
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  L  M  N  P  Q  R  S  T  U 


'About' link, 1.1.1
"missing" media, 17.1.7


high contrast setting, 2.1.2
large fonts setting, 2.1.2
screen reader setting, 2.1.2
Accessibility Settings dialog, 2.1.2
hiding, 2.1.2
aggregate counts
displaying detail for, 5.2.4
alert policies, 9
avoiding too many alerts, 9.2
copying, 9.3.1
defining, 9.3.1, 9.7, 9.8
defining email recipients, 9.3.1, 9.3.2, 9.10
deleting, 9.3.1
disabling, 9.3.1, 9.3.3
enabling, 9.3.1, 9.3.3
entities, 9.7
managing the list of, 9.4.1
modifying, 9.3.1
severities, 9.8
best practices, 9.2
examples, 9.9
for exchanges, 9.8
for media validation activities, 9.8
STA sample, 9.2
deleting, 9.2, 9.3.1
modifying, 9.2
naming convention, 9.3.1
user roles for, 9.6
using logical groups to define, 9.2
Alert Policies wizard, 9.3.1
changing the state of, 9.5
described, 9
displaying, 9.4.4
hiding, 9.4.4
dismissing, 9.5, 9.5.1
displaying detail, 9.4.3
emails, 9.3.2, 9.10
generating, 9.1, 9.1
managing the list of, 9.4.2
manual workflow (optional), 9.5, 9.5.1
monitoring, 9.1
alerts process, 9.1
area charts, 4.1.2


bar charts, 4.1.3


configuration data
collecting, 16.3
Confirmation dialog box, 2.1.7, 2.1.7
confirmation dialog boxes
settings, 2.1.7, 2.1.7
connection status, 16.4
Current Page Number field, 5.1.7
sorting records and, 5.1.4, 5.1.5


Dashboard, 6
changing the column and row layout, 6.1.1, 6.2.1
complex arrangements and loading time, 6.1.5
custom templates, 6.2.7
customizing, 6.1.1, 6.2, 6.2.1
Executive Reports and, 6.2.5
filtering, 6.1.5, 6.2.6
linking to detail screens, 6.1.2
mobile display, 6.1.4
accessing, 6.1.4
requirements, 6.1.4
STA default, 6.2.7
UTC time and, 6.1.1
Dashboard portlets
adding, 6.2.2
and Executive Reports, 6.2.5
changing, 6.2.5
filtered by logical group, 11.4.2
filtering, 6.2.6
graphs, 6.3.1
layout, 6.1.1
maximum displayed, 6.2, 6.2.2
number of, 6.2
reports, 6.3.3
tables, 6.3.2
Data Handling dialog, 2.1.6
data quality index
media validation and, 12.12
data store
data retention, 17.1.4
types of data, 16.2
date range
changing on graphs, 4.4.2
synchronizing across graphs, 4.4.3
drive efficiency
trends, 17.5.4
drive errors
associated with a media, 17.4.2
drives with the most, 17.5.1
rates, 17.5, 17.5.1
trends, 17.3.2, 17.5
drive failures
trends, 17.5.2
drive firmware levels, 17.5.6
drive identifiers
mainframe, 17.1.9
mapping host and STA, 17.1.9
open systems, 17.1.9
drive types, 17.4.3
drive utilization, 17.5.5
calibration for media validation, 12.5
logical groups and, 11, 11.3.2, 11.3.3
qualification for media validation, 12.5
viewing logical group membership, 11.3.7
duplicate volume serial numbers
'duplicate detected' flag, 17.1.8
avoiding, 17.1.8
defined, 17.1.8
reasons for, 17.1.8


adding addresses, 13.1, 13.2
define server details, 13.1
deleting addresses, 13.2
editing addresses, 13.2
testing setup, 13.3
Executive Report files
deleting, 10.2.3
viewing, 10.2.2
public, 10.2.2
running on demand, 10.3
effect on schedule, 10.3
viewing, 10.2.2, 10.2.2, 10.4.1, 10.6
Executive Report policies
creating, 10.4.2
defining a schedule
on-demand reports and, 10.3
Start Date, 10.4.2
defining email recipients, 10.4.2
deleting, 10.4.3
effect on report files, 10.4.3
managing the list of, 10.4.1
modifying, 10.4.2
user roles for, 10.5


