Configure Your User Preferences and Settings

Each user can modify preferences and settings for their login session. The settings remain in effect for future login sessions.

Change Your Password

Regularly change the password for your STA username to maximize security.

  1. From the Preferences drop-down in the upper-right, select General.

  2. In the Change Password field, enter the new password.

  3. Enter the password again in the Verify Password field.

  4. Click OK.

Username and Password Requirements

Each username and password must meet minimum requirements.

Username requirements:

  • Must be 1–16 characters in length

  • All usernames must be unique, but are not case sensitive

Password requirements:

  • Must be 8–32 characters in length

  • Must include at least one uppercase letter and one number

  • Must not include spaces, tabs, or any of the following special characters:

    % & ' ( ) < > ? { } * \ ' " ; , + = # !

Set Accessibility Options

The first time you log in to the GUI, it will prompt you to set the accessibility options (this prompt remains each time you login until you select "Do not show"). You can change the settings at anytime.

  1. From the Preferences drop-down in the upper-right, select Accessibility.

  2. Select accessibility settings:

    • Screen reader - If you are using a screen reader (such as JAWS) to interface with the GUI, select this option. The GUI generates components that have rich user interface interaction and allows you to perform all screen actions with the keyboard instead of a mouse, and alternate text is provided for all screen icons, buttons, and graphic images.

    • High contrast - The GUI generates high-contrast-friendly visual content. High-contrast mode is designed for use with operating systems or browsers that have high-contrast features enabled.

    • Large-fonts - The GUI generates browser zoom-friendly content.

    • Do not show these options again – Indicates that you do not want this dialog box to be displayed automatically when you log in. If you apply this option, this dialog box will be skipped for all future times that you log in to STA. You can use this procedure to reset this option at any time.

  3. Click OK.

    STA modifies the screen display immediately according to your selections. These settings remain in effect for future login sessions, until you explicitly change them.

Set the Screen Refresh Interval

Set the screen display refresh rate for your username. Screens display new data at the frequency you specify. The default is 480 seconds (8 minutes).

  1. From the Preferences drop-down in the upper-right, select General.

  2. In the Refresh interval in seconds field, enter the new refresh rate (60 to 720), and then click OK.

  3. The settings take effect immediately. They remain in effect for this and future login sessions, until you change them again using this procedure.

Set the Time Zone

Change the time zone setting for your username. By default, STA displays times adjusted to your computer's system clock. You can optionally set a specific time zone for your username to see data displayed according to a different location.


These settings do not affect the Dashboard display. Dashboard data is always shown in UTC time, regardless of your time zone preference settings.
  1. From the Preferences drop-down in the upper-right, select General.

  2. Select a Time Zone from the drop-down, and then click OK.

    To have STA automatically detect your local time zone based on your computer's system clock, select <Auto-detect Time Zone>.

  3. Data in all STA screens is immediately displayed in the new time zone. The time zone setting remains in effect for future login sessions, until you change it again using this procedure.

Set the Login Session Timeout Period

Set the timeout period for your username. If your login session is idle for longer than the timeout period, your session ends. The default is 30 minutes.

  1. From the Preferences drop-down in the upper-right, select General.

  2. In the Session timeout in minutes field, enter the timeout period (10 to 1440).

    Increasing the session timeout will likely increase STA server memory utilization, which may impact STA performance.

  3. Click OK.

    The settings take effect immediately. They remain in effect for future login sessions, until you change them again using this procedure.

Show or Hide Removed Drives and Media

Choose whether to show or hide removed drives and media within STA screens. By default, removed drives and media are not included on their respective Overview and Analysis screens.

  1. From the Preferences drop-down in the upper-right, select Data Handling.

  2. Select the appropriate check boxes:

    • Show Removed Drives

    • Show Removed Media

  3. Verify your selections and then click OK.

    The settings take effect immediately. They remain in effect for this and future login sessions, until you change them again using this procedure.

How the "Show Removed" Settings Affect STA Screens

Option If Selected If Deselected
Show Removed Drives Removed drives are listed on the Drives – Overview screen.

Aggregated data for removed drives are included on the Drives – Analysis screen.

On all screens, drive serial numbers of removed drives are active links to the Drives – Overview, Detail View screen.

Removed drives are not listed on the Drives – Overview screen.

Aggregated data for removed drives are not included on the Drives – Analysis screen.

On all screens, drive serial numbers of removed drives are dimmed and are not active links.

Show Removed Media Removed media are listed on the Media – Overview screen.

Aggregated data for removed media are included on the Media – Analysis screen.

On all other screens, volume serial numbers (VSNs or volsers) of removed media are active links to the Media – Overview, Detail View screen.

Removed media are not listed on the Media – Overview screen.

Aggregated data for removed media are not included on the Media – Analysis screen.

On all other screens, volsers of removed media are dimmed and are not active links.

See Also: What Happens to Data When Drives and Media Are Removed

Modify Confirmation Dialog Box Preferences

Choose whether to display or suppress confirmation dialog boxes that appear when performing various tasks.

  1. From the Preferences drop-down in the upper-right, select Confirmations.

  2. For each option listed, select the check box to display the dialog box or deselect the check box to suppress the dialog box. Options are:

    • Graph Time Sync – Select to have a confirmation appear before you synchronize all graphs on a screen to the same date range. Clear the checkbox to suppress the confirmation and synchronize graphs as soon as you click Synchronize Date Range in the Graph Pane Toolbar.

    • Template Overwrite – Select to have a confirmation appear before you save changes to an existing template. Clear the checkbox to suppress the confirmation and immediately overwrite templates as soon as you click Save in the Save Template dialog box.

    • Template Default – Select to have a confirmation appear when you change the default template for a screen. Clear the checkbox to suppress the confirmation and set a new default template set as soon as you click Default Template in the Templates toolbar.

    • Template Delete – Select to have a confirmation appear before you delete an existing template. Clear the checkbox to suppress the confirmation and delete a template as soon as you click Delete in the Delete Template dialog box.

  3. Verify your selections and then click OK.

    The settings take effect immediately. They remain in effect for future login sessions, until you change them again using this procedure.