About the Monitored Libraries Table

The Monitored Libraries table is under Setup & Administration, then SNMP Connections. The table has the following fields which are updated after a data collection or connection test.

  • If the Library Complex field is blank, it will be supplied after you perform a manual data collection.

  • Library Engine ID indicates the unique SNMP engine ID for the library (see About the Library Engine ID).

  • Last Connection Attempt indicates the date and time when the connection test or data collection was initiated.

  • Last Successful Connection indicates the date and time when the test or data collection was completed, if successful.

  • Last Connection Status indicates the results of the test or data collection. If the test or collection fails, STA provides information in the Last Connection Failure Detail field. (You may need to extend the column width to see the entire value.)

    • IN PROGRESS – A data collection is underway.

    • SUCCESS – The connection test or data collection completed successfully.

    • FAILED – The connection test or data collection failed. Possible reasons are listed in the Last Connection Failure Detail field.

    • REJECTED – The data collection request was rejected, possibly because the library is busy or unavailable.

    • DUPLICATE – The data collection request was rejected because another one is already is progress.

  • Recent SNMP Trap Communication Status may intermittently indicate MISSED HEARTBEAT. This is normal.

About the Library Engine ID

Every SNMP v3 agent has a globally unique hexadecimal engine ID to identify the device. The Library Engine ID is a field updated and displayed in the Monitored Libraries table.

When you configure a new SNMP connection on STA, leave the library engine ID blank. Then when you test the SNMP connection to the library, STA automatically retrieves the library engine ID and displays it in the Monitored Libraries table.

The Library Engine ID field may be blank if:

  • This is a new library connection, and you have not yet tested the connection.

  • You have modified an existing library connection. In this case, STA automatically clears the Library Engine ID field to indicate that the connection has been dropped and you must perform a new connection test.

  • The connection with the library has been dropped for any reason.

When to manually clear the Library Engine ID field:

Never modify the library engine ID value. However, you should manually clear the value at the following times.

  • If a connection test fails—in particular, if the error message indicates a failed trap channel test—you should clear the library engine ID before retesting the connection (see the STA Installation and Configuration Guide).

  • After a library firmware upgrade, you should clear the engine ID and perform a connection test (see the STA Installation and Configuration Guide).