.31

FRS 8.36

Minimum for IBM LTO-4 drives with encryption

Not Supported

FRS 1493

FRS 4.31

FRS 8.36

Minimum for HP LTO-6 drives


FRS 1485

FRS 3.61

FRS 8.01

Minimum for HP LTO-5 drives


FRS 1485

FRS 3.61

FRS 8.01

Minimum for all other drives.

Not Supported

FRS 1485

FRS 3.61

FRS 8.01

Table 1-2 Library Hardware Requirements

Library Component Requirements



HBT card

High-memory drive controller (HBT) card: Required for media validation support and reporting of richer drive data. Libraries with LTO drives must have a high-memory HBT card to enable ADI.

See the Verify the HBT Drive Controller Card Version (SL3000 and SL8500 only) to determine the memory level of your HBT card.

Note: All SL3000 libraries ship with the high-memory card. Since 2006, all SL8500 libraries ship with the high-memory card.



All SL8500 libraries in a single complex must be monitored by a single instance of the STA application.


Ethernet connection

Separate connection from STA to each library: Each library must have an assigned IP address and be reachable by the STA server.

Note: Each library in an SL8500 complex has its own SNMP agent. Therefore, STA must be able to connect to each library separately.