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Oracle Agile Engineering Data Management Server Installation Guide on Windows and UNIX
Release e6.2.1.0
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5 Agile e6 Batch Installation

This chapter describes the batch installation of the Agile e6 Server components. As the Agile e6.2.1.0 installer is fully batch enabled, all installation tasks can be done in batch mode with the batch scripts batchinstall.csh and batchinstall.cmd which can be found in the directory (<installation-media-path\installer)

5.1 Introduction

As described in the previous chapters, you can either do a complete Agile e6 installation with native EDM Server, File Server and WebLogic domains or a component-based installation installing certain components individually.

In Batch mode you can do a Master Installation for all components or for certain components which is defined by the respective parameters. In addition you can copy an existing Master Installation (Clone Installation) or execute a J2EE Installation or DFM site installation.


The Clone and J2EE Installation require a Master Installation first to create the respective wallets/encrypted password needed when running the batch installation.

The following parameters are available

Parameter Components
ALL The native EDM Server, File Server and WebLogic domains with all deployments.
E6S The native EDM Server.
E6F The native EDM Server and the File Server.
E6J The native EDM Server and WebLogic domains with all deployments.
DFM The File Server, FMS Java Daemon, and the Tomcat server with the DFM deployments.
FMS The File Server.
J2EE The WebLogic domains with all deployments.

Before you can run a Batch Installation, you need to adapt your specific installation attributes in the properties file.

We recommend using the templates provided in the folder <install-media-path>/installer/properties to make sure that all attributes are included / defined in the respective properties file. If attributes are missing, the batch installation might not be successful and needs to re-run.

The following list shows all Batch Installation parameters and the related properties template.

Parameter Example properties file
ALL tpl_installation.properties
E6S tpl_installation.properties
E6F tpl_installation.properties
E6J tpl_installation.properties
DFM examples/batch_install_dfm.properties
FMS examples/batch_install_fms.properties
J2EE tpl_installation.properties

Depending on the selected parameter, you need to define the respective properties in the properties file:


When initially adapting the properties file, leave any <password> attributes empty as they will be updated later with encrypted passwords created by the EPKEYTOOL in connection with creating wallets. More information on wallets and encrypted passwords can be found in the Agile EDM Security Guide.

Property Description
plm.databasedefinition.dbhost Host name of the Oracle 12cR1 Database server.
plm.j2eeappserver.jadehost Host name where the Java Daemon is/will be running.
plm.j2eeappserver.fmsjadehost Host name where the FMS Java Daemon is/will be running.
plm.j2eeappserver.adminserver_password Password of the WebLogic administration user (weblogic) for the installation domain.
plm.application.j2eehost Host name where WebLogic is running (the WebLogic Server host name).
plm.application.httphost Host name where the Agile e6 Web Client can be reached over HTTP (the WebLogic server hostname).
plm.application.dbpassword Password of the database user for the application.
plm.application.mailrelay: To send emails with the business services, define the name of your SMTP mail server. Otherwise use "nn".
plm.application.mail_auth_user User name if the Mail Authentication for your SMTP mail server is activated. Leave it empty if the plm.application.mail_use_authentication property is set to false.
plm.application.mail_auth_password Password if the Mail Authentication for your SMTP mail server is activated. If the plm.application.mail_use_authentication property is set to false, leave it empty.
plm.application.plm_auth_provider_password Password of the WebLogic user PlmAuthenticatorDSUser, which secures the Data Source PlmAuthenticatorDS that is used by the PLM Authentication provider.
plm.application.adminserver_password Password of the WebLogic administration user (weblogic) for the application domain.
plm.inst.wallets.private.archive Master or DFM Batch Installations - Full path (incl. filename) for the to be created private wallets archive.

Clone or J2EE Batch Installations - Full path (incl. filename) to the existing private wallets archive from the Master installation.

plm.inst.wallets.public.archive Master Installation- Full path (incl. filename) for the to be created public wallets archive.

