1 Updating Oracle Database Appliance Software

To keep Oracle Database Appliance running with the latest software, check for and apply the latest Oracle Database Appliance patch bundles when they are released.


About the Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle

Patch Oracle Database Appliance using the quarterly Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle.

The Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle includes enhancements and fixes. The patch bundle provides all relevant patches for the entire system (bare metal or virtualized platform), including the following:

  • BIOS

  • Hardware drivers, Hardware Management Pack (HWM), and firmware drivers for various components

  • Oracle Appliance Manager

  • Oracle Linux

  • Oracle VM

  • Java Development Kit (JDK)

  • Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (Oracle ILOM)

  • Oracle Database Patch Set Update (PSU) and Oracle Database Bundle Patch (BP)

  • Oracle Auto Service Request (Oracle ASR)

  • Oracle Grid Infrastructure

    • Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM)

    • Oracle Automatic Storage Management Cluster File System (Oracle ACFS)

    • Oracle Trace File Analyzer

  • Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)

The patch bundle consists of three logical groups of patches:

Table 1-1 Patch Components and Purposes

Patch Component Objects Patched

SERVER (server)

The SERVER component patch is mandatory.

Updates the Oracle Linux operating system, Oracle ILOM, BIOS, Hardware Management Pack, IPMI, OAK, Oracle ASR, and local disks.

For virtualized environment, the patch includes the Dom0 updates. 

The Server patch also includes Oracle Grid Infrastructure (GI) stack, including Oracle ASM, Oracle ACFS , and Oracle Trace File Analyzer.

STORAGE (storage)

The STORAGE component patch is recommended.

Updates the shared storage disk firmware and Controller Firmware for HDD, SSD, Controller, and Expander.

DB (database)

The DATABASE component patch is optional.

Updates the Oracle Database RDBMS stack.


Apply the SERVER (server) patch bundle component before patching the Storage or Database.

Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle Guidelines

You can carry out rolling upgrades with both the server and DB patches.

You must patch the server component before patching the storage and DB components. You can defer patching the DB component. You must schedule downtime and restart the system for the storage patch. However, you can usually defer running the storage patch until a scheduled maintenance window. Patching the DB component does not require system downtime.


Apply the server patch before you patch the storage or databases. Apply the server patch to each node before you apply any other patches. You must restart each server node after it is patched. The server patch restarts a server node. The storage patch restarts both nodes.

If you have Oracle Database running using High Availability options such as Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC), then there is no downtime required while the patches are being installed. Oracle Appliance Manager verifies that the host meets all prerequisites to prevent you from installing patches in the wrong order. For example, you cannot install the database patch before you install the server patch. When applied, the output displayed by the patch process advises you if the patch is being installed on one or both nodes.

Supported and Recommended Appliance Manager Software Versions

The Oracle Database Appliance Release Notes include information about the latest Oracle Database Appliance patch bundle and the supported versions for the components. Oracle recommends updating the appliance with the latest Oracle Database Appliance software version to take advantage of new features, fixes, and the latest supported component versions.

Table 1-2 Minimum Supported Appliance Manager Software Versions

Oracle Database Appliance Hardware Model Minimum Supported Software Version





About Installing the Latest Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle

Understand how to patch an existing Oracle Database Appliance to the latest version.

Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle releases include software and firmware updates for Oracle Database Appliance.


If you have Oracle Database 11.2 or 12.1 that is using Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) and you want to upgrade to a higher release of Oracle Database, then you must be on at least Oracle Database Appliance and Database Home  Known issues with Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) on earlier versions are preventing the REDO diskgroup from mounting for databases.

The upgrade path for Oracle Database 11.2 or 12.1 Oracle ASM is as follows:

  • If you are on Oracle Database Appliance version or later, then upgrade to before upgrading your database.

  • If you are on Oracle Database Appliance version or earlier, then upgrade to, and then upgrade again to or higher before upgrading your database.

For all database versions and storage, if you are using Oracle Database Appliance version or earlier, you must upgrade to before upgrading to a higher version of Oracle Database Appliance. Changes introduced in the earlier release re-group the components and control the rolling of Oracle Database Appliance patching from one node to another.

About Oracle Database Appliance Software Updates

To keep Oracle Database Appliance running with the latest software, check for and apply Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundles when they are released. As well as offering new features, patches may improve the functionality of existing features.

Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundles are released on a quarterly schedule. The Oracle Database Appliance Release Notes include information about the latest Oracle Database Appliance patch bundle and a list of component versions in the patch bundle. Oracle recommends updating the appliance with the latest Oracle Database Appliance software version to take advantage of new features, fixes, and the latest supported component versions. See the Oracle Database Appliance Release Notes for the upgrade paths.


Do not patch Oracle Database Appliance using individual patches for Oracle Grid Infrastructure, Oracle Database, or Oracle Linux. Also do not use individual infrastructure patches, such as firmware patches. You must only use Oracle Database Appliance patches.

If you use patches that are not intended for Oracle Database Appliance, or if you use Opatch, or a similar patching tool, then Oracle Database Appliance inventory is not updated, and you cannot complete future patch updates.

Overview of the Patch Upgrade

Before patching Oracle Database Appliance, verify that a database is successfully deployed on Oracle Database Appliance. Run the oakcli orachk command to confirm that the initial deployment completed successfully.

The patch bundle upgrade consists of the following steps:

  1. Download the Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle from My Oracle Support.

  2. Copy and unpack the patch bundle.

  3. Verify components that require patching.

  4. Patch the server.

  5. (Optional) Patch the shared storage.

  6. Patch Oracle Database.

  7. Validate the patch update.

Related Topics

Installing the Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle

Review these topics to prepare for and install the Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle.


Preparing to Install Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundles

Decide how you want to patch Oracle Database Appliance.

You can patch Oracle Database Appliance using either automatic rolling patching, or manual rolling patching. Review the steps for each procedure, and decide which option you want to use. For each option, the steps are the same, except for the server patch.

For both options, the storage patch requires a system restart of Oracle Database Appliance after completing the storage patch update. However, you can defer the update to a maintenance window.

Automatic Rolling Patching Option

The advantage of automatic rolling patching is that it is simple to do, in that you start the patch, and the patch process completes automatically. However, services and clients may experience delays during node restarts.

Automatic rolling patching consists of the following steps:

  1. Download the Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle from My Oracle Support.

  2. Copy and unpack the patch bundle to both Oracle Database Appliance nodes.

  3. Verify the components that require patching.

  4. From Node 0, start the patch. The automatic patch option performs the server patch update on Node 1, and restarts Node 1. It then patches the server on Node 0, and restarts Node 0.

  5. (optional) Patch the shared storage components. This patch requires a system restart, but you can usually defer the restart.

  6. Patch Oracle Databases. No restart is required.

  7. Validate the Oracle Database and Oracle Grid Infrastructure patch installation.

Manual Rolling Patching Option

The advantage of manual rolling patching is that you can first migrate the services and clients from one node to another before the node restarts, and then manually patch the second node. This migration can be more graceful than a failover, so it can minimize interruptions to ongoing transactions.

Manual rolling patching consists of the following steps:

  1. Download the Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle from My Oracle Support.

  2. Copy and unpack the patch bundle to both Oracle Database Appliance nodes.

  3. Verify the components that require patching.

  4. Complete the patch manually in a two-step process.

    1. Log in to Node 0, and patch the server on Node 0 by running the oakcli patch command using the --local option.

    2. Wait until the patch operation completes, and Node 0 is available.

    3. Log in to Node 1, and patch the server on Node 1 by running the oakcli patch command using the --local option.

  5. (optional) Patch the shared storage. This patch requires a system restart, but you can usually defer the restart.

  6. Patch Oracle Databases. No restart is required.

  7. Validate the Oracle Database and Oracle Grid Infrastructure patch installation.

Step 1: Download the Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle from My Oracle Support

Use this procedure to download the Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle.


If you have Oracle Database 11.2 or 12.1 that is using Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) and you want to upgrade to a higher release of Oracle Database, then you must be on at least Oracle Database Appliance and Database Home  Known issues with Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) on earlier versions are preventing the REDO diskgroup from mounting for databases.

The upgrade path for Oracle Database 11.2 or 12.1 Oracle ASM is as follows:

  • If you are on Oracle Database Appliance version or later, then upgrade to before upgrading your database.

  • If you are on Oracle Database Appliance version or earlier, then upgrade to, and then upgrade again to before upgrading your database.

For all database versions and storage, if you are using Oracle Database Appliance version or earlier, you must upgrade to before upgrading to a higher version of Oracle Database Appliance. Changes introduced in the earlier release re-group the components and control the rolling of Oracle Database Appliance patching from one node to another.

