Resume Validations on T10000T2 Media

For T10000T2 media, you can resume Complete Verify and Complete Verify Plus validations that have been interrupted or canceled. You can either restart at the beginning or tape (BOT) or resume where the validation left off.

  1. Manually start a validation, selecting the T10000T2 media that you want to resume and selecting the Complete Verify or Complete Verify Plus validation type.

    See Submit Manual Media Validation Requests for details on how to start the validation.

  2. After selecting the validation type, select one of the following options:

    • Perform validations from beginning of tape – Indicates you want T10000T2 media to be validated from the beginning of tape (BOT). Depending on the read/write operations that have occurred on the media since the most recent validation was interrupted, the validation may no longer be valid, and you may want to select this option.

    • Continue validations from last known validated data point – Indicates you want testing of T10000T2 media that has been partially validated to resume where the previous validation left off, if the drive can determine this from the media RFID chip. If the drive cannot determine where the previous validation left off, it will start from the beginning of tape.

When Can I Resume a Validation?

You can only resume interrupted validations if certain conditions are true.

All of the following conditions must be true to resume a validation:

  • You have selected T10000T2 media for validation. (T10000T1 media validations always start at the beginning of tape.)

  • The validation test type is Complete Verify or Complete Verify Plus. (Other test types always start at the beginning of tape.)

  • The most recent validations for some or all of the selected media are not 100 percent complete. (Media for which the most recent validation was complete are always validated from the beginning of tape.)