Clone, J2EE or DFM Batch Installations - Full path (incl. filename) to the existing public wallets archive from the Master installation.

plm.javadaemon.admpwd Password for the administration interface of the Java Daemon.
Plm.userdefinition.priv_password Password of the local Windows user which is used by the following service: File Server.
Plm.userdefinition.unpriv_password Password of the local Windows user which is used by the following services: EDM Server, Java, FMS Java, and Portmapper.
plm.application.managerpassword Apply the password which the plm 'manager' user of the created application should have.

This password property must only be defined if you define property "plm.application.dumpimport=true".

plm.applicationserverdefinition.ora_inventory_unix_group Not used on Windows. Please see the UNIX section below. Please remove the <CHANGETHIS> from the entry on Windows.

After having defined your properties file, you can call your batch script with the following components.

        Windows: batchinstall.csh <properties files><components>
        Unix: batchinstall.cmd <properties files><components>


The parameter INIT has to be executed once before using the parameters WALLET or DFMWALLET. You can then use the other parameters listed below. The WALLET option must also be executed while doing a J2EE component based installation. This will set up the wallets which are required when using the Administration Client.

Parameter Components
INIT Initial task which has to be executed once for an installation.
WALLET Create the required server wallets.
DFMWALLET Create the required wallets for a DFM site.

5.2 Master Installation

With the Master Installation, the native EDM Server, File Server and WebLogic domains with all deployments are installed in batch mode.

5.2.1 Requirements

  • All prerequisites mentioned in the Prerequisite Guide for Agile are met before performing the batch installation.

  • Deploying the J2EE application in batch modes requires a WebLogic Node Manager which has been configured and is running. WebLogic domains will be setup and started during the batch installation (Component-based Installation).

  • Database Client and Server, and WebLogic Server installation have to be available. The Database must be running before starting to install Agile e6 J2EE and EDM Server Complete Installation).

5.2.2 Create and update the batch properties file


  1. Copy the example property file from <installation-media-path>/installer/properties/tpl_installation.properties to <installation-media-path>/installer/properties/installation.properties

    This file contains the default values for a Windows batch installation


    Use double backslashes for plm.inst.root, plm.applicationserverdefinition.mw_home, and plm.applicationserverdefinition.domain_root on Windows:
    e.g. plm.inst.root=C:\\plm621

    Use quadruple backslashes for plm.fileserver.destination on Windows

    e.g. plm.fileserver.destination:C\\\\fms

  2. Enter the values for all properties with value <CHANGETHIS> but leave any parameters <password...> empty as these will be added later. .


    '$' character in property values should be replaced with '$$'.

    e.g. the property value 'pa$$word$' has to be changed to 'pa$$$$word$$'

  3. Check if the remaining values match your environment and/or change the values if you do not want to use the default values.


On a UNIX operating system, you need to change the following properties, which also contain a directory path:

Property Description
plm.inst.root The destination directory for the Agile e6 installation.
plm.databaseconnection.client_home The path to the existing 32-bit Oracle 12cR1 Database client.
plm.fileserver.destination: The destination path for the File Server installation.
plm.applicationserverdefinition.ora_inventory_unix_home Inventory root directory for the Oracle Universal Installer for WebLogic.
plm.applicationserverdefinition.ora_inventory_unix_group: Name of the group which has write permissions to create/update the Oracle Home Inventory directory for the WebLogic server
plm.applicationserverdefinition.mw_home The Oracle Home directory under which the Middleware software is installed.
plm.applicationserverdefinition.domain_root: The root directory where the Agile e6 WebLogic domains should be created.
plm.wls.installer Full path to the WebLogic installer jar file.
plm.wls.java.executable.name The Windows name is the default.The value for UNIX is commented out below it. Reverse the comments for the two lines.

