Alert Policy Examples

These examples illustrate how and when STA generates alerts based on specific policy criteria and severities.

These examples show how a policy's severity level influences the frequency of alert generation. You can use this information to decide which severity levels to assign to your alert policies.

"Warning" Policy for Drives Example

This policy generates alerts for drives that require attention because they have ACTION or EVALUATE health.

Policy entity: Drives

Policy severity: Warning – alerts may be generated every 24 hours.

Policy criteria: Drive Health Indicator is ACTION, or Drive Health Indicator is EVALUATE.

Time/Events Evaluation Result
05:00:17, Day 1

The policy is created and enabled.

Drive 1 health is EVALUATE.

Drive 2 health is MONITOR.

The policy is evaluated for all drives and matched for Drive 1 but not Drive 2. An alert is generated for Drive 1 and emails sent to the defined recipients.

No alert for Drive 2.

08:12:24, Day 1

Drive 1 health goes to ACTION.

Drive 2 health is still MONITOR.

The policy is evaluated for all drives and matched for Drive 1 but not Drive 2. Since it has been less than 24 hours since the last alert for Drive 1, no new alert is generated.

No alert for Drive 2.

13:37:01, Day 1

Drive 1 health is still ACTION.

Drive 2 health goes to EVALUATE.

The policy is evaluated for all drives and matched for both Drive 1 and Drive 2. No alert for Drive 1.

An alert is generated for Drive 2 and emails sent to the defined recipients.

05:01:03, Day 2

Drive 1 health is still ACTION.

Drive 2 health is still EVALUATE.

The policy is evaluated for all drives and matched for both Drive 1 and Drive 2. Since it has been more than 24 hours since the previous alert for Drive 1, a new alert is generated and emails sent to the defined recipients.

No new alert for Drive 2 since it has been less than 24 hours since the last alert for Drive 2.

17:08:43, Day 2

A new email recipient is added to the policy.

Drive 1 health is still ACTION.

Drive 2 health is still EVALUATE.

The policy is evaluated for all drives and matched for both Drive 1 and Drive 2. No new alert for Drive 1.

Since it has been more than 24 hours since the previous alert for Drive 2, a new alert is generated and emails sent to the defined recipients.

"Informative" Policy for Drives Example

This policy generates alerts for drives that require attention because they have ACTION or EVALUATE health, but with the Informative severity.

Policy entity: Drives

Policy severity: Informative – alerts are generated only once.

Policy criteria: Drive Health Indicator is ACTION, or Drive Health Indicator is EVALUATE.

Time/Events Evaluation Result

The policy is created and enabled.

Drive 1 health is EVALUATE.

Drive 2 health is MONITOR.

The policy is evaluated for all drives and matched for Drive 1 but not Drive 2. An alert is generated for Drive 1 and emails sent to the defined recipients. No additional alerts will be generated by this policy for this drive.

No alert for Drive 2.


Drive 1 health goes to ACTION.

Drive 2 health is still MONITOR.

The policy is evaluated for all drives and matched for Drive 1 but not Drive 2. No new alert for Drive 1.

No alert for Drive 2.


Drive 1 health is still ACTION.

Drive 2 health goes to EVALUATE.

The policy is evaluated for all drives and matched for both Drive 1 and Drive 2. No new alert for Drive 1.

An alert is generated for Drive 2 and emails sent to the defined recipients. No additional alerts will be generated by this policy for this drive.


Drive 1 health is still ACTION.

Drive 2 health goes to USE.

The policy is evaluated for all drives and matched for Drive 1 but not Drive 2. No new alerts for Drive 1 nor Drive 2.

"Severe" Policy for Media Example

This policy generates alerts for exchanges resulting in a 5135 FSC. This FSC indicates issues with the tape leader, and the media should be ejected from the library and examined as soon as possible.

Policy entity: Media

Policy severity: Severe – Alerts may be generated every hour depending on exchange activity.

Policy criteria: Exchange FSC is 5135.

Time/Events Evaluation Result

The policy is created and enabled.

The policy is evaluated as new exchanges are processed and no match is found. No alerts are generated.

A 5135 FSC occurs on an exchange for Media A.

The policy is evaluated as new exchanges are processed and matched for Media A. An alert is generated for Media A and emails sent to the defined recipients.

No additional alerts will be generated by this policy for this exchange. Media A will have no more alerts from this policy until it is involved in a new exchange (assuming future exchanges also result in a 5135 FSC).


A 5135 FSC occurs on an exchange for Media B.

