View Alerts and Policies

View the alerts and policies created for STA.

View the List of Alert Policies

The Alerts Policies screen shows all policies created.

  1. You must have Operator or Administrator privileges.

  2. In the left navigation, expand Setup & Administration, then select Alerts Policies.

  3. Optionally, you can apply filters to the table.

    See Filter Using the Dialog Box.

View a List of Generated Alerts

The Alerts Overview screen shows all active (not dismissed) alerts that have been generated to-date.

With the exception of annotating an alert, this procedure can be done by any STA user. Annotating requires Operator privileges.

  1. In the left navigation, expand Tape System Activity, then select Alerts Overview.

  2. Optionally, you can apply filters to the list.

    See Filter Using the Dialog Box.

Display Details For an Alert

Display an alert and trace it to the tape library system event or condition that triggered it.

  1. In the left navigation, expand Tape System Activity, then select Alerts Overview.

  2. Select the alerts you want to view (shift- or ctrl-click to select multiple alerts). Click Detail View.

    Alerts Overview page with two rows selected.
  3. The detail view contains links to other screens containing related information. Click the links to gather information on what triggered the alert.

    For example, you might click the Alert Event Type link to trace the cause of the alert and determine whether you need to take any action.

    Sample Details page with Alert Event Type being clicked.

Show or Hide Dismissed Alerts

Choose whether to hide or display dismissed alerts on the Alerts Overview screen. By default, all dismissed alerts are hidden from view.

See Change the State of an Alert for details on how alerts are dismissed.

  1. In the left navigation, expand Tape System Activity, then select Alerts Overview.

  2. Click Show Dismissed Alerts.

    Alerts Overview page with Show Dismissed Alerts button noted
  3. To hide the dismissed alerts again, click Hide Dismissed Alerts.