5.2.3 Initialize the Batch Installation


  1. Open an Administrative command shell and change to the installer directory:

    cd <installation-media-path>\installer
  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the installed Java Development Kit. This has to be a 64-bit Java 8 Development Kit.

    set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_<update_number>
  3. Execute the following command in your previously opened command shell:

    batchinstall.cmd properties/installation.properties INIT


  1. Open a csh shell and change to the installer directory:

    cd <install-media-path>/installer
  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the installed Java Development Kit. This has to be a 64-bit Java 8 Development Kit.

    setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/java/jjdk1.8.0_<update_number>
  3. Execute the following command in your previously opened csh shell:

    ./batchinstall.csh properties/installation.properties INIT |& tee installation.log

The log files can be found in the directory

Windows: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\agile\installer\6.2.1\log

Unix: ${HOME}/.agile/installer/6.2.1/log

5.2.4 Create the Master Oracle Wallet Packages


For more information about wallets refer tot he Agile EDM Security Guide

  1. Edit the installation.properties file and change the following properties

    • plm.inst.wallets.private.archive=<Full path (incl. filename) for the newly created private wallets archive>

    • plm.inst.wallets.public.archive=<Full path (incl. filename) for the to be created public wallets archive>


  2. Execute the following command in your command shell:


    batchinstall.cmd properties\installation.properties WALLET


    ./batchinstall.csh properties/installation.properties WALLET

This command creates the master Oracle wallet packages which you must use for the other installation modes (Clone, J2EE, DFM).

  • The agile-edm-private-wallets.zip contains the master Oracle wallets (Including the private keys). This ZIP file must be protected against unauthorized access! Use secure transfer methods when you install other servers.

  • The agile-edm-public-wallets.zip contains the public key of the master server Oracle wallet.

5.2.5 Encrypt Passwords

Some of the properties which you have to change in the installation.properties file are passwords.

You have to enter them encrypted to secure your installation. The Agile e6 installer package provides the epkeytool to encrypt sensitive data.

To encrypt your passwords call the following command script:


tools\bin\epkeytool.bat -encryptpwd -keyStore file://%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\agile\installer\6.2.1\wallets\installation\AgileInstallation62\wallet\private\server\cwallet.sso -keyAlias orakey

The epkeytool prompts for the password to encrypt and copies them to the clipboard.


tools/bin/epkeytool.sh -encryptpwd -keyStore file://${HOME}/.agile/installer/6.2.1/wallets/installation/AgileInstallation62/wallet/private/server/cwallet.sso -keyAlias orakey

The epkeytool prompts for the password to encrypt and prints the encrypted password in the command shell.


Please make sure that the created installation.properties file is either highly secured, or will be deleted once the installation is done, because it contains passwords.

5.2.6 Update the installation.properties file with the encrypted passwords

  1. Open the property file from <install-media-path>/installer/properties/installation.properties.

  2. Copy the encrypted password to the correct place in the installation.properties file.

    • plm.application.adminserver_password

    • plm.application.dbpassword

    • plm.application.mail_auth_password

    • plm.application.plm_auth_provider_password

    • plm.j2eeappserver.adminserver_password

    • plm.userdefinition.priv_password

    • plm.userdefinition.unpriv_password

    • plm.application.managerpassword

5.2.7 Execute the Batch Installation

  1. Execute the following command in your command shell:


    batchinstall.cmd properties\installation.properties ALL


    ./batchinstall.csh properties/installation.properties ALL

The complete server installation is executed and will take about 20 min.

A log file, installation.log tis created in the directory %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\agile\installer\6.2.1\log. It will be overwritten every time you will call batchinstall.cmd again.

After the installation the following Agile6 environments are created:

Windows Services Following Windows Services are available but not started:
  • AgilePLM_Fileservice

  • AgilePLM_JavaDaemon

  • AgilePLM_FMS_JavaDaemon

  • AgilePLM_Portmapper

WegLogic Domains During the installation, 2 domains were created. Each domain consists of an AdminServer and an Agile eSeries-01 server.
  • The AdminServer is only for the administration of the domain.

  • The Agile eSeries-01 servers contain the Agile e6 deployments.

The domains directory, as defined in plm.applicationserverdefinition.domain_root, contains the domains eSeries_domain, and eSeries_domain_plmref.