The policy is evaluated for new exchanges and matched for Media B. An alert is generated for Media B and emails sent to the defined recipients.

No additional alerts will be generated by this policy for this exchange.


A 5135 FSC occurs on a new exchange for Media A.

The policy is evaluated for new exchanges and matched for Media A. An alert is generated for Media A and emails sent to the defined recipients.

No additional alerts will be generated by this policy for this exchange.

"Severe" Policy for CAPs Example

This policy generates alerts for CAPs that require attention.

Policy entity: CAPs

Policy severity: Severe – Alerts may be generated every hour.

Policy criteria: CAP Library Health is NOTOPERATIVE or CAP Library Health is DEGRADED.

Time/Events Evaluation Result

The policy is created and enabled.

CAP 1A is in a DEGRADED state.

The policy is evaluated for all CAPs and matched for CAP 1A. An alert is generated for CAP 1A and emails sent to the defined recipients.

CAP 2B goes into a NOTOPERATIVE state.

The policy is evaluated for all CAPs and matched for both CAP 1A and CAP 2B. No new alert for CAP 1A.

An alert is generated for CAP 2B and emails sent to the defined recipients.


CAP 1A is still DEGRADED and CAP 2B is still NOTOPERATIVE.

The policy is evaluated for all CAPs and matched for both CAP 1A and CAP 2B. A new alert is generated for CAP 1A and emails sent to the defined recipients.

No new alert for CAP 2B.


CAP 1A is still DEGRADED and CAP 2B is still NOTOPERATIVE.

The policy is evaluated for all CAPs and matched for both CAP 1A and CAP 2B. No new alert for CAP 1A.

An new alert is generated for CAP 2B and emails sent to the defined recipients.

Policy for Exchanges Using "Media Health Indicator" Example

Exchange alert policies differ from policies for other library system components in that the severity of the policy is irrelevant. Because exchanges are discrete events, exchange alert policies always generate alerts when the policy criteria are met, regardless of policy severity. This example illustrates this point. See the next example for a similar example that results in fewer alerts.

Policy entity: Exchanges

Policy severity: Because this is an exchange alert, the policy severity is irrelevant. In this case, the severity is "Informative," but the results would be the same for all severity levels: alerts are generated for all exchanges involving media with EVALUATE health.

Policy criteria: Media Health Indicator is EVALUATE.

Time/Events Evaluation Result
13:13:17, Day 1

The policy is created and enabled.

Media Z health is EVALUATE.

The policy is evaluated for all exchanges and no match is found. No alert is generated.
14:43:09, Day 1

An exchange occurs for Media Z, whose health is EVALUATE.

The policy is evaluated for all exchanges and matched for Media Z. An alert is generated for Media Z and emails sent to the defined recipients.
07:20:24, Day 1

Another exchange occurs for Media Z, whose health is still EVALUATE.

The policy is evaluated for all exchanges and matched for Media Z. A new alert is generated for Media Z and emails sent to the defined recipients.
15:05:19, Day 2

Another exchange occurs for Media Z, whose health is still EVALUATE.

The policy is evaluated for all exchanges and matched for Media Z. A new alert is generated for Media Z and emails sent to the defined recipients.

"Warning" Policy for Media Using "Media Health Indicator" Example

This policy generates alerts for media with EVALUATE health. This example is similar to the previous example, but because it is a Media alert policy, it results in fewer alerts.

Policy entity: Media

Policy severity: Warning – alerts may be generated every 24 hours.

Policy criteria: Media Health Indicator is EVALUATE.

Time/Events Evaluation Result
13:13:17, Day 1

The policy is created and enabled.

Media Z health is EVALUATE.

The policy is evaluated for all media and matched for Media Z. An alert is generated for Media Z and emails sent to the defined recipients.
14:43:09, Day 1

An exchange occurs for Media Z, whose health is still EVALUATE.

The policy is evaluated for all media and matched for Media Z. Since it has been less than 24 hours since the last alert for Media Z, no new alert is generated.
07:20:24, Day 2

Another exchange occurs for Media Z, whose health is still EVALUATE.

The policy is evaluated for all media and matched for Media Z. No new alert is generated for Media Z since is has still been less than 24 hours since the last one.
15:05:19, Day 2

Another exchange occurs for Media Z, whose health is still EVALUATE.

The policy is evaluated for all media and matched for Media Z. Since it has been more than 24 hours since the previous alert for Media Z, a new alert is generated and emails sent to the defined recipients.