Manage Executive Report Policies

Executive report policies define when STA should generate an executive report. The policy is based on a dashboard template and runs automatically at the interval you define.

View a List of Executive Report Policies

View a list of existing executive report policies to identify which you may want to use.

  1. You must have Administrator privileges.

  2. In the left navigation, expand Setup & Administration, then select Executive Reports Policies.

  3. Optionally, you can filter the list to reduce the number of entries.

    See Filter Using the Dialog Box.

Define an Executive Report Policy

Create an executive report policy or modify an existing public policy or a private policy owned by your STA username. STA regularly runs executive reports based on the policies defined for the system.

  1. You must have Administrator privileges.

  2. Verify the dashboard template is configured how you want it.

  3. In the left navigation, expand Setup & Administration, then select Executive Reports Policies.

  4. Click Add Add icon, or select a report in the list and then click Edit Edit icon.

  5. Enter the following:

    • Report Name — a unique name using any alphanumeric characters up to 250 characters in length.

    • Source Dashboard Template — Select the template you want to use as the basis of the executive report. The menu lists all dashboard templates available to your STA username.

    • Locale — English is the only option at this time.

    • Start Date —Specify the date for scheduled runs of the report to begin. Reports run shortly after 00:30 UTC, starting on this date.

    • Run Frequency — Select a frequency to run the report.

    • Shared

      • Public makes the report available to all users.

      • Private makes the report available to only the current STA user. This does not affect the email recipients list. You can have copies of the report sent to other users even if the report is private.

    • Email Recipients — Select the email addresses to which you want copies of the report sent after each report run. The report is sent as a PDF attachment as soon as it runs. The menu lists all email addresses that have been defined to STA.

  6. Verify the information is correct, and then click either:

    • Save to save the report policy and have it run for the first time on the designated Start Date.

    • Save and Run to save the report policy and run it immediately. This does not affect the schedule you have define. It will also run at its regularly scheduled time, starting on the designated Start Date.

Delete an Executive Report Policy

Delete public or private policies that have been created by your STA username. Deleting a report policy does not delete previously generated report files. You can still view them on the Executive Reports screen.

  1. You must have Administrator privileges.

  2. In the left navigation, expand Setup & Administration, then select Executive Reports Policies.

  3. Select the report policy from the list, and then click Delete Delete icon.

    Exec Report Policy with row selected and Delete icon noted
  4. Verify and click Yes.