Ports E6 AdminClient -> 8030

Java Daemon -> 16087

Fileservice -> 804257548

"plmref" BusinessService ECI Port -> 19997

"plmref" WebServices ECI Port -> 19998

WebLogic eSeries_domain -> AdminServer -> 7101

WebLogic eSeries_domain -> AdminServer, SSL -> 7102

WebLogic eSeries_domain ->eSeries-01 -> 7103

WebLogic eSeries_domain ->eSeries-01, SSL -> 7104

WebLogic eSeries_domain_plmref -> AdminServer -> 7105

WebLogic eSeries_domain_plmref -> AdminServer, SSL -> 7106

WebLogic eSeries_domain_plmref -> eSeries-01 -> 7107

WebLogic eSeries_domain_plmref -> eSeries-01, SSL -> 7108

WebLogic Node Manager -> 5559

Oracle Database Listener -> 1521

Links Java Client WebStart:

Web Client:

DaemonAdminServlet: https://<servername>:7104/DaemonAdminServlet



WebLogic Admin Console:

eSeries_domain: https://<servername>:7102/console


5.3 Clone Installation

If you want to create another server installation based on the master installation, use the Clone Installation option.

5.3.1 Requirements

  • All prerequisites mentioned in the Prerequisite Guide for Agile are met before performing the batch installation.

  • Deploying the J2EE application in batch modes requires a WebLogic Node Manager which has been configured and is running. WebLogic domains will be setup and started during the batch installation.

  • Database Client and Server, and WebLogic Server installation have to be available. The Database must be running before starting to install Agile e6 J2EE and EDM Server.

  • To create another server installation based on the master installation you need to copy three files from your master installation:

    • installation.properties

    • agile-edm-private-wallets.zip

    • agile-edm-public-wallets.zip

5.3.2 Create and Update batch property file

  1. Copy the tpl_installation.porperties file from <installation-media-path>/installer/properties/tpl_installation.properties to <installation-media-path>/installer/properties/installation.properties.

  2. Edit the installation.properties file and change the following properties

    • plm.inst.wallets.private.archive=<Full path (incl. filename) to the existing private wallet archive>

    • plm.inst.wallets.public.archive=<Full path (incl. filename) to the existing public wallets archive>


  3. Check the host names and ports in the installation.properties file and change them to meet your infrastructure.

    For example the following host settings should point to the server where you execute the installation:

    • plm.j2eeappserver.jadehost

    • plm.j2eeappserver.fmsjadehost

    • plm.application.j2eehost

    • plm.application.httphost

    There might be some additional host settings that need to be adapted.

  4. Deactivate the DUMP import copying the installation.properties file to the <install-media-path>/installer/properties folder and change the following line:


5.3.3 Initialize and Execute Batch Script


  1. Open an Administrative command shell and change to the installer directory:

    cd <installation-media-path>\installer
  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the installed Java Development Kit. This has to be a 64-bit Java 8 Development Kit.

    set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_<update_number>
  3. Execute the following command in your previously opened command shell:

    batchinstall.cmd properties\installation.properties INIT
  4. Execute the following command in your previously opened command shell:

    batchinstall.cmd properties\installation.properties WALLET
  5. Execute the following command in your previously opened command shell:

    batchinstall.cmd properties\installation.properties ALL


  1. Open a csh shell and change to the installer directory:

    cd <install-media-path>/installer
  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the installed Java Development Kit. This has to be a 64-bit Java 8 Development Kit.

    setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_<update_number>
  3. Execute the following command in your previously opened csh shell:

    ./batchinstall.csh properties/installation.properties INIT |& tee installation.log
  4. Execute the following command in your previously opened csh shell:

    ./batchinstall.csh properties/installation.properties WALLET |& tee installation.log
  5. Execute the following command in your previously opened csh shell:

    ./batchinstall.csh properties/installation.properties ALL |& tee installation.log

The clone installation is executed.

A log file, installation.log tis created in the directory %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\agile\installer\6.2.1\log. It will be overwritten every time you will call batchinstall.cmd again.