  1. From an external client machine, log into My Oracle Support and locate patch 27648022 for the Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle for
  2. Review the Oracle Database Appliance Release Notes for the available patches and for known issues.
  3. Click Download for all files to obtain the complete Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle.
    Either download it directly, or download it to a thumb drive, and copy the file to the server nodes using the thumb drive.


Only use either an Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle, or if you are an SAP customer, an SAP patch bundle downloaded from the SAP Service Marketplace. Do not patch Oracle Database Appliance using individual patches for Oracle Grid Infrastructure, Oracle Database, or Oracle Linux. Also do not use individual infrastructure patches, such as firmware patches. You must only use Oracle Database Appliance patches.

If you use patches that are not intended for Oracle Database Appliance, or if you use Opatch, or a similar patching tool, then Oracle Database Appliance inventory is not updated, and you cannot complete future patch updates.

Step 2: Copy and Unpack the Patch Bundle

Copy the patch to your server, and use oakcli unpack -package to unpack the patch bundle.

On Oracle Database Appliance systems, all patching commands are executed as root user.

After you copy the patch to the required location, run the command oakcli unpack -package. This command extracts (unzips) the patch bundle, and copies the patch bundle contents into the patch repository. Use the following syntax to specify the complete path to the patch bundle file, where path is the absolute path to the patch file:

# oakcli unpack -package absolute_package_name


Before patching Oracle Database Appliance, verify that a database is successfully deployed on Oracle Database Appliance. Run the command oakcli orachk to confirm that the initial deployment completed successfully.
  1. Log in as root.
  2. Copy the patch files into a temporary directory (such as /tmp ) on Oracle Database Appliance.
  3. Unpack the patch bundle by executing the command oakcli unpack –package patch bundle name.
    This command unzips and extracts the patch bundle and copies the contents into the patch repository.  While unpacking, specify the complete path to the patch bundle file.

    # oakcli unpack -package /tmp/p27648022_122130_Linux-x86-64_1of3.zip
    # oakcli unpack -package /tmp/p27648022_122130_Linux-x86-64_2of3.zip
    # oakcli unpack -package /tmp/p27648022_122130_Linux-x86-64_3of3.zip

Step 3: Validate Readiness and Verify Components that Require Patching

Use command-line interface commands to check for any problems before you start the patch upgrade and to verify the components that require patching.

Before installing the patch, run commands to verify that Oracle Database Appliance is ready to patch.

Use the oakcli validate command on Node 0 to identify any possible problems in your environment, such as missing dependencies or other conflicts that can cause issues with patch installation. Conflicts can be introduced if you customize the standard configuration. Several validation parameters are available.

To review the components that require patching, run the oakcli update -patch release --verify command. The output lists the components that require patching. If a component is listed as Up-to-date for the supported version that you indicate with the -ver flag, then that component does not require patching.

  1. Run the oakcli orachk command to confirm that the initial deployment completed successfully.
  2. Verify that a database is successfully deployed on Oracle Database Appliance.
  3. Validate system readiness for patching.
    Run the oakcli validate command on both nodes using the following syntax to validate your system.
    # oakcli validate -c ospatch -ver

    The output informs you if the patch can be installed on your environment. If the output from the command indicates that there is a problem (for example, if there are missing RPM dependencies on the server), then address the issue, and run oakcli validate again.


    These commands run only on the local node. Run the commands on both nodes to check both Oracle Database Appliance nodes.

  4. (Optional) Run the oakcli update -patch release --verify command on Node 0 and Node 1 to view the proposed changes included in the patch.
    When the Supported Version of a component is Up-to-date on the report, the existing version on the system is current and that component is not patched. For example, the patch upgrades the OAK component from Installed Version to Proposed Version For Component OL, the Installed Version is 6.8 and is Up-to-date.
    # oakcli update -patch --verify
    INFO: 2017-02-13 14:20:37: Reading the metadata file now...
    Patch Version         Component Name        Installed Version           Proposed
    ---------------       ------------------    -----------------           ----------
                         Controller_INT               4.230.40-3739          Up-to-date
                         Expander                     0291                   Up-to-date
                         SSD_SHARED {                              
                          [c2d20,c2d21,c2d22,c2d23]   A29A                   Up-to-date
                           c2d19 ]                    A29A                   Up-to-date
                         SSD_LOCAL                    0R3Q                   Up-to-date
                         ILOM                r112632 r114611
                         BIOS                         38050100               38070000
                         IPMI                              Up-to-date
                         OL                           6.8                    Up-to-date
                                                     6101,23854735)            2082,24828633)
                                                     4246,23054327)            2082,24828633)
                         ASR                         5.5.1                   Up-to-date

Step 4: Patch the Server

Use Oracle Appliance Manager (oakcli update -patch) to patch the server. You can use automatic (rolling) or manual patching.