Filter Data dialog box, 8.2.1
by applying a template, 8.2.2
by logical group, 11.4, 11.4.1
from the Dashboard, 8.2.3
using aggregate count links, 8.2.4, 8.2.4
using Dashboard graphics, 8.2.3
using the Filter Data dialog box, 8.2.1
and screen pairings, 8.1
clearing, 8.3
clearing selected criteria, 6.2.6
described, 8.1
duration of, 8.1
on Dashboard portlets, 6.2.6, 6.2.6
ways of applying, 8.2.1


graph panes
adding, 4.3.4
detaching, 4.3.2
rearranging, 4.3.3
removing, 4.3.4
switching between narrow and wide views, 4.3.5
graph types
area charts, 4.1.2
bar charts, 4.1.3
line graphs, 4.1.1
pie charts, 4.1.4
Graphics Area
collapsing and restoring, 3.7
resizing, 3.7
adding library resources to, 4.4.4
changing the attribute, 4.4.1
changing the date range, 4.4.2
data graphing tasks, 4.4
display tasks, 4.3
individual resources, 4.4.4
quick print, 4.3.6
showing detail for a pivot table attribute, 4.4.6
showing summary data for a pivot table attribute, 4.4.7
switching between actual and percentage values, 4.4.5, 4.4.5
synchronizing date range, 4.4.3


comparing activity levels, 17.4.4
library configuration model
defined, 16.2
library resources
projecting requirements, 17.6.4
reporting numbers, 17.4.3, 17.6.2
utilization, 17.6.3
line graphs, 4.1.1
List View tables
changing the width of a column, 5.1.3
clearing a filter, 8.3
description, 5
detaching, 5.1.1
display tasks, 5.1
displaying a specific page, 5.1.7
displaying detail for resources, 5.1.8
exporting data, 5.4
using aggregate count links, 8.2.4
using the Filter Data dialog box, 8.2.1
hiding and revealing columns, 5.1.6
moving a column, 5.1.2
quick print, 5.1.10
sorting by a single column, 5.1.4
sorting by multiple columns, 5.1.5
log out of STA, 1.5
log snapshot
access to logs screen, 14.4
deleting, 14.3
displaying run information, 14.5
downloading, 14.2.5
how to take, 14.2.3
process, 14.2
logging, 14
collecting RDA information
with CLI, 14.2.4
forwarding log snapshot to Oracle Support, 14.2.6
logical groups
creation process, 11.3
Dashboard portlets filtered by logical group, 11.4.2
defined, 11
deleting, 11.3.10
creating and defining, 11.3.4
forcing an update, 11.3.6
selection criteria,, 11.3.5
examples, 11.2.1
filtering by, 11, 11.4
constructing filters, 11.4
effects of updates to membership, 11.4.1
listing assigned drives and media, 11.3.8
manual, 11.3.1
adding drives and media, 11.3.2
creating, 11.3.1
removing drives and media, 11.3.3
media validation and, 11,
renaming, 11.3.9
templates and, 11.2.1
uses, 11.2.1


manual data collection
adding drives to a library and, 16.3.1
entering cartridges into a library and, 16.3.1
library active storage region changes and, 16.3.1
library partition changes and, 16.3.1
when to perform, 16.3.1
manual logical groups, 11.3.1
logical groups and, 11, 11.3.2, 11.3.3
viewing logical group membership, 11.3.7
media approaching capacity, 17.6.6
media errors
associated with a drive, 17.4.2
rates, 17.6.1
trends, 17.3.2
media shortages and surpluses, 17.6.2
media types, 17.4.3
media validation
benefits, 12.1
canceling in-progress validations, 12.9.3
configuring, 12.2
user roles for, 12.10
described, 12
disabling, 12.6
drive calibration and qualification, 12.5
benefits, 12.5.4
calibration media criteria,
calibration media logical group, 12.5.1, 12.5.1
choosing calibration media,
described, 12.5.5
disabling, 12.5.3
enabling, 12.5.2
process, 12.5.5, 12.5.5
results, 12.5.5, 12.5.5
terms, 12.5.5
eligible media, 12.4.3
enabling, 12.6
features, 12.1, 12.1.1
library complexes and, 12.3.1,
logical groups and, 11,
operational efficiency, 12.5.4
preparing for, 12.3.1
SL Console and, 12.1.1, 12.3.1
user roles for, 12.10
using policies to automate, 12.4
validation drives, 12.3.1
assigning to pools, 12.3.1
choosing, 12.3.1
displaying, 12.3.3
ensuring health of, 12.5.4
library complexes and, 12.3.1
STA minimum requirements, 12.3.1
verification test types, 12.11
Basic Verify, 12.11
Complete Verify, 12.11
Complete Verify Plus, 12.11
Standard Verify, 12.11
Verify and Rebuild MIR, 12.11
media validation policies, 12.4
copying, 12.4.1
creating, 12.4.1, 12.4.1
deleting, 12.4.1
disabling, 12.4.2
enabling, 12.4.2
library complex,
listing, 12.4.1
logical groups and, 12.4.1
media format,
modifying, 12.4.1
selection criteria, 12.4.1
user roles for, 12.10
Media Validation Policies wizard, 12.4.1
media validation requests
canceling in-progress, 12.9.3
canceling pending, 12.9.3, 12.9.3
displaying the queue of, 12.9.1
initiators, 12.12
managing, 12.9
manual, 12.7, 12.7
pending, 12.9, 12.9.2, 12.9.3, 12.12
priorities, 12.9.2, 12.9.2
reordering pending, 12.9.2
resuming interrupted validations, 12.8
states, 12.9.1, 12.12, 12.12
user roles for, 12.10
media validation results, 12.12
DQI, 12.12
ensuring validity of, 12.5.4
recommendations, 12.12
mobile Dashboard, 6.1.4
accessing, 6.1.4
requirements, 6.1.4