After the installation the same Agile6 environments are created as described in the Master Installation above.

5.4 J2EE Installation

This component-based installation will install the WebLogic domains with all deployments on your a separate server.

5.4.1 Requirements

  • All prerequisites mentioned in the Prerequisite Guide for Agile are met before performing the batch installation.

  • Deploying the J2EE application in batch modes requires a WebLogic Node Manager which has been configured and is running. WebLogic domains will be setup and started during the batch installation.

  • Database Client and Server, and WebLogic Server installation have to be available. The Database must be running before starting to install Agile e6 J2EE and EDM Server.

  • To create a J2EE installation based on the master installation you need to copy the following three files from your master installation

    • installation.properties

    • agile-edm-private-wallets.zip

    • agile-edm-public-wallets.zip

5.4.2 Create and Update batch property file

  1. Copy the installation.properties file (template: tpl_installation.properties) to the folder <install-media-path>/installer/properties

  2. Edit the installation.properties file and change the following properties

    • plm.inst.wallets.private.archive=<Full path (incl. filename) to the existing private wallet archive>

    • plm.inst.wallets.public.archive=<Full path (incl. filename) to the existing public wallets archive>


  3. Check the host names and ports in the installation.properties file and change them to meet your infrastructure.

    For example the following host settings should point to the server where you execute the installation:

    • plm.j2eeappserver.jadehost

    • plm.j2eeappserver.fmsjadehost

    For example the following host settings should point to an Agile e6 native server which should be used from your J2EE installation:

    • plm.j2eeappserver.jadehost

    • plm.j2eeappserver.fmsjadehost

    There might be some additional host settings that need to be adapted.

  4. Deactivate the DUMP import copying the installation.properties file to the <install-media-path>/installer/properties folder and change the following line:


5.4.3 Initialize and Execute the Batch Script


  1. Open an Administrative command shell and change to the installer directory:

    cd <installation-media-path>\installer
  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the installed Java Development Kit. This has to be a 64-bit Java 8 Development Kit.

    setenv JAVA_HOME \usr\local\java/jdk1.8.0_<update_number>
  3. Execute the following command in your previously opened command shell:

    batchinstall.cmd properties\installation.properties INIT
  4. Execute the following command in your previously opened command shell:

    batchinstall.cmd properties\installation.properties WALLET
  5. Execute the following command in your previously opened command shell:

    batchinstall.cmd properties\installation.properties J2EE


  1. Open a csh shell and change to the installer directory:

    cd <install-media-path>/installer
  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the installed Java Development Kit. This has to be a 64-bit Java 8 Development Kit.

    setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_<update_number>
  3. Execute the following command in your previously opened csh shell:

    ./batchinstall.csh properties/installation.properties INIT |& tee installation.log
  4. Execute the following command in your previously opened csh shell:

    ./batchinstall.csh properties/installation.properties WALLET |& tee installation.log
  5. Execute the following command in your previously opened csh shell:

    ./batchinstall.csh properties/installation.properties J2EE |& tee installation.log

The J2EE installation is executed.

A log file, installation.log tis created in the directory %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\agile\installer\6.2.1\log. It will be overwritten every time you will call batchinstall.cmd again.

5.5 DFM Batch Installation

The batchinstall script with the DFM option will install the following components:

  • Tomcat with the Metro web service stack

    • On Windows it will create a service entry for starting the Tomcat

    • Deployments for:

      • Java Client WebStart

      • Wrapper for the AutoVue viewer

      • Agile e6 AutoVue Integration

      • Web Fileservice

      • Streaming Fileservice

  • FMS Java Daemon

  • File Server

5.5.1 Requirements

  • All prerequisites mentioned in the Prerequisite Guide for Agile are met before performing the batch installation.

  • The latest Tomcat version 8 with Java 8 64-Bit has to be installed on the DFM site(s) server. The Tomcat 8 core binary distribution can be downloaded from http://tomcat.apache.org/


    Only on Windows the Tomcat 8 64-bit version is supported by the batch installation

    The Metro web service stack has to be installed too if File Web Services are used. The Metro web service stack zip archive can be downloaded from http://metro.java.net/


    Tomcat 8 and the Metro web service stack can be installed with the batch installation for the FMS services.