If you have Oracle Database 11.2 or 12.1 that is using Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) and you want to upgrade to a higher release of Oracle Database, then you must be on at least Oracle Database Appliance and Database Home  Known issues with Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) on earlier versions are preventing the REDO diskgroup from mounting for databases.

The upgrade path for Oracle Database 11.2 or 12.1 Oracle ASM is as follows:

  • If you are on Oracle Database Appliance version or later, then upgrade to before upgrading your database.

  • If you are on Oracle Database Appliance version or earlier, then upgrade to, and then upgrade again to before upgrading your database.

For all database versions and storage, if you are using Oracle Database Appliance version or earlier, you must upgrade to before upgrading to a higher version of Oracle Database Appliance. Changes introduced in the earlier release re-group the components and control the rolling of Oracle Database Appliance patching from one node to another.

Before patching, download the Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle from My Oracle Support, copy the patch to both nodes and unpack the bundles. Oracle recommends running commands to validate readiness for patching.


Before patching Oracle Database Appliance, verify that a database is successfully deployed on Oracle Database Appliance. Run the oakcli orachk command to confirm that the initial deployment completed successfully.

Automatic Server Patch Procedure

The automatic server patching process is a rolling upgrade that automatically patches Node 0 after patching Node 1. This automatic procedure enables Oracle Grid Infrastructure to continue to be up and running on one of the nodes during patching.

  1. Download the Oracle Database Appliance server patch bundle from My Oracle Support to Node 0.

  2. Log in to Node 0 as the root user.

  3. Run the command oakcli update -patch version --server, where version is the Patch Bundle version. Either patch automatically or locally.

    #/opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli update -patch --server

    This command patches the server on Node 1. After that patch update is complete, it then automatically patches Node 0

  4. Observe the patch status reports.

    As the patch runs, it displays output that advises you of the installation progress. Part of the server patch update requires node 1 to be restarted, then node 0 to be restarted. Wait until Node 0 shuts down and completes restarting before proceeding to the next step.

Manual Server Patch Procedure

You can manually control patching the nodes. The manual server patching process requires you to log in to a node and run Oracle Appliance Manager (oakcli) using a local node server patch update. After you complete the patch procedure on the first node, log into the second node, and patch the second node.

  1. Download the Oracle Database Appliance server patch bundle from My Oracle Support to Node 0.

  2. Log in to Node 0 as the root user.

  3. Run the Oracle Appliance Manager command oakcli update -patch version --server --local, where version is the Patch Bundle version.

    #/opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli update -patch --server --local

    The Oracle Appliance Manager command carries out the patch on Node 0. As the patch runs, it displays output that advises you of the installation progress.

  4. Oracle Appliance Manager prompts you to restart the node. Restart the node, and wait until Node 0 shuts down and completes restarting before proceeding to the next step.

  5. Log out of Node 0, and log in to Node 1 as the root user.

  6. Run Oracle Appliance Manager on Node 1 using the --local flag to patch the server.

    For example:

    #/opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli update -patch --server --local
  7. Oracle Appliance Manager prompts you to restart the node. Restart the node, and wait until Node 0 shuts down and completes restarting.

When both servers are patched and restarted, proceed to the next step.

Related Topics

Step 5: Patch the Shared Storage (Optional)

Use this procedure to patch the shared storage now, or during a maintenance window.

Patching the storage requires downtime when shared components are being patched and might require rebooting the nodes.

The storage patch updates shared storage, including the Controller (Control_EXT), SSD (SSD_SHARE), HDD (HDD_SHARE), and Expander. While not required, Oracle recommends patching storage.

Do not apply the storage patch until the server is successfully patched on both nodes.

