Best Practices for Logical Groups

Follow these tips when creating and managing logical groups.

Create an example to see how logical groups could be used

Practice using logical groups, even if you don't see why you need them. Often, in just setting up your first one, you'll recognize how they can be used to simplify your work in STA.

Use meaningful logical group names

Make logical group names meaningful and easy to distinguish so you can remember the purpose of the group.

Use the "Contains" operator when filtering logical groups

Drives and media can belong to more than one logical group at a time; therefore, when you filter by logical group, it is usually appropriate to use the "Contains" and "Doesn't Contain" operators, which perform non-exclusive matches, rather than the "Is" and "Isn't" operators, which perform exclusive matches.

See Filter by Logical Group.

Why Use Logical Groups?

Use logical groups to focus STA data on a particular subset of drives and media.

Logical groups allow you to:

  • Filter data on the Drives Overview/Analysis screens, Media Overview/Analysis screens, or dashboard panes using logical groups.

  • Save screen layouts that have been filtered by logical group as templates. The filters are saved as part of the templates.

  • Create executive reports based on dashboard templates that are filtered by logical group.

Logical Group Usage Examples

Media Validation

If your site has enabled media validation, you can use logical groups when defining automated media validation policies.

Library Partitions

A library has eight partitions, and users would like to produce STA reports for drives and media in each partition. To do so, you could create one logical group for each library partition.

Libraries in Different Geographic Locations

Two library operators manage libraries at one site and three other operators manage another site. The operators would like to see STA data that apply to drives and media at their site only. To do so, you could create one logical group for each site.

Archival Media

An archival site creates two copies of each archived media. To help manage the two sets of media, you could create one logical group for all copy #1 media and another logical group for copy #2 media.

Calibration Media

If you choose to enable drive calibration and qualification, which is part of the STA media validation feature, you must define a logical group of media to be used for this purpose. All drive calibration and qualification activities will be done exclusively with these media, and the media should not be used for production data.