  • A fully extracted Agile e6 package from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud on the DFM site(s) server.

5.5.2 Create and Update Batch Property File


When initially adapting the properties file, leave any <password> attributes empty as they will be updated later with encrypted passwords created by the EPKEYTOOL in connection with creating wallets. More information on wallets and encrypted passwords can be found in the Agile EDM Security Guide.

  1. Copy the <installation-media-path>/installer/properties/examples/batch_install_dfm.properties to the <installation-media-path>/installer/properties directory.

  2. Update the installation.properties file


5.5.3 Initialize Batch Installation


  1. Open an Administrative command shell and change to the installer directory:

    cd <installation-media-path>\installer
  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the installed Java Development Kit. This has to be a 64-bit Java 8 Development Kit.

    set JAVA_HOME=c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_<update_number>
  3. Execute the following command in your previously opened command shell:

    batchinstall.cmd properties/batch_install_dfm.properties INIT


  1. Open a csh shell and change to the installer directory:

    cd <install-media-path>/installer
  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the installed Java Development Kit. This has to be a 64-bit Java 8 Development Kit.

    setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_<update_number>
  3. Execute the following command in your previously opened csh shell:

    ./batchinstall.csh properties/batch_install_dfm.properties INIT |& tee installation.log

5.5.4 Create the DFM Oracle Wallet Package

  1. Copy the agile-edm-public-wallets.zip from your master installation to the location you have defined above

  2. Edit the batch_install_dfm.properties file and change the following properties

    • plm.inst.wallets.private.archive=<Full path (incl. filename) to the existing private wallet archive>

    • plm.inst.wallets.public.archive=<Full path (incl. filename) to the existing public wallets archive>

  3. Execute the following command in your previously opened shell.


    batchinstall.cmd properties\batch_install_dfm.properties DFMWALLET


    ./batchinstall.csh properties/batch_install_dfm.properties DFMWALLET |& tee installation.log

    This command creates the DFM Oracle wallet package which is used to encrypt local passwords.

    • The agile-edm-private-wallets.zip contains the local DFM Oracle wallets (Including the private keys).

5.5.5 Encrypt Passwords

Some of the properties which you have to change in the batch_install_dfm.properties file are passwords.

You have to enter them encrypted to secure your installation. The Agile e6 installer package provides the epkeytool to encrypt sensitive data.

To encrypt your passwords call the following command script:


tools\bin\epkeytool.bat -encryptpwd -keyStore file://%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\agile\installer\6.2.1\wallets\installation\AgileInstallation62\wallet\private\server\cwallet.sso -keyAlias orakey


tools/bin/epkeytool.sh -encryptpwd -keyStore file://${HOME}/.agile/installer/6.2.1/wallets/installation/AgileInstallation62/wallet/private/server/cwallet.sso -keyAlias orakey

The epkeytool prompts for the password to encrypt and prints the encrypted password in the command shell.

5.5.6 Update the installation.properties file with the encrypted passwords

  1. Open the property file from <install-media-path>/installer/properties/installation.properties.

  2. Copy the encrypted password to the correct place in the installation.properties file.

    • plm.application.adminserver_password

    • plm.application.dbpassword

    • plm.application.mail_auth_password

    • plm.application.plm_auth_provider_password

    • plm.j2eeappserver.adminserver_password

    • plm.userdefinition.priv_password

    • plm.userdefinition.unpriv_password

    • plm.application.managerpassword

5.5.7 Execute the Batch Installation

  1. Execute the following commands in your previously opened shell:


batchinstall.cmd properties/batch_install_dfm.properties DFM


./batchinstall.csh properties/batch_install_dfm.properties DFM |& tee installation.log

The DFM installation is executed.

A log file, installation.log tis created in the directory %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\agile\installer\6.2.1\log. It will be overwritten every time you will call batchinstall.cmd again.