Dashboard Pane Types

The dashboard has three types of panes: Graphs, Tables, and Reports.

Graph Panes

Graph panes are bar graphs, pie charts, and line graphs. Depending on when you display the dashboard, the last time period on each graph may show a drop-off in data because it is just a partial period.


Bar chart showing the total number of STA alerts for drives, media, libraries, CAPs, and PTPs generated over a selected date range.

Alerts are generated based on user-defined alert policies. Because the number of alert policies and their criteria and severity are entirely user-defined, this graph does not necessarily indicate issues with your tape library system environment.

Alert Trends

Line graph showing the total number and severity of STA alerts each day over a selected date range.

Alerts are generated based on user-defined alert policies. Because the number of alert policies and their criteria and severity are entirely user-defined, this graph does not necessarily indicate issues with your tape library system environment.

Cumulative Data Read and Written

Line graph showing the total amount of data read and written over a selected date range.

Drive Activity Trends

Area chart showing, by drive model, the total number of dismounts each day over a selected date range.

Drive Health

Bar chart showing, by drive model, the total number of drives with each Drive Health Indicator as computed by STA.

Drive Health Trends

Line graph showing, by drive model, the average Drive Suspicion Level each day over a selected date range.

To compute the daily value for a given model, STA averages the suspicion levels of all installed drives of that model, regardless of how many were actually used that day. If a drive was not used on a given day, its suspicion level is carried forward from the day before.

Drive Utilization (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly)

Line graph showing the average percentage of time the drives were occupied each hour, day, week, or month. You can filter by drive location (complex, library, or rail, for example) and by date range.

Values shown in this pane are updated at the end of each hour, so are not real-time.

I/O Throughput (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly)

Line graph showing the total amount of data read and written each hour, day, week, or month over a selected date range.

Library Component Health Trends

Line graph showing, by library component type (robots, CAPs, elevators, and pass-through ports), the average daily condition over a selected date range.

The conditions are as reported by the library, not by STA.

Library Component Status

Bar chart showing, by library component type (robots, CAPs, elevators and pass-through ports), the current total number of components with each reported condition.

The conditions are as reported by the library, not by STA.

Library Drive Bays

Pie chart showing the current distribution of installed drives by type and empty drive slots.

Library Media Slots

Pie chart showing the current distribution of occupied media slots by media type and empty slots.

Library Status

Bar chart showing, by library model, the current total number of libraries with each Top-Level Indicator as reported by the library.

Maximum Mount Times (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly)

Line graph showing, for each hour, day, week, or month over a selected date range, the total time-to-mount of the single exchange that took the longest time to mount. The value plotted is the total time from the start of the exchange to the start of the mount.

Media – Least Recently Mounted (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly)

Line graph showing, for each hour, day, week, or month over a selected date range, the piece of media with the longest time since the last exchange. The value plotted is the total time since the last exchange. Only media that have had exchange activity are included.

Values shown in this pane are updated at the end of each hour, so are not real-time.

Media Health

Bar chart showing, by media type, the total number of media with each Media Health Indicator as computed by STA.

Media Health Trends

Line graph showing, by media type, the average Media Suspicion Level each day over a selected date range.

To compute the daily value for a given media type, STA averages the suspicion levels of all available media of that type, regardless of how many were actually used that day. If a media was not used on a given day, its suspicion level is carried forward from the day before.

Media Movements (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly)

Line graph showing the total times media were entered, ejected, or otherwise moved each hour, day, week, or month over a selected date range. "Other" movements include moves by robots, elevators, or PTPs.

Values shown in this pane are updated at the end of each hour, so are not real-time.

Media Slots Available (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly)

Line graph showing the minimum and maximum media slots available each hour, day, week, or month over a selected date range

Media Utilization (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly)

Line graph showing an estimate of average media utilization each hour, day, week, or month over a selected date range. Media utilization is the percentage of the total media capacity that has been used by data—that is, the "fullness" of the media. Only media that have had exchange activity are included.

Values shown in this pane are updated at the end of each hour, so are not real-time.

Media Utilization Bands (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly)

Line graph showing an estimate of the number of media bands, or utilization ranges, used each hour, day, week, or month over a selected date range. A band appears on the graph only if there are media with utilization values in that range.

The <0001% band includes both media that is literally blank and media that is effectively blank because it has an internal label but no real data.

Values shown in this pane are updated at the end of each hour, so are not real-time.

Media Validation

Line graph showing the total number of media validations, and the total passed, failed, and unknown for the selected time period.

Mounts (Hourly, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly)

Line graph showing the total number of mounts each hour, day, week, or month over a selected date range. The value plotted is the number of mounts, not dismounts.

Robot Health

Bar chart showing the current number of robots by Robot Health as computed by STA.

SL8500 Dismount Efficiency (moves)

Bar chart summarizing the total number of rails on which a media travels to complete a dismount request as part of an exchange. This includes movements by robots, elevators, and PTPs. If a media crosses a rail without stopping, the rail is not included in the count. For example:

  • For a media moved from a drive to a media slot on the same rail, the count is "1."

  • For a media moved from a drive on rail #4 to a media slot on rail #1, the count is "2."