Before patching, run the command oakcli update -patch release --verify, where release is the Patch Bundle version, and review the output:

  • If "Up-to-date" appears in the Proposed Patch Version for the Control_EXT, SSD_SHARE, and HDD_SHARE storage components, then you do not need to apply the storage patch.

  • If any of the storage components require updating, then stop the Oracle stack on both nodes before patching. 

Start the storage patching command only on the first node (Node 0). The command patches storage for both nodes at the same time.

  1. Log into Node 0 as the root user.
  2. Stop the shared repository on both nodes by running the command oakcli stop repo repo_name, where repo_name is the name of the shared repository being patched.
    #/opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli stop repo shared_repo1
  3. Run the command oakcli update -patch version --storage, where version is the Patch Bundle version.

    For example, run the following command to patch storage to release

    #/opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli update -patch --storage

    The storage patch runs, and automatically installs itself on both nodes. The output displayed by the patch process advises you of the installation progress. If you are running this step in sequence, then wait for the patch to complete before proceeding to the next step.

    If a failure occurs, then you can restart the patching process by reissuing the same command.

  4. Start the shared repository on both nodes by running the command oakcli start repo repo_name, where repo_name is the name of the shared repository being patched.
    #/opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli start repo shared_repo1

Step 6: Patch Oracle Database

Apply the Oracle Database Appliance Patch Bundle to update Oracle Database on Node 0 and Node 1.

  1. Run the command oakcli show databases on Node 0.
    For example:
    #oakcli show databases
    Name Type     Storage  HomeName         HomeLocation                               Version
    ---- ----     -------  --------         ------------                               -------
    db1 RAC        ASM    OraDb12102_home1 /u01/app/oracle/product/,20831110)
    db2 SINGLE     ASM    OraDb12102_home2 /u01/app/oracle/product/,21948344)
    db3 RACOneNode ASM    OraDb12102_home3 /u01/app/oracle/product/,20831110)
    db4 RAC        ASM    OraDb12102_home4 /u01/app/oracle/product/,21948344)


    You cannot perform individual database updates for databases running in the same home. All databases running in the homes that you update are patched to the Oracle Database 12c release 1 patch for Oracle Database Appliance ( For Oracle Database 11.2, the database is patched to

  2. Run the oakcli update -patch version --database command, on Node 0 only. The command automatically patches both nodes. If you have more than one database home that can be patched, then the software provides a selection list. You can select, one, a set, or all of the Oracle Database homes to upgrade.
    # oakcli update -patch --database
  3. After the update command completes on both nodes, run the command oakcli show databases on Node 0 to verify that the database version is updated.

    #oakcli show databases

Step 7: Validate the Patch Update

Run the command oakcli show version -detail to verify that all components of the Oracle Database Appliance patch installation are updated.

When you apply the patch and then run the command oakcli show version -detail, the output shows the installed version and that the supported versions are Up-to-date. If you unpack the patch bundle (oakcli unpack -pack) and then run the command oakcli show version -detail before applying the patch, the output shows that the supported versions are No-update.

To confirm that your Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database software components are updated, run the following command:

# /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli show version -detail 

Mon May 23 03:31:48 PST 2017 
Reading the metadata. It takes a while... 
System Version   Component Name             Installed Version          Supported  Version 
--------------   ---------------           ------------------         -----------------                                                                    
                Controller_INT            4.650.00-7176             Up-to-date
                Controller_EXT            Up-to-date
                Expander                  0291                      Up-to-date
                SSD_SHARED {                                                  
                [ c2d20,c2d21,c2d22,      A29A                      Up-to-date
                c2d23 ]                                                      
                [ c2d0,c2d1,c2d2,c2d      A29A                      Up-to-date
                c2d18,c2d19 ]                                                
                SSD_LOCAL                 A29A                      Up-to-date
                ILOM             r116695       Up-to-date
                BIOS                      38070200                  Up-to-date
                IPMI                              Up-to-date
                HMP                              Up-to-date
                OAK                          Up-to-date
                OL                        6.9                       Up-to-date
                GI_HOME               Up-to-date
                DB_HOME               Up-to-date

Performing a Bare Metal Restore

Reimage Oracle Database Appliance to perform a bare metal restore of Oracle Database Appliance.

About Performing a Bare Metal Restore

Bare metal operating system (OS) re-imaging installs Oracle Database Appliance operating system software on the local (boot) drive.

