About Library SNMP Data Collection

STA begins receiving SNMP traps as soon as the SNMP connection is established with a library. However, the user interface does not display the data until STA builds the library configuration model. To build the initial configuration model, you should initiate a manual data collection as soon as you establish the library connection. After the initial data collection, STA updates the library configuration model through scheduled and triggered data collections.

What is Collected During the Initial Data Collection

During the initial data collection, STA retrieves:

  • Locations of activated storage cells

  • Partition information

  • Drive types, identifiers, and locations

  • Media types, volume serial numbers (volsers), and locations

Depending on the size and activity level of the library, the initial data collection may take several minutes to over an hour. The STA user interface does not show a complete picture of the library environment and exchange activity until the data collection completes. During this time you may see fluctuations in various analytic and summary data. This is normal.

How Data Collections Are Initiated

Data collections can be initiated in any of the following ways:

  • Scheduled—Scheduled data collections occur automatically every 24 hours at a user-defined time. This is a full collection of all library configuration data and should be scheduled during low levels of library activity.

  • Triggered—STA automatically initiates data collections whenever it detects significant changes in the library state or configuration (for example, the addition of a drive or media, or a change in partition configuration). This is a partial data collection that updates only the library configuration affected by the change. For example, for a data collection triggered by the addition of a new media, only the media configuration information is updated. Triggered data collections take a short time.

  • Manual—You can initiate a manual data collection at any time, as long as there is an active connection to the library. This is a full collection of all library configuration data (see Manually Collect Library SNMP Data).

Affect of Data Collections on Library Performance

The libraries process SNMP activity, and therefore data collections, at a lower priority than regular library operations, so data collections have little impact on library performance. However, performing a data collection during periods of heavy library activity can cause the data collection itself to take longer to complete. Oracle recommends that scheduled and manual data collections be performed during periods of lower library activity.

What SNMP Data is Collected from the Library

STA uses SNMP data received from the monitored libraries to created and maintain the STA data store. It includes the following information types.

  • Library configuration model — This is a hierarchical view of the library and device configurations, properties, and statuses. To retrieve this information, STA initiates data collections through a series of SNMP requests sent to the library.

  • Exchange records — These records include detailed information about all drive and media exchanges, including drive clean activities. The library sends this data to STA through asynchronous SNMP traps.

  • Errors and events — These are records of significant library errors and events. The library sends this data to STA through asynchronous SNMP traps.