Exchanges Overview Detail Views

The Exchanges Overview screen shows attributes related to one or more exchanges. There is one view enterprise media and a slightly different view for LTO media.

Sample Screen for Enterprise Media

Example of Exchanges Overview details for enterprise media

Sample Screen for LTO Media

Example of the Exchanges Overview details page for LTO media


Values for these attributes are assigned at the start of the exchange.

Exchange Health and Activity

Details about the media and drive health during the exchange


Details about the drive involved in the exchange.


Details about the media involved in the exchange.

Library Complex

Information about the library complex where the exchange occurred. The information is current as of the last completed library data collection.

Enterprise Specific Information

Information specific to the StorageTek enterprise drive involved in the exchange. Appears only if the exchange involved an enterprise drive.

Additional Enterprise Exchange Information

Information about errors that occurred during the exchange. Appears only if the exchange involved a StorageTek enterprise drive.

LTO Specific Information

Information specific to the LTO drive involved in the exchange. Appears only if the exchange involved an LTO drive.

Drive Bay Location

Location of the drive involved in the exchange.

Media Source Location

Location of the media at the start of the exchange; the location immediately before the mount. Can be a media slot or drive.

Media Destination Location

Location of the media at the completion of the exchange. This is the first location immediately after the dismount from the drive, therefore it is always in the same library where the exchange occurred. The location can be a media slot or drive.

Enterprise Exchange Alerts – Severe

Information about severe errors that occurred during the exchange. This section appears for enterprise drives only.

Enterprise Exchange Alerts – Warning

Information about warning errors that occurred during the exchange. This section appears for enterprise drives only.

Enterprise Exchange Alerts – Informational

Information about informational errors that occurred during the exchange. This section appears for enterprise drives only.

LTO Exchange Alerts – Severe

Information about severe errors that occurred during the exchange. This section appears for LTO drives only.

LTO Exchange Alerts – Warning

Information about informational errors that occurred during the exchange. This section appears for LTO drives only.

LTO Exchange Alerts – Informational

Information about informational errors that occurred during the exchange. This section appears for LTO drives only.

User-Provided Information