Bare Metal is a non-virtualized Oracle Database Appliance configuration. Oracle Database Appliance ships from the factory with a bare metal configuration, default ISO image and Appliance Manager installed.

Use the OS ISO Image to restore the OS to the "shipped from factory" state. Use only when necessary. Reimaging does not patch the firmware or update the component versions, it only re-images the local system disk from an OS perspective. After imaging is completed, redeploy the End User image, then restore from backup, as needed.

The following are some of the reasons that you might want to reimage to perform a bare metal restore:

  • Deploy Bare Metal with latest Oracle Database Appliance software.

    In some cases, the Oracle Database Appliance machine is shipped from the factory with an earlier release of Oracle Database Appliance software. To deploy the machine with the latest software, you can perform an update or you can reimage the machine.

  • Roll back to an earlier version of Oracle Database Appliance software.

    Re-imaging with older release of Oracle Database Appliance software does not rollback the firmware version.

Use the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) interface to reimage the Oracle Database Appliance node.

Downloading an ISO Image for Bare Metal Restore

Download the Oracle Database Appliance Bare Metal ISO image on your local machine.

Download patch 12999313 for the Oracle Database Appliance Bare Metal ISO Image to prepare for a bare metal restore for Oracle Database Appliance.

  1. Log into My Oracle Support.
  2. Download the Oracle Database Appliance Bare Metal ISO Image and extract the files.
    1. Locate patch 12999313 for the Oracle Database Appliance Bare Metal ISO Image.
    2. Select the patch version for release
    3. Click Download to download the zip file.
    4. Extract the files.
      #unzip p12999313_122130_Linux-x86-64.zip 

Re-imaging Oracle Database Appliance

Re-image Oracle Database Appliance to perform a bare metal restore of Oracle Database Appliance.

Bare metal restore uses Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) to reimage the Oracle Database Appliance node. For Oracle Database Appliance models earlier than X5-2, go to My Oracle Support and locate MOS Note 1373599.1.


Bare metal OS re-imaging is specific to the node on which the procedure is executed and overwrites the local storage (operating system) on that node. You must reimage both nodes.


To use Oracle Database Appliance Virtualized Platform, you must reimage Oracle Database Appliance with the virtualized VM ISO image and the VM Template instead of the OS ISO image.

Newer ILOM versions require that the Java client be on jre-7-linux-i586.rpm or higher to be able to launch the remote console.

Download the Oracle Database Appliance Bare Metal ISO image to your local machine before you launch the ILOM console.

  1. Open a browser and connect to Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) on Node 0 as root.
  2. Launch the Remote Console.
    1. Expand Remote Control in the left navigation.
    2. Click the Redirection tab.
    3. Click Launch for the Remote Console in the Actions menu.
      The state of the system determines what appears on the Console page.
  3. Add the image.
    1. Click the KVMS tab, then select Storage.
    2. Click Add.
    3. Browse to the Oracle Database Appliance Bare Metal ISO Image, highlight the image, then click Select.
    4. Click Connect.
      The mounting of the ISO image is successful when the Connect button changes to a Disconnect button.
    5. Click OK
      The CD-ROM icon in the top right corner is highlighted.
  4. Configure the CD-ROM as the next boot device.
    1. Expand Host Management in the left menu of the ILOM Remote Console tab.
    2. Click Host Control.
    3. Select CDROM from the Next Boot Device menu, then click Save.
  5. Power cycle the node.
    1. Click Power Control in the Host Management menu.
    2. Select Power Cycle , then click Save.

    When the node comes back after the power cycle, re-imaging starts automatically. The Oracle Linux page appears, followed by the Running Post-Install scripts page.

    The Running Post-Install scripts page is a static page and might give the impression that the reimaging process is not progressing. The post-install process during reimaging will wait until the synchronization between the partitions of the two mirrored local hard disks is complete, which can take 15 to 20 minutes to complete.

    To check the progress of resynchronization, press the ALT-F2 key combination to open a second console and enter the following command:

    # cat /proc/mdstat

    When the resynchronization is complete, re-imaging is completed and the machine restarts.

  6. Repeat the procedure for Node 1.
    Reimaging is node specific. You must reimage both nodes.
  7. After re-imaging both nodes, verify that the installed version and supported version are up-to-date for each component on Oracle Database Appliance.
    # /opt/oracle/oak/bin/oakcli show version -detail
  8. If components are not up-to-date, update the components to the latest version.