using resource ID links, 3.4, 3.4
using text links, 3.4
using the Navigation Bar, 3.2
Navigation Bar
collapsing and restoring, 3.7
description, 3.2
resizing, 3.7
using, 3.2


password requirements,
pie charts, 4.1.4
pivot tables
changing attributes and their nesting order, 5.2.6
changing the height of a row, 5.2.3
changing the width of a column or row header, 5.2.3
clearing a filter, 8.3
description, 5.2.1
displaying aggregate count detail, 5.2.4
displaying the name of a layer, 5.2.2
exporting data, 5.4
using aggregate count links, 8.2.4
using the Filter Data dialog box, 8.2.1
graphing an attribute, 4.4.6
graphing summary data for an attribute, 4.4.7
layout of, 5.2.1
moving a layer to the opposite edge, 5.2.5
shifting layers on the same edge, 5.2.5
swapping layers on opposite edges, 5.2.5
swapping layers on the same edge, 5.2.5
tasks, 5.2


Quick Links screen, 7.2
predefined templates and, 7.2


Refresh Settings dialog, 2.1.3, 2.1.5
removed drives and media
displaying, 17.1.4
identifying, 17.1.4
impact on summaries, 17.1.4, 17.1.4
STA Stop Tracking timestamp, 17.1.4, 17.1.4
removed drives and media display settings
effects of, 2.1.6
modifying, 2.1.6
removed libraries, 17.1.5
removed library resources
re-adding later, 17.1.5


screen layout
general, 3.1
screen pairings, 8.1
screen refresh interval, 2.1.3
modifying, 2.1.3
session timeout period, 2.1.5
modifying, 2.1.5
configuration data, 16.3
managing, 16
software version information
displaying, 1.1.1
spark charts, 4.1.5
STA configuration
email, 13, 13
users, 2.2.1, 13
status, connection, 16.4


Table Area
resizing, 3.7
table page
displaying a specific, 5.1.7
export tasks, 5.4
tape job errors
troubleshooting, 17.4.1
from the Quick Links screen, 7.2
with the Templates Toolbar, 7.2
creating, 7.4.1
deleting, 7.4.5
description, 7
exporting,, 7.5.1
importing,, 7.5.2
logical groups and, 11.2.1
modifying, 7.4.2
predefined, 7.6
Alerts Overview, 7.8.15
All Messages - Analysis, 7.8.20
All Messages - Overview, 7.8.19
CAPs Overview, 7.8.12
Complexes Overview, 7.8.2
Dashboard, 7.8.1
described, 7.8
Drive Cleanings Overview, 7.8.17
Drives - Analysis, 7.8.6
Drives - Messages, 7.8.7
Drives - Overview, 7.8.5
Elevators Overview, 7.8.14
Exchanges Overview, 7.8.16
Libraries - Messages, 7.8.4
Libraries - Overview, 7.8.3
Media - Analysis, 7.8.9
Media - Messages, 7.8.10
Media - Overview, 7.8.8
Media Validation Overview, 7.8.18
PTPs Overview, 7.8.13
Quick Links screen and, 7.2
recovering, 7.6
Robots Overview, 7.8.11
renaming, 7.4.3
saving, 7.4.1
screen characteristics
included, 7.4.1
not included, 7.4.1
screen default
setting, 7.3
sticky behavior, 7.2
user roles
for using, 7.7
changing, 7.4.4
text links, 3.4
transient library locations, 17.1.7


user roles
template usage, 7.7
users, STA
adding, 2.2.1
deleting, 2.2.1
modifying, 2.2.1
roles, 2.2.2
UTC time on the Dashboard, 6.1.1