  • For a media moved from a drive on rail #4, to a PTP on rail #3, to a drive on rail #1 in a different library, the count is "3."

For libraries managed by StorageTek ACSLS, if the media float option is enabled, dismount move efficiency will be "1" whenever media slots are available within the same LSM as the drive.

SL8500 Mount Efficiency (moves)

Bar chart summarizing the total number of rails on which a media travels to complete a mount request as part of an exchange. This includes movements by robots, elevators, and PTPs. If a media crosses a rail without stopping, the rail is not included in the count. For example:

  • For a media moved from a media slot to a drive on the same rail, the count is "1."

  • For a media moved from a media slot on rail #1 to a drive on rail #4, the count is "2."

  • For a media moved from a drive on rail #1, to a PTP on rail #3, to a drive on rail #4 in a different library, the count is "3."

Table Panes

Some table panes are point-in-time reports or trend reports that include embedded spark charts, which are small line graphs that plot up to four key values—Start, End, High, and Low—for a selected date range. Table pane spark charts allow you to hover the cursor over a table cell to display a tooltip containing detailed values and dates.

Data Read/Written Trends

Summarizes the amount of data read and written, and average data compression ratio over a selected date range.

The Total Data Stored values are the total amount of data stored on all media in the selected libraries as of the indicated dates.

The Data Compression values displayed in the table are rounded to the nearest whole number; the table cell tooltips display decimal value detail.

This pane displays values for dates within the 60 days only. If you filter for a date range extending past the previous six months, the pane displays values only for dates that fall within the allowed range. Following are examples:

  • Filtering for "Number of Days More Than 25" shows values for the period from 60 to 25 days ago.

  • Filtering for "Number of Days Less Than 75" shows values for the period 60 days ago to current.

  • Filtering for "Number of Days More Than 200" shows no data.

Drive Capacity Planning (30 Days)

Summarizes installed drive slots, installed drives, removed drives, and drive utilization statistics over the last 30 days.

The Drives Under-utilized count includes unknown drives (drives for which STA has received no data), as well as drives that have never been used.

Drives Fewest Meters Between Recent Cleanings

Lists drives that have run the fewest meters of tape between the two most recent cleanings. The table only includes drives for which STA has recorded at least two cleaning actions. This is as of the current point in time.

Drives Watch List

Summarizes drives with Action or Evaluate drive health. Lists the drive serial number, model, Drive Health Indicator, Drive Health Trend, and most recent annotation. This is as of the current point in time.

Media Capacity Planning (30 Days)

Summarizes installed, activated, and occupied media slots, media removed, and media utilization statistics over the last 30 days.

The following values are updated each day at 00:00 UTC time, so are not real-time.

  • Media Utilized

  • Media Blank

  • Media Unknown/Never Mounted

All other values are real-time.

Media Exceptions

Lists media that have been removed from the tape library system through some means other than a cartridge access port (CAP) or mailslot. This is as of the current point in time.

Media Validation

Summarizes media validation results by verification test type. By default, this pane shows data for the last 14 days. The counts in the Pass, Fail, and Unknown columns are based on the MV Result attribute, as follows:

  • Pass – MV Result Passed

  • Fail – MV Result is Failed or Degraded

  • Unknown – MV Result is Unknown

This table reports completed validations only; pending or in-process validations are not included. It includes validations initiated by all sources, including host applications, SL Console, and the library CLI, as well as STA.

Media Watch List

Summarizes media with Action or Evaluate media health. Lists the volume serial number (volser), type, Media Health Indicator, Media Health Trend, and most recent annotation. This is as of the current point in time.

Monitored Device Trends

Summarizes the number of resources in your tape library system over a selected date range. Information includes the total number of libraries, robots, CAPs, pass-through ports (PTPs), elevators, drives, media, and media removed through a CAP, SL3000 AEM, or SL150 mailslot.

Report Panes

Report panes are text-only summaries of current information about your tape library system.

Data Read Report

Summarizes total data read from media, including the daily average, daily high and low marks, and average compression ratio.

Data Written Report

Summarizes total data written to media, including the daily average, daily high and low marks, and average compression ratio.

Drives Health Report

Summarizes the number of drives by Drive Health Indicator as computed by STA.

Library Status Report

Summarizes the number of libraries by Library Top-Level Indicator reported by the library.

Media Health Report

Summarizes the number of media by Media Health Indicator as computed by STA. The "Unknown" category includes media for which STA has not received sufficient data to calculate health; this may occur for the following reasons:

  • The media has not been mounted in a drive during the time STA has been monitoring it.

  • The STA Supported attribute for the media has a value of False. This indicates the media has a type does not meet the minimum requirements for STA analytics—for example, SDLT and LTO-2 media. See the STA Installation and Configuration Guide for details about supported media types.

Media Validation Report

Summarizes media validation activity, including a breakdown of validations performed, number of media validated, number of drives used, and validation elapsed times.

Monitored Device Counts

Summarizes total devices monitored in your tape library system, including libraries, robots, CAPs, pass-through ports (PTPs), elevators, drives, media, and media removed through a CAP, SL3000 AEM, or SL150 mailslot. By default, this report includes all devices as of the current date.